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Check out the Mark Dice version and read the 7,900 comments in only the last 15 hours! WHAM?
Originally Posted by Redhot1960
your youtube video link is not loading for some reason.


that's the sound a hammer makes! lol!
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Redhot1960's Avatar
Larry Elder on reparations and unwoke dipshits...
  • oeb11
  • 04-25-2019, 10:28 AM
DPST Liberalism - charge the NIH to find a Cure!!!!
Redhot1960's Avatar
The Rageaholic HAMMERING away!
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Redhot1960's Avatar
Redhot1960's Avatar
The Hammering leads to The Triggering!

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Redhot1960's Avatar
Redhot1960's Avatar
Mini porky slopping at the fake news trough... MUST SEE! https://dbdailyupdate.com/index.php/...omes-and-goes/

NADLER: (restaurant noise) (lips smack) It’s… I mean, the right… (chewing) Ummm… (lips smack) Uh… (smacking lips) (unintelligible) That’s right. (lips smack) But, you know, we fought a — a — a Revolutionary War over that. (lips smack) It affects people’s lives ultimately. (lips smack) And, in fact, (lips smack) he may be… (lips smack) If he is destroying (lips smack) all the norms. (lips smack) and (lips smack) it’s a very different crisis. (lips smack) I think so. (lips smack) I mean, we have to hold hearings (lips smack) and not just on, (lips smack) you know, collusion with the — the Russians. (chewing) I believe that. (lips smack) I do believe that. (glasses clink) (lips smack) Donald Trump is a con man. (lips smack) He lies all the time. (lips smack) (swallows) Say, it’s down the road. I do. (glasses clink) (lips smack) Nixon (lips smack) never (chewing/swallows) never… (lips smack) …to the separation of powers. (lips smack) (glasses clink) I think that’s nonsense. (lips smack)

Redhot1960's Avatar
I guess Wittle got the naming rights for "The Firewall" back. IDK

Are we up to the task???

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