Being Fat

guest071618-1's Avatar
Working on a healthier lifestyle will greatly improve your sex life. We women don't always want or need Hercules, but we also don't want to go to bed with an elephant walrus either.

I helped two of my dearest client/friends lose about 50+ lbs each.
Motivation, encouragement, and a little coaching.

Learn the phrase - "How can I be better to myself?"
Don't do it so others can have a prettier canvas to look at.
Don't do it so others aren't embarrassed at the beach.

DO it for yourself. To live longer. To live happier. To be able to do more of what you want.

The biggest hurdle is to actually understand what you are putting into your body. Sounds stupid, but the App/program LOSE IT is really helpful with this. You basically enter in what you eat and it tells you the average calories. It takes a while and is tedious to get it going when you first start, but soon it will be second nature. You don't have to make a major switch to some fad or super restrictive diet. Just make a few better choices every day.

It also allows you to enter in your exercise. Little things throughout the day can help better than a grueling 2 hour workout. Baby steps.

Major change doesn't happen overnight, it takes a whole lifestyle change over many many months.

WATER WATER WATER - Get your fill every day.


I agree with Elisabeth- Putting a cushion or a stack of pillows under your hips will help with angle and allow for easier access. Let a lady know ahead of time that you are a bigger fella. Most won't care, but some will.

THE MOST IMPORTANT THING - Ladies will gripe about this more than anyone thinks... but


Embarrassing to type, even worse to deal with face to erm...

Lift those rolls, get a VERY sudsy washcloth in the cracks at least twice a day. Sorry, one shower before you go to work won't cut it. Not in Texas heat, not in Alaska. Learn your body, make sure you roll back the skin of your cock and clean it twice a day. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
So correct, I like this girl...she was on bottom of my list due to her looks and age in profile... now she moved up....

Op, go spend hobby money on dietrinist (insurance covers if ur PD approves)... it will be so worth it and easier... or if Ze willing, hire her for ur diet...
4ariel's Avatar
A female condom would suit you well. Then the action can continue without any interruption!
Duthgar1976's Avatar
it can be as easy as walking. the last few months i went from 357 to 325 just with walking an hour a day and trying to eat more healthy. its a marathon man not a sprint it takes time even at 40+ im lossing weight fast like this.
jbravo_123's Avatar
Keep in mind that (assuming you don't have a medical condition that's making you keep the weight), that to lose that much weight and keep it off will require lifestyle changes, which will require modifying your every day behavior.

Those types of changes don't come quickly and in order for them to stick, need to be done slowly and incrementally.
2short@desky's Avatar
Just stop eating. Seriously. Go one day without eating anything except lettuce and tomatoes, maybe a banana. No starches...bread, potatoes, rice, or junk food or sweets. Your tummy will literally shrink in about 3 days of this, and you won't be able to consume the portions you did previously that add the weight. Devote 2 days a week eating like this and the pounds will roll right off of you. If you get hungry, plump down an entire head of lettuce and you will feel full. Works like a champ for me, I'm 5'7" and the heaviest I've ever been is 185 when I started I maintain 163-168 easily. It's not that brutal but does take some discipline.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 08-30-2017, 04:31 PM
So correct, I like this girl...she was on bottom of my list due to her looks and age in profile... now she moved up....

Op, go spend hobby money on dietrinist (insurance covers if ur PD approves)... it will be so worth it and easier... or if Ze willing, hire her for ur diet... Originally Posted by eng

My showcase is that way to weed out the ones who can't read between the lines... Glad it is working.
Guest113018-1's Avatar
I am 61 years old, 5' 11 " and was up to 240 lbs. I'm now down to 205 lbs since February. Better diet and going to the gym 2 to 3 days a week. Hasn't improved my ED nor does my dick look bigger but I feel a lot better and my knees don't bother me anymore. I do wish my ED would get better but it is what it is.
Good thing I like to eat pussy.
Good thing I like to eat pussy. Originally Posted by golforfish
I hear ya. Love to make em squirm, moan and sweat.
but we also don't want to go to bed with an elephant walrus either.. Originally Posted by ~Ze~
Brookpwa's Avatar
For every 10 lbs you lose your penis will grow between half to 1 inch. Don't diet. Make better food choices and walk more. The weight will come off. And come see me I have a few clients with similar issues and have no problem with happy ending. If your on meds don't take them before session wait then take them after. Any meds for b/p diabetes. Sometimes they can cause ed.
BLM69's Avatar
  • BLM69
  • 08-31-2017, 12:54 PM
For every 10 lbs you lose your penis will grow between half to 1 inch. Don't diet. Make better food choices and walk more. The weight will come off. And come see me I have a few clients with similar issues and have no problem with happy ending. If your on meds don't take them before session wait then take them after. Any meds for b/p diabetes. Sometimes they can cause ed. Originally Posted by Brookpwa
If the inch growth is accurate, I'm hung bigger than a horse
cheatercheater's Avatar
We need to have a biggest loser contest again. Sure helped me back then. I have succeeded in putting a lot back on. Where is the motivation?
Chung Tran's Avatar
We need to have a biggest loser contest again. Originally Posted by cheatercheater
that contest was an insult.. I wasn't trying to lose weight, and I finished at the top of most people's list
TexTushHog's Avatar
You might talk to your dif about gastric banding.
Stop eating and workout?.?.?

It's not rocket surgery. ;-)

If you could muster the discipline to do a couple of things it could make a huge difference.

No sugar (at all) and limit alcohol to the weekends only. Walk around your block every morning and evening, in time you would be shocked at how much better you would look and feel.

It's all about being consistent and forming good habits.