Guess her phone isn't ringing.........

Roguejet's Avatar
Or simply seek them out because they can? Who knows, but I agree there's plenty of hot fun women right here in the metro to enjoy - at reasonable rates - and no offence to her or her "legendary" status, but $2500 up to 4 hours? Afford it or not, I'll pass; wonder what a hot mega-star of porn's rates would be? Hmmm ... I think I just thiught of my next google search.
Have you ever seen her? Or any other really HDH? No? Then your an idiot who talks about something you cannot even conceive. Now, if you said "To me, no person is worth spending... ", then you would be correct. Or maybe" I just cannot understand how anyone is worth that much" To you they are not. Clearly to some, they are. Quit trying to tell others what is worth spending and what is not. When its your money, you decide. Others can decide for themselves

And men who are successfull enough to be able to afford her are not stupid. They are getting something they do not get from other providers.

When you have seen her, come back and tell us how she compaired to "reasonable" providers. If your tastes are refined enough to understand the difference. Untill then accept some things are just not for you and let others enjoy themselves without your judgement

BTW. Your statements don't offend me. They are just ignorant. Originally Posted by OldButStillGoing
Just because someone hasn't experienced a HDH doesn't mean they cannot conceive of what such an experience would be like.

In agreement with you though, more likely than not he's talking out of his fourth point of contact.