Republicans Don't Care About National Debt

Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 07-13-2011, 02:42 PM
I think any good practioner (medical or other) can make mistakes. I don't think lawyers should get un-godly rich because of it. The laws need to change. Should injured parties be justly compensated? Yes. Do lawyers need to become mega wealthy in the process? No. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Wait, i must have read that wrong. Did Whirlaway just suggest that we should have laws to determine who can and who can't become wealthy?

We need to cap attorney fees, cap jury awards, and legislate how much of the award is divided between attorney(s) and clients. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Some Libertarian you turned out to be.
TexTushHog's Avatar
How many of those were never contested due to the expense? Originally Posted by Fastcars1966
Almost none. How the hell do you run up average expenses of about $42,000 in a law suit (the present average expenses when cases are closed in my office), if a case isn't contested? We order medical records, hire experts, take depositions, get ready for trial, and settle cases on the courthouse steps in most cases.
Fastcars1966's Avatar
Almost none. How the hell do you run up average expenses of about $42,000 in a law suit (the present average expenses when cases are closed in my office), if a case isn't contested? We order medical records, hire experts, take depositions, get ready for trial, and settle cases on the courthouse steps in most cases. Originally Posted by TexTushHog

Good question? That is surprising I thought it would be much higher # of cases that is. Obviously you screen your clients better than the lawyers we deal with. I know that my company settles cases every day for $5k to $10k instead of fighting because it is cheaper than the $42k average you speak of. Most of the people we settle with just want a big screen TV to go with the electric wheel chair that the government bought, and a carton of smokes so they can get lung CA and sue tobacco because hell it has to be some ones fault that I weight 400lbs have to many problems to list and only be 35 years old. LOL

Those are exactly the type of people I see taking an ambulance to every ER in town multiple times per month because they are short of breath and have chest pain, and get a big fat Earned Income Credit because when they were 20 they decided it was better to be a drain on the system than to eat well exercise and WORK.
TexTushHog's Avatar
$42,000 isn't the average value of my settlements. It's the average value of the expenses that I have in my cases. Obviously, if you have an average of $42,000 in expenses advanced in each case, then the settlement value of the case has to be well north of $250,000 for the case to be economically viable. I haven't calculated the average settlement or verdict value of cases. I suspect it's pretty variable from year to year, but runs from the $200k - $500k range.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Yep, you're tight on the no-to-slow growth in population TTH, I think most of the Bircher-nut, Tea-vangelists, et al have already moved here and many are only looking for trailer parks in which to reside anyway, thusly not impacting any rise in overall housing costs.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Good question? That is surprising I thought it would be much higher # of cases that is. Obviously you screen your clients better than the lawyers we deal with. I know that my company settles cases every day for $5k to $10k instead of fighting because it is cheaper than the $42k average you speak of. Most of the people we settle with just want a big screen TV to go with the electric wheel chair that the government bought, and a carton of smokes so they can get lung CA and sue tobacco because hell it has to be some ones fault that I weight 400lbs have to many problems to list and only be 35 years old. LOL

