I’m so indecisive lol

You're not aware of a lot of things. That's why your opinion on the matter makes as much sense as Biden without a teleprompter. Originally Posted by Aoi

My opinion carries more weight on this board than yours ever will, as evidenced by all the messages I've been getting in my inbox, because after reading even a few of your posts everybody immediately can see your act/agenda for what it is.

You can keep flinging BS against the wall and hope it sticks, but I'm done entertaining your ridiculous agenda-driven nonsense.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 09-09-2020, 10:31 PM
My opinion carries more weight on this board than yours ever will, as evidenced by all the messages I've been getting in my inbox, because after reading even a few of your posts everybody immediately can see your act/agenda for what it is.

You can keep flinging BS against the wall and hope it sticks, but I'm done entertaining your ridiculous agenda-driven nonsense. Originally Posted by Kobe_Kassidy
LMAO. Your opinion is about as substantive as a fig leaf, so stop pretending people give a shit. Saying "X-provider isn't a looker" might attract PMs from those who are inclined to seeing someone else more but the massive amount of people who are curious about Vicky far exceeds any number your lepton brain can figure out.

Good riddance and piss off, Kobe. Don't forget that tampon. You're still leaking.
You would think a smart turd such as yourself would have the balls to walk away. Guess not because you actions speak louder than the false rhetoric. Can you get me an appointment at house? Originally Posted by Ghostrider

Your opinions and sad attempts at insults could not possibly mean less to me. You're irrelevant.

Keep spewing all you want, but you'll be doing it with yourself, and it won't make a single thing I said in this thread any less true.
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 09-09-2020, 10:59 PM
Your opinions and sad attempts at insults could not possibly mean less to me. You're irrelevant.

Keep spewing all you want, but you'll be doing it with yourself, and it won't make a single thing I said in this thread any less true. Originally Posted by Kobe_Kassidy
You’re still here, loser?

How many times have you said you were going to leave again, loser? Hahaha
KalEl9237's Avatar
Lol god damn. Y’all just go get laid and forgive each other. Life is too short to talk shit on a thread. I’ve got a date with Yoko this weekend since Rebecca is off this week. I plan on trying all of them out like Jayven did.
Jayven's Avatar
Lol god damn. Y’all just go get laid and forgive each other. Life is too short to talk shit on a thread. I’ve got a date with Yoko this weekend since Rebecca is off this week. I plan on trying all of them out like Jayven did. Originally Posted by KalEl9237

Ahh I had to, you don't know how long I was holding out to try some of the new talent. Rebecca's already taking time off? She's must of had a busy week hahah! I hope Yoko Knocks your socks off. I'd eat my breakfast as she will try to get Msog out of you.
Wile E Coyote's Avatar
My opinion carries more weight on this board than yours ever will, as evidenced by all the messages I've been getting in my inbox..... Originally Posted by Kobe_Kassidy
No one can tell how many messages you get in your inbox as no one else but you can see that (if they do exist). My opinion carries lots of weight, I have tons of followers of my posts and even if they agree with my opinion, they will still tell me I am wrong just to post under me, I am so blessed.

Lol god damn. Y’all just go get laid and forgive each other. Life is too short to talk shit on a thread..... Originally Posted by KalEl9237
Talking shit on a thread is what keeps Eccie alive. If there were no trolls or cyberstalkers and if the strick rule of Eccie was about intel on the actual hobby or related subjects only, then this place would be pretty a ghost town.

For the OP, unless it is MULTIPLE different hobbyists that have the same one, do not go by the opinions of others on providers. The best thing you can do is go see them all for yourself and let them all know that you are intending to be a regular client and that first impressions are everything.
  • vadc
  • 09-10-2020, 12:13 PM
When you see shit, do you step on it or do you go around it? Go around shits,,, promoters will never end (until they get busted like Blue)...it is their job.... they will shut down other Spas if they get pinched (like what Chung did to NW compounds).
Chung Tran's Avatar
When you see shit, do you step on it or do you go around it? Go around shits,,, promoters will never end (until they get busted like Blue)...it is their job.... they will shut down other Spas if they get pinched (like what Chung did to NW compounds). Originally Posted by vadc
vadc, you are completely full of shit. What did I do to get the NW highway spas closed? Keep in mind that I was a visitor of all but one spa in that compound, and loved them all.

What bullshit innuendo do you have to post? Try and do better than you did, before your last ban.. How many are you up to now? 10?

I think you said before, that a girl told you in secret that I was behind their closing? Bullshit.

You appear to be a Police informant. What do you say about that?
  • vadc
  • 09-10-2020, 02:09 PM
Eng, you are completely full of shit. What did I do to get the NW highway spas closed? Keep in mind that I was a visitor of all but one spa in that compound, and loved them all.

What bullshit innuendo do you have to post? Try and do better than you did, before your last ban.. How many are you up to now? 10?

I think you said before, that a girl told you in secret that I was behind their closing? Bullshit.

You appear to be a Police informant. What do you say about that? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
Ok.. professor Chung... if you teach, you would be a good English teacher for elementary, middle or high school... of course as much time you spend here, you couldn’t possibly be teaching... professor Chung...
Midori_sol's Avatar
Ok.. professor Chung... if you teach, you would be a good English teacher for elementary, middle or high school... of course as much time you spend here, you couldn’t possibly be teaching... professor Chung... Originally Posted by vadc
This post almost killed me 😂
His grammar is probably some of the best on this site.
His reviews always seemed like mini novels to me.
Chung Tran's Avatar
This post almost killed me ��
His grammar is probably some of the best on this site.
His reviews always seemed like mini novels to me. Originally Posted by Midori_sol
are you saying my Grandmother has some of the best ''stuff'' on this Site? You're nasty!

Ok.. professor Chung... if you teach, you would be a good English teacher for elementary, middle or high school... of course as much time you spend here, you couldn’t possibly be teaching... professor Chung... Originally Posted by vadc
why do you call me Proffessor? you are lacking as a Police Informant. how did I get the NW highway Spas shut down?
Aoi's Avatar
  • Aoi
  • 09-10-2020, 03:29 PM
I don’t agree with Chung on practically anything except on how full of it you are, vadc.
Chung Tran's Avatar
I don’t agree with Chung on practically anything except on how full of it you are, vadc. Originally Posted by Aoi
I bet we would agree that getting vaccinated against the {staff edit-CK} vadc virus, would be a public heath benefit

This Dude relishes in being a Troll. He messaged me once, saying he deliberately fucks with ghostrider to get a reaction. Oh, and he has a ''source''. He posted that today. A lady who is ''from L..A.'' You know, Hollywood. this Source is misses know it all, LOL

He accuses me of shutting down NW highway, LOL.. He justs posts and hides.. Hiden' Biden', except he is vadc POS.
  • vadc
  • 09-10-2020, 04:04 PM
why do you call me Proffessor? you are lacking as a Police Informant. how did I get the NW highway Spas shut down? Originally Posted by Chung Tran
A lady loves you to promote her because you write the stories really well. She love how you can play multiple personality to bump your own posts.
She knows or assume you are a professor. I think you’re not at the professor level but at teacher level.