Terrorist attack inside the US

Did you know that Pearl Harbor was predicted? Yes, the establishment in the War Department and the Capital said they were taken completey by surprise but people like Billy Mitchell predicted the how and why a decade before the event.
The military was protecting the battleship and the politicians were protecting the status quo. Japan was our friend, our little friend. They were a good trading partner but they did not have the resources to mount such an attack. Everytime a new ship was built the navy and politicians turned a blind eye like the little child that hides under a blanket from the monster under the bed. To take official notice would require a commitment to building a stronger navy, a stronger navy around the new technology of aircraft carriers and that costs money. Better to hide under the blanket.

We are at war with a very powerful enemy. They don't have aircraft carriers, tanks, and nuclear missiles (yet) but they have fanaticism. When a single individual is willing, no, desires to lose their lives in the pursuit of the goal then we have a problem. JFK once said that anyone willing to give up their lives can get to the president. That goes for the VP, Speaker, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs, or any other competent authority or expert. We are wide open. In spite of some idiotic comments that does not mean becoming a police state. What that means is that we have to constantly entertain the notion that an isolated incident is more than that. That a man started forest fire maybe more than some drunken fool smoking dope. That an act of vandalism more be a dry run for something greater. The actor James Woods has gone on record that he was on a flight a couple months before 9/11. A number of Middle Eastern looking men got up and moved around the cabin, changing seats, and requesting seat belt extensions. They all seemed to be acquainted with each other. Woods got a visit from the FBI. He asked if they didn't get thousands of tips and do they interview everyone. They told him that they only interview the credible ones. They were pretty sure that Woods witnessed a dress rehearsal for that day. An idiot would just pass it off as some poor third worlders being uncomfortable on a plane and order another drink.

The 9/11 Commission said that our greatest weakness was the inablity to connect the dots or to recognize the dots in the first place. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

I did get that report as my Aunt and Uncle were on Perl when it was bombed. He came through it and the rest of the war. I can see you have great trouble connecting the dots.
Not to change the subject but has the FBI called the Boston Marathon Bombings a "terrorist attack" yet? JD?

I read yesterday they hadn't called this electric grid attack a terrorist attack.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You don't even make sense Eva. Go back to riding your pegasus. By the way, it is on or at Pearl and not in Pearl. Unless you're talking about Minnie Pearl.

You don't even make sense Eva. Go back to riding your pegasus. By the way, it is on or at Pearl and not in Pearl. Unless you're talking about Minnie Pearl.

Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Poor JD he has bounced from California to Benghazi to Pearl harbor to Minnie pearl. It is a sign of someone with no answers. You are dismissed JD. Time to clean the head.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Don't you have horse shit to shovel? Leave the thinking for those who are qualified.
Don't you have horse shit to shovel? Leave the thinking for those who are qualified. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
If only qualified "thinkers" were allowed here you would have been banned long ago.