Would you??

Ask yourself how u would feel if you saw your brother pounding your wifes pussy .... If you are okay with the thought... Go for it!
sofiaofhouston's Avatar
I think they are working on dogs that can sniff out "cheaters". Anything else probably involves high tech devices to monitor every aspect of your life. Originally Posted by whitechocolate
Note To Self - Mase every dog just in case.
EastDago, My recommendation is to tell the wife you felt highly uncomfortable with the visit. Do not incriminate yourself, but warn her of the flirtation. You will notice how quickly it stops, or you have the wife's permission to act. It is possible, your wife is just as hot, the fruit doesnt fall far from the tree. ijs.
Brer Rabbit's Avatar
^ Excellent advice. Might find out the sisters enjoy each other's pleasures and might extend an invitation to join. Just a mention will either get wifey to put sister in her place, or get you an invitation.

Under any other circumstances, stay FAR AWAY and play only the hobby. That's why it exists.
pyramider's Avatar
Lay the pipe on the sister and then do the mom, then the aunt, ...
Watch the movie "Sex, Lies, and Videotape", this is going on in a different context in it. It eventually goes off like a bomb. Don't do it unless you have your shit locked down with a bulletproof prenup.
brother-in-law...No Originally Posted by tbone2u
Lay the pipe on the sister and then do the mom, then the aunt, ... Originally Posted by pyramider
Me thinks these fella's are wise beyond their years
whitechocolate's Avatar
What did you decide? Lots of views. The reality for better or worse is that 99% of guys would fuck the sister in law. In a thread like this they can be rational and moral but when faced with a super hotttt almost nude sister in law, she becomes a must fuck. Guys have been fucking their sisters-in-law under the radar forever.
I'm gonna pass, find a provider who looks just like her, and fuck her like it's that last fuck on earth...lol
dearhunter's Avatar
Sarunga's Avatar
pussy Originally Posted by dearhunter
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a winner!

texxanguy's Avatar
They will all tell you that it will remain a secret, but the first time they need to use it for something, they will bust out with the story...... I cannot tell you the times a woman has agreed to keep bcd activities bcd.... Then, when you least expect it,
the story gets thrown in your face. Been there, done that, got the T-shirt and
bumper sticker.
I hobby because i like it and cant act like this in real life...Im saying all this to say its a VERY BAD IDEA to fuck your wifes sister. Happy Hobbying! *kisses*
blowpop's Avatar
Screwing around with someone close to your wife or girlfriend is a truly shitty thing to do. When you get caught, not only have you fucked up your relationship with her, but you've fucked up her relationship with someone else important to her.

Several years back I was sorely tempted by my GF's little sister. GF was 28, sister was 22 and a bangin' hottie. The opportunity arose, I turned her down, and when the GF found out, I had earned major brownie points. The threesome with a chick she went to school with was a pretty damn cool reward.

It's a big world. Pick someone else.
Phil A.Cheaux's Avatar
Jesus I am always amazed when someone seeks advice on this board about whether or not to fuck someone since it is based on finding as much and as many pussies as one can. LOL