Ever Have a Provider Give You Money Back?

JohnnyYanks's Avatar
Why not just ask Angel for a regular's discount?

I'm guessing she would prefer a nice phone call/PM/question in private vs. a thread about her? Or are you hoping to shame her into it?
john_deere's Avatar
has a girl ever given me money back?

of course.

as soon as i start eating that pussy, they start THROWING money at me.

MaxiMilyen's Avatar
has a girl ever given me money back?

of course.

as soon as i start eating that pussy, they start THROWING money at me.

Originally Posted by john_deere
First time I've genuinely smiled in two days.....gotta love a confidant man! Thanks for that!
Audrey Astor's Avatar
I have given money back. It's hard to know when it is a tip and when an overpayment. I don't want to offend anyone, but don't want them to feel cheated either. I think sometimes when there is an overpayment, it is because the client truly does not know the actual donation amount for whatever reason. I had a guy leave double the donation amount! I did not open the envelope until he was gone. I have had clients pay for an hour and have to leave 15 minutes into the appointment for an emergency. In these situations I offer to return some of the donation or added time on their next appointment. There are actually a lot of really generous guys though. Yea!
RochBob's Avatar
I see Mr. JohnnyYanks has done a bit of Research. I never mentioned a specific Provider. This is meant to be a generic hypothetical question & not a slight against anyone.
AxelleVadnais's Avatar
Form time to time I have given money back for a variety of reasons.

One Gentleman came to me for a 3 hour session but started to have some health complications about 15-30 minutes in. I offered to give him back the entire amount minus what I paid for the hotel room. He refused and later on sent me an Amazon gift card as an apology/thank you gift. I don't remember what his issue was exactly but I had helped him to find and get in to a cab. A little nerve wreaking but, what can you do.

Another situation was where I met a gentleman who had highly suspicious looking bumps/tags around his genitals. I couldn't throw his money back at him fast enough!

I always try to put my sanity and well being before money. Mainly because I'd like to use my money for my creative pursuits over Medical and Therapy bills... haha!
Yes I had it happen once due to the unexpected appearance by "Aunt Flo"
Im sure I have given back money a few times over the years but the one time that stand out in my mind is when:

A wonderful gentleman had given me a donation for 1.5 hrs and also presented me with jewelry, wine and strawberrys, he went to a lot of trouble to make a special time for us.

We had finished one round when I got a phone call from the vets office that my beloved pet of 18 yrs was very close to passing away and I needed to get there to say good bye to her.

I have the gent back hlaf the donation and felt so sorry.
He said he understood.

I still feel bad about the whole thing to this day
Sorry for the Poll Run On Questions. The system kept telling me I had exceeded the 100 character limit. Properly spaced Poll responses below:

Men: The Provider offered to give the Money back or if local credit for next time.

Men: Nothing happened other than the Provider took the Payment (considered the overpayment a gift, tip, etc.).

