Why Did Obama Win and What does it Mean for Republicans?

flghtr65's Avatar
Obama promised bipartisan health care reform. He lied.

Republican Senator Olympia Snow voted to put the ACA bill on the floor of the senate for an up/ down vote, which must happen before a bill can become law. Even the republicans like the fact that people with pre-existing conditions can not be denied the chance to purchase health insurance in the individual market.

Obama promised to end the wars. He lied

Obama did the surge in AG, but ended the War in Iraq. The stay behind force of 5, 000 troops are on the border of Syeria. The only thing the USA is doing over in Iraq is advising the coalition troops. The coalition troops have recovered over 45% of the land that was controlled by ISIS since January 2016. Fact Jack.

Obama promised to close Gitmo in one year. It's still open. He lied.

Impossible to work with Sen. Mitch McConnell who once said he would do everything possible to make sure Obama was a one term president.

Obama called the national debt under Bush outrageous and unpatriotic. He was right, but he has continued to increase the national debt every year. He lied.

The deficit is the lowest it has been since 2008. Obama inherited the steepest recession since the great depression from Bush43.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
There were a lot of issues to fix after 8 years of Bush and Dick Cheney.
flghtr65's Avatar
The reason Obama got re-elected is due mostly to demographics. The majority of people who vote today are a mixture of Hispanic, Black, and women, in addition to white males. Also, the younger vote is leaning democratic. The block of people voting GOP is growing smaller. Even though there are 43 percent of Americans who claim to be independent, a little more than half of them lean democratic. Originally Posted by SassySue
I agree with you for the 2012 election when Obama beat Mitt by 5 million votes. In the 2008 election Obama beat McCain by 10 million votes. Obama go a lot of independents to vote for him in that election.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
There were a lot of issues to fix after 8 years of Bush and Dick Cheney. Originally Posted by flghtr65
That's true. There are more now. And Hillary the liar is too incompetent to handle any of them.
Another Great Rant about the 0zombies...

There were a lot of issues to fix after 8 years of Bush and Dick Cheney. Originally Posted by flghtr65
I really think Obama wanted to do more. The GOP has control of the Senate and House. Obama was forced to pass bills that were not bipartisan or good for America. He was too soft and compliant in my opinion. I think he should have written more executive orders. I would have. Especially to get out of Iraq and waste more money on war.

Bills Republicans Have Blocked Since President Obama Took Office


Boehner’s ‘Bipartisan’ Bunk

Boehner has a very broad definition of “bipartisan.” He’s correct that almost all — 44 of the 46 — received at least 1 Democratic vote. But does that make a bill bipartisan?

It takes a two-thirds majority to override a presidential veto and all 33 of the bills that OMB objected to didn’t pass with veto-proof majorities in the House, so they likely would have gone nowhere even if the Republicans controlled the Senate — unless Republicans and the White House reached a compromise on true bipartisan bills.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
If the people truly supported Obama, they could have voted a Democrat Congress. And no one forced Obama to sign bills he knew were bad for America. If he did that, he should be removed from office. He signed bad bills because that is what his rulers told him to do.
flghtr65's Avatar
I think he should have written more executive orders. I would have. Especially to get out of Iraq and waste more money on war.

http://www.factcheck.org/2014/11/boe...partisan-bunk/ Originally Posted by SassySue
The USA does not have a large role in Iraq. The USA has advisors to the coalition forces and the USA has done the drone strikes. The coalition forces have improved and they have recovered over 45% of the land that was controlled by ISIS since Jan. 2016. (Fact Jack). Our troops do not have a combat role. The republicans would be screaming if we weren't doing something. Many republicans want us to send more troops.
