Trump's own DOJ says not to release memo

The DOJ and FBI are a part of the Executive branch. Trump is the head of the Executive branch. Congress has oversight responsibility over the FBI and the DOJ. It’s called checks and balances. The Congress has the authority to obtain documents from the FBI and DOJ. They can’t deny Congress the information they request. So, Congress does have some authority over those departments. Congress can also withhold full funding of those departments if they choose to do so. Originally Posted by bambino
Sorry! Wrong, again!

Congress has OVERSIGHT! Congress can "impeach" Sessions. The Judiciary Act created the office of the Attorney General for which the Senate has the right of approval. With the right of "APPROVAL' comes the right of "removal"!

Where I came from the one who hires can fire.

You folks who learned your Constitutional Law from Obaminable will be challenged for years to come! Originally Posted by LexusLover
Congress has oversight into the office, not the personnel , once confirmed. Congress didn't hire/appoint him. Congress approved the hire/nomination. Oversight isn't the same as boss. Impeachment has nothing to do with this. Impeachment is for extreme cause, not just because they disagree. Congress can impeach the Pres., but they can't "fire" him because he said "shithole". And they can't impeach him for saying "shithole".

You two are trying to split hairs over words like "oversight", "checks & balances", "impeach", & "authority". Congress isn't the Executive branch's boss. Plain and simple. That was the statement I replied to. Congress does have the authority to impeach, but that's for extreme cases, not the norm.
And the Senate can "impeach" whomever they approve for office.

"He who giveth can taketh away!"

Congress is their boss when it gets down to the ugly and dirty. Originally Posted by LexusLover
The President, Vice President and all Civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”
U.S. Constitution, Article II, section 4

So where does telling a congressman to not release the memo fall on the Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors scale?

Trump fired Yates, not Congress. Nixon ordered the AG to fire Cox, not Congress. Show me an instance where Congress fired, not impeached, but FIRED an Executive Branch employee, let alone a cabinet level one.
LexusLover's Avatar
[B][I]Show me an instance where Congress fired, not impeached, but FIRED an Executive Branch employee, let alone a cabinet level one. Originally Posted by papadee
Playing word games to appear correct? Grow up!

This is what you posted to which I responded:
Congress isn't his boss. AG Jeff Sessions is, and President Trump is Sessions's Boss. Once Sessions and Boyd were approved by the Senate, the Senate lost all authority over them.

Now that you figured out your full of shit you want to change what you said and then pretend to be correct!

Like I said .... grow up!


Cutting off their money ("purse strings") is ...


Requiring them under oath to answer for their actions or inactions ... is "AUTHORITY OVER THEM"!

Now you're sounding like WTF = who changes what he says in order to "appear" correct!
Playing word games to appear correct? Grow up!

This is what you posted to which I responded:


Now that you figured out your full of shit you want to change what you said and then pretend to be correct!

Like I said .... grow up!


Cutting off their money ("purse strings") is ...


Requiring them under oath to answer for their actions or inactions ... is "AUTHORITY OVER THEM"!

Now you're sounding like WTF = who changes what he says in order to "appear" correct! Originally Posted by LexusLover
I usually stay away from your posts because it's not worth the time. You are the one playing word games.

My original post was... Congress isn't his boss. AG Jeff Sessions is, and President Trump is Sessions's Boss.

You started talking about oversight, impeachment, authority. Now you're trying to say the gist of my OP was about authority? Next time I won't use the adjective "all". I'll use "most", "a lot", "73.2%" authority. Of course I meant employment authority (boss), not any authority given by the Constitution. But we can continue playing the semantics game.
LexusLover's Avatar
I usually stay away from your posts because it's not worth the time. You are the one playing word games. Originally Posted by papadee
blah, blah, blah!

You stay away from them, because you're full of shit!

This is what you posted to which I responded:
Congress isn't his boss. AG Jeff Sessions is, and President Trump is Sessions's Boss. Once Sessions and Boyd were approved by the Senate, the Senate lost all authority over them.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-25-2018, 03:41 PM
LexusLover was fooled by the Secret Society text!

Did you find that secret society yet LexyLiar?
texassapper's Avatar
Nothing fake about is all over the news. The DOJ has asked them not to release until they can look at it, that is a fact. Originally Posted by WTF
Hey, Dumbass... guess who produced the memo and knows exactly whats in it? Yes, the DOJ. They simply want to pass it to friends in the media to start attacking it prior to it being released. We generally already know what's in it.

