Osama Bin Laden I'd dead!!!

Wordsmith's Avatar
Not as pretty as seeing Saddam being pulled out of a spider hole but it appears that hide away was lacking in hot water and a razor... Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Be glad they didnt take him alive. Can you imagine the trial and some idiot liberal lawyer using every trick in the book to defend him and all the intel that would be revealed during disclosure.
  • Sami
  • 05-02-2011, 07:45 AM
I agree 100% Word. It's about time they got the SOB. Now I would like to see how Pakistanis are going to explain this. Obama being in the heart of Pakistan and they didn't know Bullshit....

Be glad they didnt take him alive. Can you imagine the trial and some idiot liberal lawyer using every trick in the book to defend him and all the intel that would be revealed during disclosure. Originally Posted by Wordsmith
Sleepy363's Avatar
wellendowed1911's Avatar
as much as I do not like Obama, I would not have blamed Obama if it failed. I think those that would have would have been called out for it. it was known already that US Special Forces were in Pakistan unofficially hunting for Bin Laden. I am sure the US was not the only country there hunting for him. we are at war still, so a mission like this is not really comparable to Jimmy Carter's ineptness. I will give the President a kudos for making a call anyone one of us would have done or would like to been able to done, except those anti war folks that still think we can use diplomacy with terrorists. Originally Posted by TexRich
TexRich whether you like or not Obama deserves credit for the killing- as someone pointed out this could have been a Jimmy Carter moment- in case you don't know how it works- the CIA and the Intelligence team briefs the President on leads- the President can pursue it or say No I don't think it's a good lead.... The President felt it was a good lead and gave the go to take him out- There's evidence that CIA informed Bush that they had Osama cornered in Tora Bora but Bush called off air strikes- that's factual. So please get off your political high horse and give everyone including Obama their due. If you want to be realistic about it- here's another fact- Obama in his 2 & 1/2 years has killed and/or captured more Taliban/Al-Queada terrorist than Bush's 7 years following 9-11- pure facts.
However, this is no time for political swagger- America as a whole should rejoice. Even the Fox news anchors last night and this morning were giving Obama high praises.
I honestly think there are some people in this world like TexRich who are so bitter that if Obama announced that he and his administration found a cure for cancer he would get criticized- TexRich would probably say- well how come you didn't find a cure for AIDS....
TexRich Obama took out Osama as he promised in 2008 under his watch- you can't change history- so just rejoice and live with it. I am pretty sure you would be praising Bush had Bush found him during his term. It was a team effort and Obama, the CIA, and special forces did a wonderful job- end of story!
Wordsmith's Avatar
Was this a kinetic kill?

