Sorry, but it's starting to bug me...

DEVIN0131968's Avatar
My thoughts exactly, but many men are downright fed up with every provider claiming a Masters when she can't even put 2 sentences together properly. Some guys are here to get laid by anyone, and some are not. The guy looking for the warm hole to fill at the cheapest rate will probably not give 2 sh3ts about her education, but the guy looking to invest a lot of time and money will likely be concerned with more than her bcd skills.


Pm me for the "Beef with Texas" inquiry. It's a running joke...nothing major. Originally Posted by London Rayne

Eccie Addict's Avatar
I think it depends on what your definition of educated means. I had a friend that had a 9th grade education but could go toe to toe with any lawyer he came in contact with....
London Rayne's Avatar
I think it depends on what your definition of educated means. I had a friend that had a 9th grade education but could go toe to toe with any lawyer he came in contact with.... Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
Educated does NOT equal intelligent. That's a no brainer. Intelligence is subjective meaning it's a matter of opinion; whereas, educated is objective suggesting you can in fact prove it with a piece of paper.

Anyone can have a slew of degrees to prove an education, but intelligence is in the eye of the beholder so to speak.

My ex is a CEO who can't even spell, yet he has successfully saved over 8 hospitals from going under. He also can't use the words "too" and "to" properly, but makes over 300k doing what most of us couldn't. Still, when he writes you can understand what he is trying to convey because it makes sense.
They're many miss takes maid in righting. Most off the time, its from trying to right to fast. Getting the point a cross in a quick manner. Sum times people no better. Othertimes, there grammar skills need improvement.

Angel, will you give my private tutoring? I love hot teachers. There the best. Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser
I was only a teacher for two years, but I was a librarian for five. how do you feel about hot librarians?

As I am not an English teacher, I still feel the same way. I am aware this is simply a forum, but sometimes I get really irritated at one's grammatical skills,(mostly just in emails I receive). Sometimes on here I am typing too fast and slip up, but for the most part I try and type things correctly.

There are some people on this board that at times when they post, I have trouble interpreting what they are trying to say.... Originally Posted by Valerie
Oh, it doesn't bother me much on boards because people are just being conversational. What really irritates me is the proliferation of errors by people who should know better, such as in news stories, advertising, etc. I honestly wonder if any of these companies employs proofreaders any longer.
London Rayne's Avatar
I was only a teacher for two years, but I was a librarian for five. how do you feel about hot librarians? Originally Posted by AngelOK
I certainly hope he was being facetious with that post, because you have your work cut out for ya.
am-a-pleaser's Avatar
I was only a teacher for two years, but I was a librarian for five. how do you feel about hot librarians? Originally Posted by AngelOK
If you'd bean my libarian, I'd learnt that dewey decibel system real good. Even if took me ever day seeing you.

Damn, Angel, I'm having naughty fantasies.

I certainly hope he was being facetious with that post, because you have your work cut out for ya. Originally Posted by London Rayne
Shoot, LR, you know how us Texans are.

btw, facetious is the only word in the English language that uses the vowels only once in alphabetical sequence.
London Rayne's Avatar
If you'd bean my libarian, I'd learnt that dewey decibel system real good. Even if took me ever day seeing you.

Damn, Angel, I'm having naughty fantasies.

Shoot, LR, you know how us Texans are.

btw, facetious is the only word in the English language that uses the vowels only once in alphabetical sequence. Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser
LMAO...yea I do know ha ha.
This thread is my favorite! Instead of irritating my classmates tomorrow with incessant corrections of professors' grammar mistakes, I shall list some of my grammar pet peeves on this forum in hopes of getting it out of my system. Prepare to be irritated!

1) "The reason is because," and "The reason why is" and "The reason why is because" are all wrong. It's "The reason is that."

2) You must not use a coordination conjunction (and, but, or, nor, for, yet, so) immediately after a comma unless there is a complete sentence on each side of the comma and coordinating conjunction. A list of things with a comma and then an "and" is an exception to this rule.

Right: I like chocolate and flowers.
I like chocolate, flowers, and a good old-fashioned romp in the hay.
You're my favorite client, and I think you should come over more often!

Wrong: I like chocolate, and flowers.
You're my favorite client and I think you should come over more often!

3) The pronunciation of "processes" with an "eez" at the end drives me crazy. I will not stand for it!

4) Don't get me started on semicolons.

5) "Hers" does not have an apostrophe.

6) "Affect" is the verb, and "effect" is the noun. It affects me greatly to know that I have had such an effect on you.

7) If you "could care less," then you actually do care. If you "couldn't care less," then you don't care at all.

8) Lay vs. Lie

You're tired? Go lie down. Did you do this yesterday? You lay down yesterday.

