What Happens to Bubba's Speaker Fees?

Slick Willy the Perjuring Sexual Predator earned more than $126 million from speaking fees since he left office in 2001.

It has been reported that his typical fee more than doubled when hildebeest became Secretary of State.

Who the fuck is going pay those big bucks now to listen to him ramble on about any topic?

I'll bet he cuts his asking fee per speech by 80%... throw in a blowjob and he may even discount it by 90%! Originally Posted by lustylad
Mebbe he'll end up as a "greeter " at the Slick Willy Presidential LIEbrary and massage parlor ! With a side job of screening all of the spa " attendants " !
bambino's Avatar
Mebbe he'll end up as a "greeter " at the Slick Willy Presidential LIEbrary and massage parlor ! With a side job of screening all of the spa " attendants " ! Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
He already is!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Bullshit. You are on the right. At least with me I agitate both sides. IAMANIDIOT!. Originally Posted by WolfWhistle

Slick Willy the Perjuring Sexual Predator earned more than $126 million from speaking fees since he left office in 2001.

It has been reported that his typical fee more than doubled when hildebeest became Secretary of State.

Who the fuck is going pay those big bucks now to listen to him ramble on about any topic?

I'll bet he cuts his asking fee per speech by 80%... throw in a blowjob and he may even discount it by 90%! Originally Posted by lustylad
It shouldn't be a problem for the Clinton Crime Family. After all, look at how well shrilLIARy did with a $ 10,000 cattle futures " trade " in less than a year !!!! Anyone with that kind of trading " skill " should be able to churn those millions from those middle eastern leaders and other extortion victims into some SERIOUS cash for themselves !!!
Mo' money for the Obama Foundation.

Stay chill ev'rybody.