Women: Offered to give the Money back or credit the client for next time.
I allow my regulars to prepay, especially if I am in a financial bind and he doesn't have much time to stay.
I've offered a dissatisfied customer a partial refund. I shouldn't mention this because I shouldn't have, I wouldn't, given the same situation today. I should explain, to protect my reputation as provider who aims to please. I have absolutely no problem with obese gentlemen. I in fact have a lot of compassion for them. And they are usually happy to let me control the session. For example, (I hope this is not oversharing) I'm not willing to bury my head under an apron of extra weight in order to (well, you know where I'm going with that) but I have no problem taking matters into my talented hands. I even happy to do it, even though it can be a chore. And, cowgirl is never my favorite position. But it is much more fun for me with a larger man. I have long legs, and a larger man allows me to saddle up tight to keep better balance. With that said, I'll explain the disgruntled client, who never mentioned or acknowledged that his condition was not exactly common. But he kept insisting that I use my mouth (though I've never had anyone complain about my hands, and I really enjoy it) I had to tell him that I'm not going to do that. I asked if he wanted to f*. He insisted on being on top. But there was too many layers in the way, and the condom wouldn't stay on. I had to say we're just not going to do it this way. If you can lay back and give me control, I can take care you. He put his clothes and stormed out, as he was going, I offered him a partial refund. He slammed the door and preceded to text me numerous times to say that I was the worst provider ever and that I should retire and that I'm old and ugly (I'm neither of those, by the way) Though I am in my 40's, and tomorrow being my birthday AGAIN, I'm feeling older than dirt. lol. I honestly don't look it and I'm definitely not ugly. I'm open to suggestions on how I could have handled the situation differently. I'm wondering what I good provider would have done. I'm sure that the best provider wouldn't have offered him a dime back. Sorry that this sort of turned into a rant, but it was not that long ago and still weighs on my mind. It bothers me that there is someone out there who has such hatred toward me. He said some pretty ugly things in his texts. Anyone with suggestions is welcome to pm me directly, to avoid changing the topic of this thread. Or, if it's inappropriate, moderators, please feel free to delete it completely or edit, with my apologies.
Women: Considered the overpayment a tip, gift, etc. Originally Posted by RochBob
Definitely, a tip/gift, but:
I ask that clients leave donations in the restroom and wash their hands upon arrival. We visit for a minute then I go to quickly freshen up, count and check for counterfeit bills. I make it a point to never mention money at all (that's the surest way that I've ever heard of to find yourself in trouble with LE). So If I find more than I expected, I will consider it a gift. But I will ask "how long can you stay with me today. If he says "an hour," and he's paid for more, I will say "oh, thank you very much" without mentioning money.

Occasionally I have done this. Both in a massage session and domme/dungeon session.
If there was an hour session booked and the client "finished early"
( like I'm talking 20 min to a hh early) I have offered to give some back.
rarely happens though . I try to make sure people get their full time.

There have also been times when a client has put down far too much
over the spoken donation rate and have notified them and given the
extra back.
That's just me though. I make enough not to be a greedy individual.
People remember things like that.
I had a two hour set with a young lady. Second visit. I've taken this babe to lunch, not a cheap place, she has a couple cocktails, and at the end of the meal she orders a take out meal for her daughter. I also bring her a bottle of wine to enjoy during the appointment.

Half way through the appointment she starts whining about having to get ready for a job interview. I tell her, this is two hours. She offers to give me some money back. This babe doesn't have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of. I tell her to keep the money and leave.

Haven't seen her since and never will.

You can shear a sheep many times, you only get to skin it once. Same applies in the business world.
Pubman's Avatar
A couple of times...I've been know for hating providers that are late....I had one that was well known, total doll but was always late for every client. I told her if she was late I did not want to see her. She was late....gave me half my money back. AND had one of the best times ever.
Never had anyone give me money back, but there have been some other interesting arrangements. I've had providers offer me return sessions for much less than the initial rate (I'm polite, easy to please, and only good for one cup LOL). Many years ago in Florida at a strip club with a very active back room I made friends with a beautiful Swedish dancer who would take me back there for just the room fee with no concern for what I would pay her. It was never more than $25, and sometimes nothing. She would jus tell me to pay her "whatever I could" or if the house fee was all I had she'd tell me to just come back anyway. We dated for real a time or two outside of the club, too, but she just lived too far away from me for it to be a regular thing.

My current favorite is a very hot and horny UTR, almost half my age, who I know charges me less than her usual rate. I've seen her say on facebook "I'd never see a man for X" when X is what she charges me LOL.
See me three times and the fourth visit is free!

This is just one of the ways that I retain repeat clients. However, it's rare that they leave without giving me a significant tip and/or refuse to take me up on my offer. In today's economy, it's smart for any business to offer incentives. Besides, it's less hassle to keep repeat clients than it is to find new ones.
Ah yes, I had one lady in denver do that, sadly now retired from providing. She was running late and offered money for her lateness. It was no more than 20 minutes, a nice gesture all the same.