Chubby Chasers ? Is that a - thing?

If you find one would you please PM me I need a local gal that is into it enough to go hours like my retired ATF naughtynympho1985 was she would go non stop for hours with just short rest room breaks I miss her so. I drove from the woodlands to Pasadena cheerfully knowing that she’d be happy to torture me our record CW edging session was 4.5 hours and I only quit because I had to be home by 6
If you find one would you please PM me I need a local gal that is into it enough to go hours like my retired ATF naughtynympho1985 was she would go non stop for hours with just short rest room breaks I miss her so. I drove from the woodlands to Pasadena cheerfully knowing that she’d be happy to torture me our record CW edging session was 4.5 hours and I only quit because I had to be home by 6
DallasRain's Avatar
I like my gents on the chubby side an d my women about size of me

BUT I will NEVER kick a lady OR man outta my bed...unless its to fuck them on the floor lol!
4PawgLovers's Avatar
I like my gents on the chubby side an d my women about size of me

BUT I will NEVER kick a lady OR man outta my bed...unless its to fuck them on the floor lol!
Originally Posted by DallasRain
Im with Dallas on this one! Personally I dont care for boney men.. they hurt. Bones poking out the pelvis LOL... I enjoy thick men and women.
Skinny, boney women remind me of boys. I prefer a fuller figured, womanly figure.... in Buttmans Big Tit Adventure, the bi-line is : big tits, big belly, big ass = big fun.

Obese ? No. 30-50 lbs bigger : no problem, esp. if she is cute, big tits and big ass. Fucking love that.

Funny : I’ve been with women who have definite tummy rolls. I call that Ooo Loo meat. Oooh Loo I love that ! And all of them to a women, absolutely loved how I worship their extra lbs. I make it a point to get very worked up over their female flesh.

When I was younger, I’d have bruises on my hips and PC bone after banging skinny gals. Not worth it. I LOVE a soft, wet cushion with Mama meat to hold, massage, and fondle,

Fuck yea.
isikhwimmins's Avatar
Personally I have always loved chubby women, all the way back to my teen years. First real girlfriend was a bit of a marshmallow but had great tits.

Curvy, padded, a few extra pounds, BBW, doesn't matter how you label them. Gimme a girl I can grab onto with both hands.

Not interested in a bag of antlers, they hurt.
What I seek is really considered a unicorn in both P4P and RW worlds which is rarely found in either as my preference is the athletic, busty(C-G) type who have a filled-out body. Now, I have been with large women and my real-world ex was one of them. I once was seeing a P4P provider who was a BBW in my view as she was 5’ 3” and 160+ lbs, and while I enjoyed being with her, it got old for me and apparently her as she became a pillow princess. My last P4P provider became an RW friend and she was close to what I am seeking as she was 5’10”, very busty (F-G) while weighing around 140-150 lbs with an hour-glass shape.

I have nothing against larger women, but I am generally not attracted to them, regardless of how beautiful their personalities may be. To me, I look at how the girl appears on the outside first since I have to be attracted to her, and then I look at the inside to see if I find her fascinating and intelligent. If both click, then I am hooked.

Having had a wife who was a biggen, I choose to look for someone smaller in size but I have been known to click with a girl who I would classify as chubby but that would be in the lower weight class of a chubby, such as around 150 to 190 lbs, yet that is a rare event. Keep in mind I am 6’3” 230 lbs, so I am not a small guy and I prefer the taller girls such as being in the 5’8” to 6’2” range with the body type I described at the beginning of this post.

Someone posted in this thread to the effect that cubby girls tend to be more affectionate, and I would agree with that thought. The slimmer girls tend to be somewhat affectionate, but I have RW dated and P4P seen girls who are chubby and they tend to be some of the most affectionate women around.

Keep in mind, I am seeking Unicorns now rather than just whoever is miss right now. I’m at an age where I am not looking for the wham-bam-thank-u-mam time. I’ve seen too many girls during my time in the P4P realm, and that kind of experience does nothing for me now.

So off to my search and thank you for your thread, Zena.
Zena's Avatar
  • Zena
  • 02-09-2021, 01:27 PM
Love these comments!
Yep - something different for
everyone out there!