Durham Investigation Insiders Say ‘No Evidence’ to Support Obamagate Has Been Found in 18 Months

Yeah Levi. Check with your favorite faux news entertainer and give us just the faux version as of today lol omg n wtf

We know there ain't shit dah I do say and know so
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
So Durham is waiting on Trump's favorite strongman to finish with Ukraine? Originally Posted by WTF
My read is he is still squeezing the little lemon's nuts to make lemonade. ICYMI: Mueller took $40M and 2 years to find Nothing, nothing.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
He found plenty. And no, I’m not going to get into semantic bullshit with you or any other Trumpist ostrich whose eyes and ears are full of sand.

Barr lied about it and mueller was too big a pussy to press.

The piece of shit is as dirty as there’s ever been.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
He found plenty. And no, I’m not going to get into semantic bullshit with you or any other Trumpist ostrich whose eyes and ears are full of sand.

Barr lied about it and mueller was too big a pussy to press.

The piece of shit is as dirty as there’s ever been. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

Mueller found nothing. Barr didn't lie and Mueller said so. you are a sad little man and your vision of progressive America has been rejected.
bambino's Avatar
Mueller found nothing. Barr didn't lie and Mueller said so. you are a sad little man and your vision of progressive America had been rejected. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
I’m Bambino, and I approve this post.
matchingmole's Avatar
Mueller found nothing. Barr didn't lie and Mueller said so. you are a sad little man and your vision of progressive America had been rejected. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole

poor little mole, grew up and became a troll.
I'm pretty sure muller muller had more indictments that durham ever will and he still pusseyed out lol n omg n wtf

How bout questioning trumpy under oath like starr did Clinton after years of investigating Clinton's financial info. Omg n Wtf what a waist of taxpayers money. Then starr went down to run the corrupted Baylor. Sweeping rapes and assaults under the rug like a good corrupt republican. He was finally forced out and I believe he is now just another talking idiot on faux news. Wow did he bottom out lol n omg n wtf
HedonistForever's Avatar
Speaking of Trump's financial info.


Prosecutors leading New York criminal probe into Trump resign

Two prosecutors who had been leading the Manhattan district attorney's criminal probe into former U.S. President Donald Trump and his business practices have resigned, the district attorney's office said on Wednesday.

The departures of Special Counsel Carey Dunne and Mark Pomerantz came less than two months after District Attorney Alvin Bragg assumed office, taking over a probe into Trump and his family business, the Trump Organization.

"We are grateful for their service," said Danielle Filson, a spokeswoman for Bragg, referring to Dunne and Pomerantz. She added that the investigation was ongoing.
Bragg had indicated to the pair that he had doubts about pursuing a case against Trump, the New York Times said, citing people with knowledge of the matter.
Dunne and Pomerantz could not immediately be reached for comment. Pomerantz had been brought in from an outside law firm to work on the probe.

Ron Fischetti, a lawyer for Trump, called the departures a sign that Bragg would not bring criminal charges against the former president, though nothing was official.
"In my mind the case is over," Fischetti said. "There's no question in my mind that they did it because there wasn't a case that they could prove, and there was no purpose in them staying there any longer."

matchingmole's Avatar
poor little mole, grew up and became a troll. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
HedonistForever's Avatar
As to the Durham investigation.


John Durham sent a message to the attorney general and the country

Tucked inside the court filing, John Durham laid out a good chunk of the case he’s building, and it was stunning. Durham revealed the outlines of a corrupt conspiracy by operatives linked to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign. The exposed conspiracy allegedly made a contrived, fraudulent and shocking attempt to entice the FBI and CIA to use their powers against the rival Trump campaign and presidency.

This recent filing by Durham was designed to have two effects. First, and most important, he has now made any decision by the president or attorney general to dump him much more difficult to undertake. The last time a president fired a special prosecutor who was making significant progress, he lost his presidency.
Second, Durham has signaled to the American people that his investigation has legs, despite perceptions of plodding inertia.

Durham’s filing triggered hyperbolic conjecture on the right and nervous silence on the left. Don’t be distracted by reactions driven by politics. Look at the actual words Durham used; they’re troubling enough on their own.

Those words are found in a section of the filed motion titled “Factual Background.” In it, Durham expands on information that led him to indict an attorney connected to the Hillary Clinton campaign, Michael Sussmann, for allegedly lying to the FBI.

According to Durham, Sussmann brought information to the FBI in September 2016 that he claimed proved a direct connection between candidate Trump and Russia to get the FBI to investigate. But Durham says Sussmann falsely told the FBI that he was not presenting the information on behalf of any client when, in fact, he was billing the Clinton campaign for his time.

Sussmann’s defense attorneys now argue, in effect, that even if he lied, the lie would not be material because the information was valid. But the lie would be quite material, because Sussmann allegedly was asking the FBI to expend costly resources to investigate his claims. If he concealed the clients on whose behalf he evidently was acting, as Durham charges, he would have fraudulently deprived the FBI of facts that would have helped the bureau decide whether it was worth investing taxpayer dollars on an investigation. Knowing Sussmann’s true affiliations was clearly information the FBI deserved to know.

In addition, despite the Sussmann attorneys’ assertions that the information he possessed was bona fide, Durham makes an interesting case why it allegedly wasn’t. At this point in the Factual Background section, he expands on the role allegedly played by “Tech Executive 1,” now known to be Rodney Joffe of Neustar, one of the country’s most powerful tech companies you’ve probably never heard of.
Durham’s description of Joffe’s alleged activities does not paint him in a good light. According to Durham, Joffe exploited Neustar data and other friendly sources to help him “establish ... an inference and narrative” tying Trump to Russia — and that he allegedly did so to please “VIPs” within the Clinton campaign and its law firm. Sussmann happened to be Joffe’s attorney as well.

Joffe, in this scenario, isn’t an independent whistleblower; he’s a partisan whistle maker. Durham could only know all this if either Joffe told him or the sources Joffe approached for help disclosed those conversations to Durham’s investigators. Neither reality can be comforting to those involved. Of all the points made in the Factual Background, Joffe’s alleged efforts and their disclosure are the most damaging to those who may have participated in a burgeoning conspiracy.

It is particularly damaging because, if true, Joffe appears to have unethically and possibly illegally turned over proprietary government data to a civilian third party. Plus, Durham makes a compelling argument that the data Joffe allegedly gave Sussmann for delivery to the FBI is incomplete and made to look more sinister than it really is. In addition, Sussmann and Joffe allegedly withheld from the FBI important context that would have placed the sinister overtones in a more innocuous light.

Thanks to a routine court filing, the nation now knows the Durham investigation is no joke. He has set a ladder against a formidable wall and is climbing it rung by rung, apparently gaining cooperators and locking in testimony before a federal grand jury. There will be more squirming to come in powerful circles, but John Durham must be allowed to continue his important work.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Originally Posted by matchingmole
You believers hold your breath lol n omg n wtf. Some are actually that stupid dah
I didn't say it had to do with Trump....I said Trump's favorite strongman. In other words Putin.

I still do not follow your logic. You think Durham has evidence to bring down Clinton or Biden or both?

Why is he holding this evidence back? Because of Ukraine? Canadian truckers?

Wtf man....explain this conspiracy to me! Originally Posted by WTF
What's your logic with Putin and Trump? This taunting of Ukraine by Russia could have taken place during Trump's administration but it didn't. As far Durham and his investigation let the chips fall where they may. The Clinton's and the Biden's are still shit people. Trump is hardly a criminal compare to those shysters.
matchingmole's Avatar
. Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
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