Favorite Restaurants

In NoLa: "Bayona"
In California Wine Country try: "Cyrus" in Healdsburg.
Done "French Laundry" too many times. Last visit was uneven. It made it much easier to go to other places. "Redd" and others were closed for vacation when I was out in January (and missing Becky and Edward).
I want to do "Per Se" at some point (when someone else is grabbing the tab).
"NoBu" is yummie too (in the Village).
In NoLa: "Bayona"
I want to do "Per Se" at some point (when someone else is grabbing the tab). Originally Posted by SR Only
I can relate!
Wanna go dutch with me?
discreetgent's Avatar
Chicago - Spiaggia

New York - Per Se

Jerusalem - 1868

Sydney - Quay

Dallas - Dean Fearings (loved the Foei Gras last night) Originally Posted by Lauren Summerhill
Those places are all quite wonderful.

Also Tru in Chicago, Nana in Dallas, Modern in NY
Those places are all quite wonderful. Also Tru in Chicago, Nana in Dallas, Modern in NY Originally Posted by discreetgent
DG I guess your meal today is DFW terminal food ("terminal" being the operative term here).
atlcomedy's Avatar
I see SR is a no balls mod...

Which rules are we going to follow going forward?
Huh? how is there a rules variance here? And more importantly it ain't my board to mod. Unless you vote early and vote often.
atlcomedy's Avatar
This thread was dormant since September until reopened yesterday. JB cited older than 90 days as rationale for closing the thread I reopened. I asked for a consistent policy. He said his inconsistency was his consistency.

That said what is the view going forward????
London Rayne's Avatar
In NoLa: "Bayona"
In California Wine Country try: "Cyrus" in Healdsburg.
Done "French Laundry" too many times. Last visit was uneven. It made it much easier to go to other places. "Redd" and others were closed for vacation when I was out in January (and missing Becky and Edward).
I want to do "Per Se" at some point (when someone else is grabbing the tab).
"NoBu" is yummie too (in the Village). Originally Posted by SR Only
Bluck no wonder I have never been. I hate Asian food! I am the only one I know that still can't stomach anything Japanese or Asian....especially freakin sushi!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-04-2011, 12:47 PM
especially freakin sushi! Originally Posted by London Rayne
I'll eat all your sushi
This thread was well over 90 days old. Let's see how our new mod staff starts out..... Originally Posted by atlcomedy
Well ya got me in that, atlcomedy. I think I did point out I wasn't the mod for D&T. And I'll admit that I did not scroll back a page. Must be 'cause I got a life. Would you like to issue me an infraction point?
atlcomedy's Avatar
Well ya got me in that, atlcomedy. I think I did point out I wasn't the mod for D&T. And I'll admit that I did not scroll back a page. Must be 'cause I got a life. Would you like to issue me an infraction point? Originally Posted by SR Only
If you feel the need to pop your mod cherry, by all means

All I ask for is consistency
London Rayne's Avatar
I'll eat all your sushi Originally Posted by WTF
Yea you would if you took me to a place that only served that lol.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Uh.. do we have a new mod for d&t? *rolls eyes*
shorty's Avatar
I have to agree with LR about the Asian food. I can't stand the smell of Asian food and I like my shit looked!!