Your arms are tired? Lay that heavy bag down. Did you do it yesterday? You laid it down.

Jeepers, I could go on forever. The last one I'll bring up is the mismatch of pronouns.


Everyone and their mother know that I am a stickler for grammar.
Everybody thinks that they are better than me.


Everyone and his/her mother know that I am a stickler for grammar.
Everybody thinks that he/she is better than I.

Sometimes I gain some insight through my own posts. What started off as a post about my "grammar pet peeves" has turned into the heavy realization that I don't have grammar pet peeves... I have a little stick up my butt when it comes to this stuff!

I still like being whiney about it though. Let's do more!!!
Well, this is what we have in SA. All are written by the same hobbyist...

Hobbiest vs. BIZ.

Is this a profit website were the monitors and site make money off the verified providers????? Hmmmmm...... This would seem to drive their decision making and the word hobbiest need to be drop asap. A hobby should be promoted vs. a BIZ that should be advertised and government regulated.

great advise from someone who seems much wiser then me. keep in mind that ever action gives a reaction. regaurdless this storm creates waves at this pointe I am not in control...... Good luck and be safe. Tru Hobbism is fun first and never a threat to the player.
WOW, hahahhahaah, I printed this post and brought it to to three, diffent ppl... they all laughed so hard. A man , A woman , and A TV. A women never lying then adam was truly at fault for letting eve talk him into bitting that apple. Just like I am the only one at fault for being upset I got fucked by a VERIFIED PROVIDER.. Thanks for your remarkable naive input though. It just shows me that no NEWBIES should be allowed and this faked as hobby is a biz. As corrupt as the gonvernemt. Know wounder why when I speak to all provider , verified or not they are against government regulation. Thank would mean customer satisfaction.
And, I leave you with...
A. Hobby is friendly and sweet with the purist intentions , I was manipulate and use to includ 3rd parties , not affiliate with our encounter. Still watching what I write now. I am promoting this as a TRU hobby, were the hobbiest is fully protected and fuck the providers. Something is fishy about this whole thing and I advise hobbiest to use site protection. This site seems to drive bizness, money, dollars, and if the verified yes verified provider , the worker, is not happy with you she will fuck shit up in the who marked , just because you copied and pasted!!! NOW get that.
You just can't fix STOOPID!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 03-14-2011, 12:53 AM
I knew you would offer those up Nikki. Reading them can make you bleed out through your ears.

Chica Chaser's Avatar
ChinaDoll, you are only reinforcing my like of you with posts like that!
novacain's Avatar
8) Lay vs. Lie

You're tired? Go lie down. Did you do this yesterday? You lay down yesterday.

Your arms are tired? Lay that heavy bag down. Did you do it yesterday? You laid it down. Originally Posted by China Doll
Ok, since I am not of the highest of educations; I have a question about this. If I'm wrong so be it and am in no way trying point out a flaw(while it would be funny if that is the case).
If you lay down yesterday, would it not be: You laid down yesterday. To show the indication of a pastense since it happened and is not happening or about to happen? Now if it was stated as a question: You lay down yesterday? Then using lay would indeed be in the correct tense.

About to happen: China Doll, are you going to lay me?

Happening: China Doll, you are a great lay.

Happened: I was laid by China Doll yesterday and it was excelent!

Or am I completely all wrong and back to ESL(english as a second language) classes for me?

And yes I know I'm an ass!
Ok, since I am not of the highest of educations; I have a question about this. If I'm wrong so be it and am in no way trying point out a flaw(while it would be funny if that is the case).
If you lay down yesterday, would it not be: You laid down yesterday. To show the indication of a pastense since it happened and is not happening or about to happen? Now if it was stated as a question: You lay down yesterday? Then using lay would indeed be in the correct tense.

About to happen: China Doll, are you going to lay me?

Happening: China Doll, you are a great lay.

Happened: I was laid by China Doll yesterday and it was excelent!

Or am I completely all wrong and back to ESL(english as a second language) classes for me?

And yes I know I'm an ass! Originally Posted by novacain
You misspelled "excellent."
Eccie Addict's Avatar
Hey how do you spell lie in the present tense??

Lieing or lying or lyeing???? Never do get it right lol.
If you'd bean my libarian, I'd learnt that dewey decibel system real good. Even if took me ever day seeing you.

Damn, Angel, I'm having naughty fantasies. Originally Posted by am-a-pleaser
Please feel free to do so as often as you like.

Hey how do you spell lie in the present tense??

Lieing or lying or lyeing???? Never do get it right lol. Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
The present tense of "to lie" is "lie" (or "lies" in third person). The present progressive tense or gerund form is "lying".