Providers with Husbands or Boyfriends... turn off?

Buck Fuddy's Avatar
One of my current favs has a husband, and is in an affair with another guy. Over time, as we have developed a deeper friendship, I've become a bit of a shoulder for her as the balancing act she is doing is quite taxing emotionally. Almost everyone of my inner circle of providers have told me of their personal relationships and all have an SO at a minimum, and most are truthful about it. I've learned about kids, homes, school pressures,and such from each of them, but only after having spent a couple of years visiting, and feeling comfortable, and I have and will never ask anything.. I've met a SO of one of them, and like others have said, as long as it is not a safety issue for me, I'm honored to a degree that these ladies have enough trust in me to feel like letting me know if anohter side of their lives.

I have come to believe that sometimes the ladies want to share personal info with someone they know won't judge them, or think less of them because they have rationalized the career choice with ongoing private life choices. They just sometimes need an outlet that does not judge them and understands this goofy little lifestyle we all are playing in.
None of my business and I do not ask, nor do I care, all I care about is how good the session will be, not if they are married or not.
berkleigh's Avatar
As honest as I am about my personal life, its known I have one, quite younger....
My relationship is out of convenience. It is what it is.

It should not matter of our status because its NO ones business.

I do know to some that is a complete turn on because its forbidden.
But I believe most really don't care and don't care to know.

I RESPECT IT, but I dont care about his relationship status.
It may come up in conversation, but if I cared, I guess I wouldn't do what I do.
I just look at things different.
Can't really involve feelings or morals in a Hobby Lifestyle.

No one gives a shit that I LOVE THE PUERTO RICANS DO THEY lol?

No, they want to believe in that session its the Illusion of Passion, Connection & GFE they have sought out.

Randall Creed's Avatar
I kinda like the idea of my big, black, long, hard, greasy ass dick being deep inside the tight pussy of somebody's wife.

berkleigh's Avatar
I kinda like the idea of my big, black, long, hard, greasy ass dick being deep inside the tight pussy of somebody's wife.

Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Greasy? lol
Randall Creed's Avatar
Well, not greasy.

Just added that descriptive for effect.

You know, if you want you could make it real SHINY, though.
I get turned on by doing a married/involved provider. I guess it's the forbidden fruit thing for me...
These days, there are fewer and fewer people out there who honestly believe in the sanctity of marriage, whether it be here in the hobby world or the real world. Yes it is still a turn on, but IMO, the "thrill" of going BCD with another man's wife is not as "taboo" as it once was.
javelinowner's Avatar
Well if a provider is married or has boyfriend and I know about it I won't stop seeing her for that reason alone however if she is complaining to me about how him or brings up her SO in conversation too many times I will stop seeing her. On a side note Ladies if you are married please remove your wedding ring before or time together for some reason a wedding ring is a complete turn off for me.
Precision45's Avatar
Doesn't bother me, I kinda enjoy banging someone elses gal. Last time I was with my ATF she mentioned she had a b.f. and that she told him she was out seeing a movie with her girlfriends. Little did he know I had his g/f's legs pinned behind her head like a voodoo doll. We had some fun dirty-talk about that...
FishGuy13's Avatar
.... I was "engaged"--
Does it bother you when your favorite provider is involved? Originally Posted by Caitlyn
Congrats Caitlyn! I must admit I too have had an on again and off again crush on you for years now, having seen you I know you are an amazing woman & a great provider. Just had to get my 2 cents in on that area first.
To answer your question, no I don't care one way or another, as long as the SO is not a threat to me.
If I have had a few sessions with one provider or another and we shared personal info I'd be happy for you, but that's just me. I *think* I could be in a swinger type of realationship, but have never been lucky enough to have a SO who wanted to try it with me.