Is it just me or ...

Budman's Avatar
Whew, what a nice bunch o' guys... I'm outta here. Originally Posted by nuglet

Drive Careful!!
nuglet's Avatar
no doubt you texted that from you phone while on IH35 making sure you are enforcing your road rules.
I would appreciate it if YOU would drive carefully. god only knows the accident you're in won't be YOUR fault.
Budman's Avatar
no doubt you texted that from you phone while on IH35 making sure you are enforcing your road rules. Originally Posted by nuglet

True. But you forgot the beer I was drinking and I was also get a great BBBJ as well. Muti-tasking is my specialty.
rrrabbit's Avatar
You're the guy driving like a lame ass in rush hour with a compromised mental condition talking on his cell phone to rape victims. Why don't you retire to the country? I DO live in a city. Where most people on the road hate guys like you.


Bubble head comes to mind.

Look pal, you can play WHAT IF all day long. Most of the time the guys poking along in rush hour are just guys who want to be special. And the people on their phones are talking to their girlfriends and laughing, oblivious to what's going on around them.

If driving scares you take the bus. Originally Posted by down41
Let's break this down, shall we ?

You're the guy driving like a lame ass in rush hour with a compromised mental condition talking on his cell phone to rape victims.
Do, please explain, how you derived at your uncanny accurate representation of someone you have no clue about ?

Where most people on the road hate guys like you.

I try not to hate. Perhaps, that's a tactic you could benefit from ?

Bubble head comes to mind.
Based on the above two observations, I very much doubt that you have a mind. But I shall ANXIOUSLY await your response and will be gleefully happy when proved wrong because it implies that there is one more sentient being in Austin.

Look pal, you can play WHAT IF all day long.
No. You go ahead and play "what if" all you want. I'll do what feels right to me. KAPEESH ?

Try going around me into my space that I'm protecting. Go ahead. I don't drive a sports car w/ horses to boot for nothin'. Drivers like you, I deny the pass. If I am in the fast lane and I'm passing traffic to my right at the same rate that everyone else in the fast lane, a good driver knows - and understands - that I'm protecting my space ahead of me ... no matter how many car lengths I have in front of me, and that there is no point to trying to get ahead of me because they are going to have to do the same to the car ahead of me, and the one ahead of that, the cycle repeats. And a bad driver does not give a crap, and weaves in and out of traffic, one car at a time at everyone else's expense.

But that's what this whole post is all about. And, as is apparent, comprehension eludes you.

Do you feel edumacated yet ? No ? I'm so sorry. Go see a doctor for a brain transplant. That's my ONLY advice to you and your gene pool.
This is fucking stupid. RRRRrrrrabbit - drive the way you want.

I'll go around you but I'll use a blinker and won't cut you off.

Road rage button clicked to "off".

Sorry, sir.

The weird thing is we have the same POV - be a considerate driver.
You said kapeesh.

The mental patient talking to a rape victim was from your post about "what if".

Let's go get laid.

I'll race you.
rrrabbit's Avatar
DO the above points and counterpoints explain or answer your original question?
You can easily see the attitude of some of the drivers here in Austin. "NOT MY FAULT, NEVER WAS, NOW GET OUT OF MY WAY.. Originally Posted by nuglet

It did reaffirm my original disposition that there are more aggressive drivers out there than, say ... 6 months ago.

But, my post was not really a Q, but rather, intended as a reminder to drive safely and respect others' spaces.

Obviously, there are those who feel violated that I want my space, and would like to claim it for their own.

To those, I suggest going to Carl's pants - I read there's some space in there that could use filling - esp since he has a his passport stamped for the greek islands (sorry Cral for dragging your name into this :-).
Did I ever state, or imply, it ticks me off ?

'nuff said. Tell me why the rest of your post is worth reading, since it starts off with an ignorant remark as thus ?

Go ahead, give it a twirl, Einstein. Your deductive logic, thus far, has been flawless.

Or better yet, go play some more Mortal Combat.

If in your judgment, you decide that it's safe for you to move into a space, then do so. If the person behind feels that your judgment makes them uncomfortable, they have the option to fall back.

What was it that you said ? Was it : "I'm stuck not moving and the cycle repeats!" ?

There, sir, is the difference between your self serving deductive logic and mine. Originally Posted by rrrabbit
It would behoove you to go back a re-read the previous posts. The non-bold text is quoting YOU. YOU stated it was ignorant. Thus, one could then extrapolate that YOU are ignorant. So, why should anyone care what insipid views you have?

Go ahead, give it a twirl, Einstein. Or better yet, go play some more with your penis extension sports car.

Or, even better yet, I'm going to follow Nuglet's example and not suffer the stupidity of fools and bow out of this senseless banter.

I tried to have a civil, mature discussion, but you sought to bring it to the level of name calling and put downs.

My god, man, your starting to sound like a male Wicked Milf!
Drivers like you, I deny the pass. Originally Posted by rrrabbit
You know, I tried to just walk away and then you added that shit about brain transplants and edumacating my gene pool. Really? Do you think you're talking to some hourly-waged, three-toothed, hick? You know nothing about me and I can assure you that my gene pool and level of education are both living comfortably and reading really, really big books.

