The leftists want to destroy your city too

Jacuzzme's Avatar
Funny that the Babylon Bee is basically Nostradamus. They write stories intended to be ridiculous satire, 6 months later the same story is in the New York Times. That’s how far we're slouching towards Gomorrah.
berryberry's Avatar
It seems that you're not acknowledging that you posted it as if it were an actual quote from the mayor. Originally Posted by 1pittsburgh
I posted it because not only was it funny as hell, it was dead on accurate satire in describing the situation.

You are just upset that it hit too close to the truth
berryberry's Avatar
Funny that the Babylon Bee is basically Nostradamus. They write stories intended to be ridiculous satire, 6 months later the same story is in the New York Times. That’s how far we're slouching towards Gomorrah. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
They are indeed. So many things the Babylon Bee has posted as ridiculous satire of the leftists have come true. Just like this one has

The Mayor of NYC literally has complained loudly about the illegals coming into his city saying “the city is being destroyed by the migrant crisis.” This of course is due to NYC's designation as a sanctuary city. In addition Mayor Adams suspended NYC's right to shelter rules for illegals and is trying to ship scumbag illegals into other counties within the state.
berryberry's Avatar
As part of his mass release policy, Senile Biden freed an illegal alien MS-13 gang member who raped and murdered a young American woman.

The Department of Homeland Security missed signs that an illegal had ties to MS-13 when admitting him to the U.S., where he now stands accused of raping and murdering a 20-year-old woman in Maryland
berryberry's Avatar
Mayor Adams and NYC

berryberry's Avatar
Too bad you leftist NYC clowns - you wanted sanctuary status, time to pay the piper.
berryberry's Avatar
The NYC migrant crisis gets more insane by the day…the reality of sanctuary cities.

Don’t forget, many of the migrants are utilizing IDNYC, which allows them to get government ID (regardless of immigration status) they can use this to apply for employment, health benefits and even bank accounts!

Mayor Adams suggests housing scumbag illegals in private residences in New York:

“It is my vision to take the next step to this faith-based locales and then move to a private residence... They have spare rooms."