TexRich whether you like or not Obama deserves credit for the killing- as someone pointed out this could have been a Jimmy Carter moment- in case you don't know how it works- the CIA and the Intelligence team briefs the President on leads- the President can pursue it or say No I don't think it's a good lead.... The President felt it was a good lead and gave the go to take him out- There's evidence that CIA informed Bush that they had Osama cornered in Tora Bora but Bush called off air strikes- that's factual. So please get off your political high horse and give everyone including Obama their due. If you want to be realistic about it- here's another fact- Obama in his 2 & 1/2 years has killed and/or captured more Taliban/Al-Queada terrorist than Bush's 7 years following 9-11- pure facts.
However, this is no time for political swagger- America as a whole should rejoice. Even the Fox news anchors last night and this morning were giving Obama high praises.
I honestly think there are some people in this world like TexRich who are so bitter that if Obama announced that he and his administration found a cure for cancer he would get criticized- TexRich would probably say- well how come you didn't find a cure for AIDS....
TexRich Obama took out Osama as he promised in 2008 under his watch- you can't change history- so just rejoice and live with it. I am pretty sure you would be praising Bush had Bush found him during his term. It was a team effort and Obama, the CIA, and special forces did a wonderful job- end of story! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
wellendowed1911's Avatar
Was this a kinetic kill? Originally Posted by Wordsmith
It was directed at TexRich and TexFlip instead of rejoicing and giving credit- it now is well anyone would have made that decision.... Well Bush had 7 years with all kinds of leads including the infamous intel he had when A General told him that they had Osama cornered in Tora Bora- but Bush called off air strikes- so was that a no brainer decision missed by Bush?
Again t was perhaps a no brainer in 1980 for Carter to rescue our hostages and you see where that went right? In case you didn't know that politican sitting in the oval office has the final say as commander in chief on whether to pursue the operation or call it off- so don't you dare belittle what the administration has accomplished. Let's not forget Bush started the hunt on Osama so it's a combination of both administrations and a lot of intel- this is not a time for you or anyone to turn this into a political game- just rejoice that Osama's is gone and all americans can rejoice- and give credit to this administration and all who were involved. You act like Obama had no say in these operations last I checked the CIA briefs him weekly on security issues- actually daily.
TexRich's Avatar
alright pinky dick, thanks for the political analysis and the outlandish comment about the cure for AIDS. now go back to the huffington post and do some more reading! and while you are at it, get off your high horse and quit trying to psycho analyze me because it makes you look even worse. I have my opinion of Obama and the current news story, you should focus on that, not bash another member here because you do not like what he says. I really do not care if you do not agree with my opinion, but to indict my character because you disagree is really lame.
wellendowed1911's Avatar
alright pinky dick, thanks for the political analysis and the outlandish comment about the cure for AIDS. now go back to the huffington post and do some more reading! and while you are at it, get off your high horse and quit trying to psycho analyze me because it makes you look even worse. I have my opinion of Obama and the current news story, you should focus on that, not bash another member here because you do not like what he says. I really do not care if you do not agree with my opinion, but to indict my character because you disagree is really lame. Originally Posted by TexRich
No what is lame is that you can't give Obama and his administraton credit for whatever good they do- if this were 2007 and Bush was in office you would have paragraphs of how great Bush is and how he took out Osama blah blah blah- I could care less how you think - the History books will write that Osama Bin Laden was killed during Obama's term and the bgger picture is that real americans are happy that the POS is dead without connecting any political issues to it- you have some nerve to say anyone would have made that decision and thank the troops-etc- who do you think the troops take their orders from? Who is the Commander -In- Chief? Actually people like you are not even worth my time!
TexRich's Avatar
Actually people like you are not even worth my time! Originally Posted by wellendowed1911

go figure....

dude, you can go polish Obama's knob all day. I gave Obama kudos for making, what I consider, an easy call. I mentioned I would have given Obama a pass if it would not have worked since we are at war. I have my opinion and I am sorry it puts your panties in a wad. get over it!
Few people in the world had honestly "deserved" to die (Hitler, Pol Pot, Idi Amin, Saddam Hussein) but this turd had it coming. Thank goodness he's "sleeping with the fishes!" Only thing better would've been to feed him to some swine so that when he met his Maker he'd be nothing more than a pile of pig shit!
TexasFlip's Avatar
C'mon guys! Let's relish in the fact that the asshole is dead...he had it coming and personally I don't care who pulled the trigger, made the decision, whatever it was that resulted in Bin Ladin dying. That fecker deserved to die, what I think about are the people and the families that suffered because of him.

The people that took him out were just doing their job, that includes Obama...he was doing his job. My brother in law is in the special forces and when I talked to him about all his exploits all he ever says is "I did my job and I loved it". He doesn't want fame or credit. He just relished in the story and the moment.

I actually voted for Obama, and have supported him. What I didn't like was his speech and the countless number of "I gave" and "I did" references in his speech, I thought it was in bad taste - cause to me, he made it political.

Nonetheless, I was awake and doing well then I heard the news. It was history in the making. Feck Bin Ladin and all those other jackasses that followed his lead...
Poppa_Viagra's Avatar
It's a shame we didn't feed his bullet-riddled corpse to a pen full of wild hogs. Live. Prime time. On FOX.
And I wonder how many sailors pissed off the fantail of the ship after they dumped bin laden into the sea?
mrod's Avatar
  • mrod
  • 05-02-2011, 02:23 PM
I just glad they got the SOB... who cares who did it and when... The fact the we just showed the world that if you F.. with us... We are gonna get ya... and it doesnt matter how long or how much it costs....

Now lets focus on whats important.... Whos having OSAMA DEAD provider SPECIALS
Great White Buffalo's Avatar
Sancocho good point about the sailors having to deal with his funeral. I want to know if any sailors after the burial decided to take a piss into the sea
Great White Buffalo's Avatar
Sancocho good point about the sailors having to deal with his funeral. I want to know if any sailors shortly after the burial decided to take a piss into the sea