Your quote above says it all to me. You "deny the pass". Deny the pass? Driving isn't a game.

You "deny the pass" because that's YOUR space. Wrong. It's OUR space. You share the road. You make this out to be about safety but what it seems like it's about is you want more space than everybody else on the road and why are these assholes cutting into YOUR space? Why doesn't the world follow YOUR rules?

It's not your space. It's not your road. You're not special.
Oh good Lord. Are you the guy in rush hour who thinks he's the self-appointed regulator of speed and creeps along with 5 car lengths between him and the car in front? So if you tick everybody else on the freeway off, THEY must be in the wrong? Do you drive the speed limit in the fast lane too? And when a car can finally get around you, you just shake your head because they're idiots and you're going the speed limit?

Yeah, if you've got an 18-wheeler you need several car-lengths, if you're pulling a boat you need several car-lengths. If your brakes or tires need car lengths stop spending money on this and go get your car fixed. If a guy is just too damn old and slow to be driving he should hang it up but that's at least an excuse.

Now if you're talking about one car length and some asshole cuts into THAT, he's an asshole and I agree. But I agree with Sternomancer that these idiots that decide to creep along with several car-lengths in front of them IN RUSH HOUR are a pain in the ass. Usually it's because they're on their phone and distracted and THAT'S why they need the reaction time. Originally Posted by down41
Seems to me this discussion went off the rails riiiiiight around here.

rrrabit specified 1 car length at rush hour in his original post - go look. That's reasonable, it is annoying when someone crams into that small 1 car length of space in front of you in as if you're supposed to cram right onto that next bumper. Then you suggested/assumed he meant he could expect people to give him 5 (you made that leap), which is not reasonable and would certainly cause a steady flow into his lane (at rush hour).

Then rrabbit never clarified or corrected that assumption but rather was goaded into launching a defense of an extreme and indefensible absolute position in a debate which is always a recipe for disaster. Specifically rrabbit suggested, only at this point, that one should respect whatever amount of space one chooses to trail by. This was not his original position by a long shot. Taken to it's logical extreme, this would of course make it impossible for anyone to ever enter a lane and is absurd when stated without limitation.

Just sayin.
  • Zoey
  • 06-27-2010, 07:23 PM
This sounds like a dispute that should be settled in the bedroom.

"Just sayin."
is it just me? why is this in coed?
rrrabbit's Avatar
You know, I tried to just walk away and then you added that shit about brain transplants and edumacating my gene pool. Really? Do you think you're talking to some hourly-waged, three-toothed, hick? You know nothing about me and I can assure you that my gene pool and level of education are both living comfortably and reading really, really big books.

Your quote above says it all to me. You "deny the pass". Deny the pass? Driving isn't a game.

You "deny the pass" because that's YOUR space. Wrong. It's OUR space. You share the road. You make this out to be about safety but what it seems like it's about is you want more space than everybody else on the road and why are these assholes cutting into YOUR space? Why doesn't the world follow YOUR rules?

It's not your space. It's not your road. You're not special. Originally Posted by down41

I think I'm talkin to a moron. Simple enuff for ya ?

Now, mind you, I submit that it indeed appears that I'm resorting to name calling. But, please pause to make the following observations:

a) you asked and I gave what I "think", and I gave you an HONEST reply; and that reply is backed up by observational facts; sorry - I don't sugar coat what I think should be stated plainly to get the point across

b) I did not state that anyone is a moron, but asnwered your question about what I think and what MY logic compells me to derive at; I sincerely HOPE I am wrong, but I WAS NOT the one going off about "you must be this type or the other", based on zip for info.

c) it has NOTHING to do w/ road rage; I have space that I am trying to maintian; that space is not meant for your occupancy, nor am I asking you to pay rent for it; please don't waste your k-mart keyboard to repeat the obvious and remind me that the road is not mine; I know better, and so do you; the difference is, you don't respect what you know, so how can you respect what you don't know ? Don't bother trying to explain - that's called a rhetorical Q.

I'll close my own thred by one observation. READ IRISHLAD's last post on this thread. THEN read ANY other thread that he has posted.

Some people have powers of observation and also exude intelligence in what they do say, and what they don't. Some people do the oppsite. Furthermore, some of these opposites continue to put their foot in their mouth and dig it in deeper till it protrudes from their anuz.

You think I'm going to be losing any sleep over wondering who falls in which category ?

rrrabbit's Avatar
This sounds like a dispute that should be settled in the bedroom.

"Just sayin." Originally Posted by Zoey
It's all good Zoey. I have no beef w/ anyone, and am getting a very good chuckle out of the debate. In fact, it's good to be reminded what kind of mentality I have around me from time to time. It's quite sobering.

And no - please don't lock me in a bedroom w/ one of them. I'm not certain I'm man enuff to hold myself back from their sexy attitudes.

Whispers's Avatar
After reading this thread and experiencing Road Rage on a Sunday afternoon and evening.......

I'm sleeping in tomorrow morning and avoiding all you clowns!

Gawd it's great to be the Boss!