Those are exactly the type of people I see taking an ambulance to every ER in town multiple times per month because they are short of breath and have chest pain, and get a big fat Earned Income Credit because when they were 20 they decided it was better to be a drain on the system than to eat well exercise and WORK. Originally Posted by Fastcars1966
As long as you're spouting cliches founded by exceptions rather than norms, go ahead and trot out the "welfare Cadillac" one, too. Hmmm, I guess it'd now be the "welfare Excalade" in order to fit the "government bought electric wheel chair" in it.
Excalade Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Made in your back yard by American workers at an American auto plant in Arlington, Tx.!
Fastcars1966's Avatar
$42,000 isn't the average value of my settlements. It's the average value of the expenses that I have in my cases. Obviously, if you have an average of $42,000 in expenses advanced in each case, then the settlement value of the case has to be well north of $250,000 for the case to be economically viable. I haven't calculated the average settlement or verdict value of cases. I suspect it's pretty variable from year to year, but runs from the $200k - $500k range. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
I know what you mean, and that is the same for both sides. Cost more to fight than to settle.
Fastcars1966's Avatar
As long as you're spouting cliches founded by exceptions rather than norms, go ahead and trot out the "welfare Cadillac" one, too. Hmmm, I guess it'd now be the "welfare Excalade" in order to fit the "government bought electric wheel chair" in it. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
I wish it were Clichés, but all you have to do is hang out in an ER to see that is not the case we know these people by their first names they come in so often. Small percentage as it may be it is still a drain on the system. No such thing as a "Welfare Cadillac" Go by the local subsidized housing, and you will see many people are quite happy living poor. Then count how many electric wheel chairs you see. We have a people problem in this country. Good food is neither purchased nor affordable, Poor people tend to make up the largest percentage of the unhealthy population, and pay little or no taxes. Education is the key to changing America, and where do we stand as a nation? We cut the budget under pay our teachers, and pass students who should be held back and sit back and say yes we need to change that, but someone else needs to pay for it not me. Let's tax the wealthy yea that's the solution. Take the blinders off and get active in your community. Make everyone a part of the solution that is how you instill change, and hope. Not by giving welfare. When this country is in crises we need to band together not point fingers.

I know that my company settles cases every day for $5k to $10k Most of the people we settle with just want a big screen TV

when they were 20 they decided it was better to be a drain on the system than to eat well exercise and WORK. Originally Posted by Fastcars1966
Its happened to me twice and someone right now is trying to posture themselves into a suit that I have seen coming and already prepared to face.Thankfully I have a tough attorney with ethics.My suits have not had merit and have been defended for approx $2000. per occurance.You can document and follow the rules and in the end, this shit just clogs up the court system with paperwork.My retainer fees although had me tiing up $5000. for extended periods of time though, but in the end the plaintiffs got NOTHING!!

As long as you're spouting cliches founded by exceptions rather than norms,. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
He is stating fact, your a cliche.In my cases though, the parties start suing at 22.
I wish it were Clichés, but all you have to do is hang out in an ER to see that is not the case we know these people by their first names they come in so often. Small percentage as it may be it is still a drain on the system. No such thing as a "Welfare Cadillac" Go by the local subsidized housing, and you will see many people are quite happy living poor. Then count how many electric wheel chairs you see. We have a people problem in this country. Good food is neither purchased nor affordable, Poor people tend to make up the largest percentage of the unhealthy population, and pay little or no taxes. Education is the key to changing America, and where do we stand as a nation? We cut the budget under pay our teachers, and pass students who should be held back and sit back and say yes we need to change that, but someone else needs to pay for it not me. Let's tax the wealthy yea that's the solution. Take the blinders off and get active in your community. Make everyone a part of the solution that is how you instill change, and hope. Not by giving welfare. When this country is in crises we need to band together not point fingers.

Originally Posted by Fastcars1966
there is PLENTY of money spread around fraudulently.Its class warfare , a lifestyle fostured through government programs to create a whole generation of takers.You cant reverse a mindset once the spirit has been drained out of people.Theres plenty of money for high speed Internet, a tv in every room that never shuts off and a cell phone in every hand. The thermostat turned up to 90 from September to may with the windows upstairs wide open. The use of water, as documented by my water bills,for a single family homes that rivals my other multi family structures.Marijuana smoke hanging in the air..Theres PLENTY of money already spent .Its not a tax problem by any means.Obama KNOWS this,hes not intrested in helping the "POOR", just use them to achieve his handlers agenda.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I know what you mean, and that is the same for both sides. Cost more to fight than to settle. Originally Posted by Fastcars1966
Not really. Like I said, I would imagine that my average settlement value is well into the mid six figure range. And the Defendants aren't paying $250 - $500k per case to defend PI cases of that size.

Now large commercial cases, the cost of litigating per side often go into the multiple millions of dollars. But I rarely take those on a contingent fee. I'm mostly in those on an hourly fee + success bonus.