Obama violated the law.. (like it'd be the first time) asking for FISA warrants without proper documentation. The Obama admin illegally unmasked American individuals to spy on them. They did so for partisan political gain. Sure we won't arrest Obama... but we can send a bunch of his buddies to jail. We won't nothing will happen... at the end of the day, Americans just lose a little more liberty to the game playing fuckers in DC.

Laws are afterall for just us little people.
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  • WTF
  • 01-25-2018, 04:15 PM
Hey, Dumbass... guess who produced the memo and knows exactly whats in it? Yes, the DOJ. . Originally Posted by texassapper
Are you sure about that?

Are you sure that the memo was not a product of D. Nunes?

You been watching to much Fox n Friends and Hannity!
Are you sure about that?

Are you sure tjat the memo was not a product of Nunez? Originally Posted by WTF
either way the salient point was you're a dumbass
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  • WTF
  • 01-25-2018, 04:25 PM
either way the salient point was you're a dumbass Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
So you think dipshits like you that think this memo is not a partisan hit piece but some secret society shit that Nunes uncovered ... are not the dumbasses?

The evidence so far points to you boys not knowing shit about this memo.
LexusLover's Avatar
either way the salient point was you're a dumbass Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
Because this was his fake headline:

"Trump's own DOJ says not to release memo"!

Which is about like WTF saying: "Don't release memo"!

Like: An employee gives a memo to the Board of Directors, who decide to release it to the press, so the employee tells the CEO to not release the memo.

The "point" of the WhatThaFuckDoIKnow headline and the THREAD IS:

Trump's own DOJ is turning against him! More hysteria. More piling on.

More stupid bullshit.

The FBI puts this shit out and then wants it back! How many times do they do that with crooks who give their admissions in a statement? The FBI that's been trying to take Trump down?
blah, blah, blah!

You stay away from them, because you're full of shit!

This is what you posted to which I responded: Originally Posted by LexusLover
I guess using a larger red font obscures what the main point of my post was.

Congress is HIS BOSS! So you think he's gonna tell "his boss" what to do?

Me: Congress isn't his boss. AG Jeff Sessions is, and President Trump is Sessions's Boss. Once Sessions and Boyd were approved by the Senate, the Senate lost all authority over them.

You: With the right of "APPROVAL' comes the right of "removal"! Where I came from the one who hires can fire.

Me: You two are trying to split hairs over words like "oversight", "checks & balances", "impeach", & "authority". Congress isn't the Executive branch's boss. Plain and simple. That was the statement I replied to.

So where does telling a congressman to not release the memo fall on the Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors scale?

You: You said NOTHING ABOUT "FIRING" (I know, you did)
IMPEACHING SOMEONE FROM OFFICE IS .... "AUTHORITY OVER THEM"! (No it isn't. Impeachment is like a trial. There has to be probable cause 1st. See above. Congress can't use the threat of impeachment w/o cause as a tool to get their way)

You: Blah, Blah, Blah, oversight, pursestrings

Me: Congress has some constitutional oversight/authority over the Executive branch, but managing employees isn't one of them. And that oversight/authority concerns the performance of the office, not the individual in the office.

The evidence so far points to you boys not knowing shit about this memo. Originally Posted by WTF
I haven't claimed to know everything or even much at all about the memo

simple minds revel in many things

I used to know this kid who was 15 and in the third grade, he was so proud because his teacher told him he was the best tether ball player in the third grade

so I commend you for your knowledge that the memo hasn't yet been released to the public and you have my permission to repeat my commendation of you to others

I did hear something on the radio today however

leaks about the memo are starting, and the statement was made that mccabe, comey and rosenstein are prominently mentioned

and anything schiff is against, well you cant go too wrong by being for it
bambino's Avatar
Are you sure about that?

Are you sure that the memo was not a product of D. Nunes?

You been watching to much Fox n Friends and Hannity! Originally Posted by WTF
You must be.
bambino's Avatar
Congress has oversight into the office, not the personnel , once confirmed. Congress didn't hire/appoint him. Congress approved the hire/nomination. Oversight isn't the same as boss. Impeachment has nothing to do with this. Impeachment is for extreme cause, not just because they disagree. Congress can impeach the Pres., but they can't "fire" him because he said "shithole". And they can't impeach him for saying "shithole".

You two are trying to split hairs over words like "oversight", "checks & balances", "impeach", & "authority". Congress isn't the Executive branch's boss. Plain and simple. That was the statement I replied to. Congress does have the authority to impeach, but that's for extreme cases, not the norm. Originally Posted by papadee
I’m not splitting hairs at all. I stated facts. I’m not going to put your words in a big red font like LL did. But congress does have control over the DOJ and FBI. I’ve already mentioned the ways. Choose your words a little more carefully next time.