Things not to do in public.

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SL’S Top 10 Reasons To Pick A Fat Hobbyist

1)You know they are going to bring you candy… if they don’t eat most of it on the way to the in call.
2)Heavy set guys are out of shape and can’t last very long, so you won’t need to take a pounding.
3)Most all fat guys have a great sense of humor.
4)If you’re going out they know where all the restaurants are located.
5)The chances of a lard ass being LE is "slim" to none!
6)They are ALWAYS happy because they NEVER get laid in real world.
7)Getting undressed is a snap because they always wear lose clothing.
8)If they drop dead, everyone will think it’s a heart attack.
9)If they short change you, they are easy to catch.
10)You get to be in control of the condom, after all they can’t see their dick.
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SL’S I don't want to say your BIG but.....

1) When she says she wants you, she isn't talking about Sex!
2) I would need a tank of gas to get around her in a cross walk.
3) As a provider you can be in two different cities at one time.
4) At the beach you can shade a group of 6 plus their dog.
5) Escalators stop if you get on them.
6) Small children are afraid you’ll eat them.

7) Your gynecologist blocks out an entire day and feels he needs a wing man. You’re always booked on a Friday as he goes mountain climbing on weekends that way he's good to go for the weekend.
8) She once went horseback riding, that was one pissed horse!
9) At Halloween they throw a sheet on her and she goes out as a glacier.
10) Kirsty Alley's Jenny Craig coach called and said WTF?
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SL Top Ten Reasons You May Be A BBW

1) If the fire department has ever used the jaws of life to get you out of the turn styles at an amusement park, you may be a BBW.
2) If you have ever used something other than your hand to wipe your ass, you may be a BBW.
3) If you refrain from wearing polyester plants out of fear your thighs might catch on fire, you may be a BBW.
4) If you ever stood on a corner by yourself and the police stopped and said, “Hey break it up!, you may be a BBW.
5) If you ever stood on a talking scale and it said, “Hey one at a time!”, you may be a BBW.
6) If you buy your clothes from a store that only has three sizes, large, extra large and oh my god it’s moving, you may be a BBW.
7) If your gynecologist’s bill says safety line, you may be a BBW.
8) If you go to McDonalds, look up at the menu and say OK, you may be a BBW.
9) If you when you walk into a room the mice jump up on the table, you may be a BBW.
10) If you have ever been to the beach and people keep trying to push you out to sea, you may be a BBW.

Extra Credit:

11) If you ever went to Walmart and mounted a motorized shopping cart and you thought they forgot to charge it, but it was fully charged, you may be a BBW.
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1) Hey, has your dick got smaller?
2) Are you in? All the way?

3) Are your balls itchy too?
4) I think I have a woody.
5) I might have just started my period.
6) The soars in my mouth are almost healed.
7) When you take a pregnancy test, what does the plus sign mean?
8) I'm going to the free clinic tomorrow?
9) I need to poop but I'll wait till were done!
10) Crabs really can’t hurt you.
"Soars in my mouth"

LOL.......just another uneducated Texas cowchip.


1) Hey, has your dick got smaller?
2) Are you in? All the way?

3) Are your balls itchy too?
4) I think I have a woody.
5) I might have just started my period.
6) The soars in my mouth are almost healed.
7) When you take a pregnancy test, what does the plus sign mean?
8) I'm going to the free clinic tomorrow?
9) I need to poop but I'll wait till were done!
10) Crabs really can’t hurt you. Originally Posted by Still Looking
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"Soars in my mouth"

LOL.......just another uneducated Texas cowchip. Originally Posted by hgritstoo

I'm not going to argue with anyone who labels a review:

10 monkeys worth of fun in a 5 monkey barrel

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