low end theory's Avatar
A fuckup is a fuckup. Race doesn't matter.

White boys, Hispanics, Asians, Middle easterners, they fuck up every day as well as blacks. And there are a whole bunch of fuckups on this board of all races that will keep fucking up.

The fucked up thing is bruthas will always get singled out. One of them fuck up the whole race is blamed, even by the sistas.

Shit ain't changing. It is what it is.

The OP should've never started this thread, IMO. Originally Posted by kerwil62
couldn't agree more
StopShort's Avatar
I'm not certain what the OP's motivation was for this post. Looks like a couple of sessions went the wrong way and she made a clear judgment call to continue with them. Then all of a sudden the race card rears its ugly head. I don't understand the logic.

I'm a black man and had been with only black women sexually all my life. My first sexual experience with a white woman was through the hobby. It wasn't a very pleasant experience. She was high, tried to upsell me, and rushed me to cum to finish the session. My next experience was with a white woman was pretty much the same. I had to realize that it was my fault for not doing appropriate research on these 2 skanks. I could have taken the easy way out and pointed the finger at them and made a rash, illogical observation about white women and sworn them off. Basically, the hard way is to hold yourself accountable for not ending the meeting when it started off wrong. The easy way is to make an unfounded generalization about black men.

But, it is what it is. Do whatever works for you.
rmrstyle23's Avatar
These types of threads never work out really well for the provider IMO. To the OP alot of great and free game was given to you on this thread heed it please. Everybody has a bad day it happens move on and get better plain n simple
nascobar21's Avatar
I'm not certain what the OP's motivation was for this post. Looks like a couple of sessions went the wrong way and she made a clear judgment call to continue with them. Then all of a sudden the race card rears its ugly head. I don't understand the logic.

I'm a black man and had been with only black women sexually all my life. My first sexual experience with a white woman was through the hobby. It wasn't a very pleasant experience. She was high, tried to upsell me, and rushed me to cum to finish the session. My next experience was with a white woman was pretty much the same. I had to realize that it was my fault for not doing appropriate research on these 2 skanks. I could have taken the easy way out and pointed the finger at them and made a rash, illogical observation about white women and sworn them off. Basically, the hard way is to hold yourself accountable for not ending the meeting when it started off wrong. The easy way is to make an unfounded generalization about black men.

But, it is what it is. Do whatever works for you. Originally Posted by StopShort
The logic is simple. She will never admit it but those reviews must have hurt her business really bad . How does a provider save face?? Post a thread such as this. Smh
Wakeup's Avatar
6b. Since you're black, please tell your pimp to list "No AA allowed" or "I have an NBA policy" in your ad. I love seeing the black guys lose their damn minds over it. Since I'm doing all this work to help educate you and your pimps, please help me out by giving me some entertainment.
I heart this thread...
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
I heart this thread... Originally Posted by Wakeup
lol NBA policies mean nothing to me
Thank you so very much Darling for your nice advice. You definitely understand what happened to me. But anyways I learnt from it and can never be nice in that kinda situation again.
Well, this is not what I do for a living. I am pretty busy with works and studies. I only come out once in a rare while as a weekend gateaway kinda. So for all your assumptions, you got it all wrong.
"... As long as respectful and nice..." Well said. So what happens when they're not?
"... As long as respectful and nice..." Well said. So what happens when they're not? Originally Posted by camillafox
I screen everyone thoroughly; if a guy is a jerk or a time waster or some other kind of undesirable, it usually becomes pretty apparent early on, during the screening process, as they just don't operate with a normal level of common decency.

If they somehow make it through screening and to my in-call without raising any red flags, and then still turn out to be jerks, I make them leave, plain and simple.

Every provider has the right to run her life/business how she sees fit; but over 8+ years of doing this, and time and time again I read stories from ladies about how these fuckers turn up and they let them get away with all kinds of malarkey then whine that they were assholes. Firstly, screen harder. Secondly, as soon as anything goes awry, he makes you uncomfortable or he crosses your boundaries, you need to make the client leave, plain and simple.
Well, FYI, I don't do this for a living. I am too busy with my studies and exams and following up with my hectic job schedule. I only come out once in a rare while as a weekend gate-away. I never read the reviews until the day I responded. So don't say the review got my business bad and all that cos I've not even been out for a long while. To me, this is not my career nor lifetime business. Like I said, it's once in a while kinda thing. So the gap between the time it was posted and the time I responded should explain how busy I am with studies and exams as mentioned earlier.
Well, FYI, I don't do this for a living. I am too busy with my studies and exams and following up with my hectic job schedule. I only come out once in a rare while as a weekend gate-away. I never read the reviews until the day I responded. So don't say the review got my business bad and all that cos I've not even been out for a long while. To me, this is not my career nor lifetime business. Like I said, it's once in a while kinda thing. So the gap between the time it was posted and the time I responded should explain how busy I am with studies and exams as mentioned earlier. Originally Posted by camillafox
Whether you take 1 appointment a month, or 20, it's just a better way to do business so you can avoid bad situations such as this. Especially if you only hobby once in a while; wouldn't you want every experience to only be a good one?

Better to be safe, than sorry.

Not coming down on you at all, just providing an alternative perspective in how you can handle your clients better so that you only ever have positive experiences moving forwards.
Thanks for your advice. I appreciate that. To correct a wrong impression , I never meant to condemn all black guys cos the first man that visited me and has been a great friend till date is a black and he was and has been amazing! He communicates with me every week and checks up on my progress with school and job and all at all times and still sees me whenever I'm available. Amongst other nice black guys too. But my bad experiences so far have been still from our black brothers. My first week of coming out here was horrible. One stole my APPLE LAPTOP TILL DATE and he claimed he's an admin manager on Eccie Houston Community and of course he's on this Eccie and for sure will read this. The other stole my bag that contained my Samsung Tablet and hobby toys and fetish outfits and candles and other valuables but fortunately I took outy wallet which contains all cards and money with me while in the bathroom to refresh. By the time I came out he quickly ran out with my bag and by the time I got dressed and ran into the elevator he was gone!
So these two plus the 2 that reviewed left me with a bitter experience with black brothers. And that led to my statement in the thread. Well, it'll soon be over.
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
so let me get this straight... eccie admins are stealing laptops and tablets? somebody pay these guys please. seriously these are likely imposters trying to get free admin and mod pussy.

you just need to stop the business altogether. something just ain't right you seem to vulnerable and ripe for fraud
@Globespotter, thank you so much. Honestly, I never had any white or Hispanic guests stolen from me, or come unclean, or come with half the agreed donations and start giving excuses, nor take anything from me and never returned it nor abused me in anyway. But I have had all the aforementioned experiences from different dark-skinned Americans. And i have also experienced nice gentle black men too. But my ugly experiences are much more than the good ones. And that's what led to that expression in the thread. I've had a black American visited and donated as agreed but stole my bag and ran away when I went into the bathroom to clean up. But fortunately I took my wallet with me (cards&cash in it) but he didn't know cos he was in the bathroom when I took it out . just my Samsung Tablet, huby toys and outfits, scented candles and other valuables but no cash nor credit cards in it. Though I just bought those hubby toys, and outfits a day before and I spent over 400 on those cos I was just getting started for the first time. The other one claimed he's an admin of Eccie Houston community and was checking me out and he wanted to have me for free but I refused, then he ceized my Apple Laptop till date... He's here and of course will read this. He said his name is New York. I complained the situation to Chica Chiser. He's aware of it. I'm just tired of their bs honestly. But for this few days my showcase will be here before I bail out for life (soonest) I won't ever take any form of bs from any one of them again. Never!