Is Joe Biden qualified to serve as President Of The United States?

SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
That's just an opinion unless you've actually seen first hand that Biden is in superior physical shape than Trump. To be President doesn't really require any physical prowess. What is required is leadership and a winning attitude, something Biden has often proves he lacks. Originally Posted by Levianon17
First, I have cited the opinions of several others who have commented on Biden's physical condition. Looking at someone will give you some indication of one's physical condition. On looks alone, Biden wins. Then you read about the workout regimens of the two men over the years and Biden wins again.

No, physical condition is not the be-all and end-all to being a successful POTUS. Not close. I am NOT the one who brought up Biden and his physical condition, but I will defend him vs. Trump.

As far as attributes needed to be a successful POTUS, I'll let the voters decide in November who is best suited for the job. If it is Trump, I will support the voter's decision.
First, I have cited the opinions of several others who have commented on Biden's physical condition. Looking at someone will give you some indication of one's physical condition. On looks alone, Biden wins. Then you read about the workout regimens of the two men over the years and Biden wins again.

No, physical condition is not the be-all and end-all to being a successful POTUS. Not close. I am NOT the one who brought up Biden and his physical condition, but I will defend him vs. Trump.

As far as attributes needed to be a successful POTUS, I'll let the voters decide in November who is best suited for the job. If it is Trump, I will support the voter's decision. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Trump won the election of 2016 and you don't support the voters on that decision and I can't imagine your view will be any different in 2020 if Trump is reelected. As far as physical Condition Trump isn't in that bad of shape just because he is heavier than Biden doesn't really mean there is a big gap. Besides what does Biden really do physically that's so impressive over Trump?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Trump won the election of 2016 and you don't support the voters on that decision and I can't imagine your view will be any different in 2020 if Trump is reelected. As far as physical Condition Trump isn't in that bad of shape just because he is heavier than Biden doesn't really mean there is a big gap. Besides what does Biden really do physically that's so impressive over Trump? Originally Posted by Levianon17
I challenge you to find any post I've made in which I've stated that Trump was not the duly elected President of the United States. I did not support Trump in 2016 and he won. I will not support Trump in 2020. But in 2020, as in 2016, I will accept the decision of the voters.

Regarding Trump's physical condition. I am the same age as Donald Trump and if I looked like him physically I would make some serious life-changing alterations in my workout/dietary regimens.
I guess it's just me but I like bigger guys. I don't like skinny or whimpy. I think Big D is just right.

I challenge you to find any post I've made in which I've stated that Trump was not the duly elected President of the United States. I did not support Trump in 2016 and he won. I will not support Trump in 2020. But in 2020, as in 2016, I will accept the decision of the voters.

Regarding Trump's physical condition. I am the same age as Donald Trump and if I looked like him physically I would make some serious life-changing alterations in my workout/dietary regimens. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
I guess it's just me but I like bigger guys. I don't like skinny or whimpy. I think Big D is just right. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
Old, fat men??? No stamina??

I used to be a marathon runner and the old saying was "Marathon runners keep it up longer". lol.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
He had brain surgery for an aneurysm.
I challenge you to find any post I've made in which I've stated that Trump was not the duly elected President of the United States. I did not support Trump in 2016 and he won. I will not support Trump in 2020. But in 2020, as in 2016, I will accept the decision of the voters.

Regarding Trump's physical condition. I am the same age as Donald Trump and if I looked like him physically I would make some serious life-changing alterations in my workout/dietary regimens. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Duly elected is not the point. It's whether you support him as president and those that voted for him. You claim you do, but I wonder if you see how the Democratic Party has used every means necessary to destroy him.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Duly elected is not the point. It's whether you support him as president and those that voted for him. You claim you do, but I wonder if you see how the Democratic Party has used every means necessary to destroy him. Originally Posted by Levianon17
I support Trump's right to execute the powers of the office of POTUS as he sees fit, although I often disagree with his decisions. I support the decisions of those that voted for him.

Did you support Obama as POTUS? Probably in the same way I support Trump.
LexusLover's Avatar
Did you support Obama as POTUS? Probably in the same way I support Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Early on when he gave the green light for a tactical team to sniper pirates kidnapping freighter/tanker crew members and yacht owners I thought .... this is going to work ... and then THIS!

and that wouldn't work at all!

....a couple of years later when the "ACA" snake oil started getting sold and he started singing the praises ...

... it was apparent the sheep skin was falling off.

His "all-knowing" .... "elections have consequences" attitude was sickening ...

... and then Ferguson and any other little fabricated skirmish.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Originally Posted by Hoehummer(assup)
I support Trump's right to execute the powers of the office of POTUS as he sees fit, although I often disagree with his decisions. I support the decisions of those that voted for him.

Did you support Obama as POTUS? Probably in the same way I support Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Somewhat, He was a poor leader overall. Before Trump ever declared his candidacy Obama and others bashed Trump publicly at a White House Correspondence Dinner which Trump was present. At that time Trump although was a Business Mogul and Socialite he was also a citizen and it was poor taste for Obama to single him out. Obama was a mediocre president at best.
Hotrod511's Avatar
Old, fat men??? No stamina??

I used to be a marathon runner and the old saying was "Marathon runners keep it up longer". lol. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
I support Trump's right to execute the powers of the office of POTUS as he sees fit, although I often disagree with his decisions. I support the decisions of those that voted for him.

Did you support Obama as POTUS? Probably in the same way I support Trump. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Originally Posted by HoeHummer

looks like the day's over ...

LexusLover's Avatar
Early on when he gave the green light for a tactical team to sniper pirates kidnapping freighter/tanker crew members and yacht owners I thought .... this is going to work ... and then THIS!

and that wouldn't work at all!

....a couple of years later when the "ACA" snake oil started getting sold and he started singing the praises ...

... it was apparent the sheep skin was falling off.

His "all-knowing" .... "elections have consequences" attitude was sickening ...

... and then Ferguson and any other little fabricated skirmish. Originally Posted by LexusLover
This is how Obaminable was treated:

And Trump was greeted like this ....

Yeah, Trump's baseless health attack on Hillary in 2016....