Move On!

caroline!'s Avatar
I view what she did as NC/NS. She only told him when HE called to say he was running late. Apparently, she had no intention of telling him, and his call to her was serendipitous. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
What? I never said he called to say he was running late. You don't know WTF you're talking about. What IF I did pull a ncns... that justifies him harassing me w/ crazy texts right? Do you even hobby bc all you do is post crazy shit. Go make yourself happy and post something about me in the little boys room.. Stay off my threads.
okcdude1971's Avatar
ANONONE's Avatar
What IF I did pull a ncns... Originally Posted by caroline!
I think that has been answered by many folks on both sides of the gender fence. If you did indeed NCNS him, you deserve all the bad karma that falls your way. Hopefully there would be solidarity for pushing you out of the hobby community from both providers and hobbyists if it becomes a pattern.

Just as we handle fucktards that short envelopes, treat women in an abusive manner, or pressure for BBFS.

Lets be clear. NCNS is one of the worst things a provider can do (other than cash and dash, but the hobbyist is often also to blame for not doing research). A close second is bragging about it as your fierce 'tude.
caroline!'s Avatar
for everyone's INFO: no, I did NOT pull a nc/ns. I canceled and he had plenty of notice. I've been a provider for awhile.. and I know how to run my biz. I hardly get the dramas but when I do, No, I'm not happy. Even my clients don't text me, and they usu state their biz when they do call. I am known to turn down biz, DROP CLIENTs, and yeah, I am known to MOVE THE FUCK ON!
I view what she did as NC/NS. She only told him when HE called to say he was running late. Apparently, she had no intention of telling him, and his call to her was serendipitous. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
What? I never said he called to say he was running late. You don't know WTF you're talking about. What IF I did pull a ncns... that justifies him harassing me w/ crazy texts right? Do you even hobby bc all you do is post crazy shit. Go make yourself happy and post something about me in the little boys room.. Stay off my threads. Originally Posted by caroline!
OK. I might have thrown some of the posters off. I thought we were in this thread:, which started out as a hobbyist who called to say he was running late, only to be told by the provider that she was busy.

If I got the thread off track, I'm sorry.

However, I do have to agree that of all the providers on this board, Caroline's attitude is the most offensive of all of them. I wouldn't see her if SHE paid ME!!! I wouldn't subject myself to that kind of abuse.
caroline!'s Avatar
However, I do have to agree that of all the providers on this board, Caroline's attitude is the most offensive of all of them. I wouldn't see her if SHE paid ME!!! I wouldn't subject myself to that kind of abuse. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
you already said that before.... and still, always talking shit w/ nothing to say. I'm never nice to TROLLS.
you already said that before.... Originally Posted by caroline!
Thanks for re-stating the obvious.
ANONONE's Avatar
So the guy who I had to cancel w/ this evening (regardless of my reason) didn't take it too well...

I fucking say WHO and I say ( [sic] see?) fucking WHEN! If I have to cancel, I cancel.

. . .now it's my turn to be a BITCH. and that's right, I'm posting it right here and not in the ladies area. . . Originally Posted by caroline!
for everyone's INFO: no, I did NOT pull a nc/ns. I canceled and he had plenty of notice. . . Originally Posted by caroline!
Well, since you decided to make this a public hearing, you might as well lay all your cards on the table:

1) What was the reason for canceling?
2) Exactly how much time before the appointment did you actually cancel with the client?
3) What was the initial dialogue when things were canceled before it spiraled into craziness on either party's part?

Without those three crucial pieces of information, this discussion is moot.
caroline!'s Avatar
WHAT THE FUCK is up w/ the stupid questions. Instead, ask the trick who harassed me w/ 30 something crazy texts why act crazy instead of moving on to plan b which is what this thread is about.

honey, if you cancel on someone and she wigs the fuck out on you.. is that ok? stop asking stupid questions ok. that's not what this thread is about.

now excuse me, I have to get ready... these men in L.A are fucking HOT!
ANONONE's Avatar
You refusal to answer those questions is quite revealing, even if you do not intend it to be. Further, it may explain, but not excuse, his behavior.

So fess up, Caroline, why did you cancel, how much of a warning did you give him, and how (as in tone) did you communicate it?

We will get to the fucktard and his compulsive texting as soon as we learn what created the situation in the first place.
WHAT THE FUCK is up w/ the stupid questions. Instead, ask the trick who harassed me w/ 30 something crazy texts why act crazy instead of moving on to plan b which is what this thread is about.

honey, if you cancel on someone and she wigs the fuck out on you.. is that ok? stop asking stupid questions ok. that's not what this thread is about.

now excuse me, I have to get ready... these men in L.A are fucking HOT! Originally Posted by caroline!
That's right Caroline, it is NEVER your fault. To use your phrase, "it's always some FUCKING man's FUCKING fault." YOU never do anything wrong. YOU are always right.

Those are NOT Fucking Stupid Questions!!!!!!

Since your veracity is at stake, we have only YOUR word that the guy "wigged out" and sent 30 texts (or more). I've got to question your honesty since you ARE NOT willing to disclose the details, just the ALLEGED bad acts of the hobbiest.

Now, put your action where your mouth is and answer the questions. Otherwise, shut (the FUCK) up, and close the thread.
Wow! ........and Yikes!
However, I do have to agree that of all the providers on this board, Caroline's attitude is the most offensive of all of them. I wouldn't see her if SHE paid ME!!! I wouldn't subject myself to that kind of abuse. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
HA HA HA Caroline you are BADASS!!
ANONONE's Avatar

Maybe, maybe not.

I am still waiting for her to pony up with the answers.

Funny how she went silent when she was called out to tell the truth. . .till then the verdict is out on her character and badassness.

I wouldn't hold my breath. Funny how some providers circle the wagons despite what a bad actor one of them has been.