Fox News breaking news: Ukraine has bio-labs

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
This should probably be in the fake news thread, but let's stay on point.
So, maybe a timeline helps to understand the evolving ad revolving story. So far it's like a slow moving ping-pong game.

Day 1 Russia claims US has biolabs in Ukraine
Day 2 US claims it does not have biolabs in Ukraine
Day 3 Russia claims it has documents to prove US biolabs in Ukraine
Day 4 US claims it does not have biolabs in Ukraine
Day 5 Russia releases documents on the US biolabs in Ukraine
Day 6 US says it does have biolabs in Ukraine
Day 7 Russia claims to have captured the US biolabs in Ukraine
Day 8 US says it does not have biolabs in Ukraine
Day 9 Russia releases more documents on the US biolabs in Ukraine
Day 10 US says it has had biolabs in Ukraine for decades and they only work on diseases of animals like bats, birds and some human things and that there is nothing to fear but fear itself
Day 11 Russia claims it will dismantle the US biolabs in Ukraine
Day 12 US says it has been deactivating the biolabs in Ukraine for decades

So we went from no labs, to yes labs, back to no labs, to been there for decades in under two weeks. While easy to dismiss a fake news, frankly I'm surprised it has not been called racist yet,

It sounds more like
Nope. Just Propaganda from Russia. All of you Putinists should be proud. The RT has trained you all well. Next thing we know all of you will be hoping for a Trump Putin ticket and merging our two great nations. Evidently you all support a Russo-US alliance. Trump has fucked all of y’all up.
matchingmole's Avatar
This should probably be in the fake news thread, but let's stay on point.
So, maybe a timeline helps to understand the evolving ad revolving story. So far it's like a slow moving ping-pong game.

Day 1 Russia claims US has biolabs in Ukraine
Day 2 US claims it does not have biolabs in Ukraine
Day 3 Russia claims it has documents to prove US biolabs in Ukraine
Day 4 US claims it does not have biolabs in Ukraine
Day 5 Russia releases documents on the US biolabs in Ukraine
Day 6 US says it does have biolabs in Ukraine
Day 7 Russia claims to have captured the US biolabs in Ukraine
Day 8 US says it does not have biolabs in Ukraine
Day 9 Russia releases more documents on the US biolabs in Ukraine
Day 10 US says it has had biolabs in Ukraine for decades and they only work on diseases of animals like bats, birds and some human things and that there is nothing to fear but fear itself
Day 11 Russia claims it will dismantle the US biolabs in Ukraine
Day 12 US says it has been deactivating the biolabs in Ukraine for decades

So we went from no labs, to yes labs, back to no labs, to been there for decades in under two weeks. While easy to dismiss a fake news, frankly I'm surprised it has not been called racist yet,

It sounds more like Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Most anything from Fox News should be in the fake news thread
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Nope. Just Propaganda from Russia. All of you Putinists should be proud. The RT has trained you all well. Next thing we know all of you will be hoping for a Trump Putin ticket and merging our two great nations. Evidently you all support a Russo-US alliance. Trump has fucked all of y’all up. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
You make a few fairly solid points:
1) I too think Jen Psaki and Victoria Nueland are Russian mouth pieces spreading propaganda
2) There never was Russian collusion, even according to Heir Mueller
3) TDS is a fatal brain wasting disease with no real cure

One other point I think we are in violent agreement on:

See? Common ground abounds.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
So easy a Caveman can do it and does

Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Obviously that’s your only goal in life.

Yssup Rider's Avatar
This should probably be in the fake news thread, but let's stay on point.
So, maybe a timeline helps to understand the evolving ad revolving story. So far it's like a slow moving ping-pong game.

Day 1 Russia claims US has biolabs in Ukraine
Day 2 US claims it does not have biolabs in Ukraine
Day 3 Russia claims it has documents to prove US biolabs in Ukraine
Day 4 US claims it does not have biolabs in Ukraine
Day 5 Russia releases documents on the US biolabs in Ukraine
Day 6 US says it does have biolabs in Ukraine
Day 7 Russia claims to have captured the US biolabs in Ukraine
Day 8 US says it does not have biolabs in Ukraine
Day 9 Russia releases more documents on the US biolabs in Ukraine
Day 10 US says it has had biolabs in Ukraine for decades and they only work on diseases of animals like bats, birds and some human things and that there is nothing to fear but fear itself
Day 11 Russia claims it will dismantle the US biolabs in Ukraine
Day 12 US says it has been deactivating the biolabs in Ukraine for decades

So we went from no labs, to yes labs, back to no labs, to been there for decades in under two weeks. While easy to dismiss a fake news, frankly I'm surprised it has not been called racist yet,

It sounds more like Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Sounds more like you’re reading bullshit out loud so you believe it.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
Sounds more like you’re reading bullshit out loud so you believe it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
That's the difference between us: each of the points I listed have either video or headline stories, most have both, to back them up. Alls you gots is your head stuck in your sphincter.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
That's the difference between us: each of the points I listed have either video or headline stories, most have both, to back them up. Alls you gots is your head stuck in your sphincter. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Without documentation, it’s plagiarism.

(Look it up, bud).

FYI - a sphincter is a muscle.

(Look it up, bud).

And here’s a Quacker In recognition of your hard work and diligence.

Crikey! ... So THAT explains it... You're a "MUSCLE-HEAD!" ...

#### Salty
bambino's Avatar
Without documentation, it’s plagiarism.

(Look it up, bud).

FYI - a sphincter is a muscle.

(Look it up, bud).

And here’s a Quacker In recognition of your hard work and diligence.

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
YR, Eccie’s sphincter expert.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 03-11-2022, 04:15 PM
Nope. Just Propaganda from Russia. All of you Putinists should be proud. The RT has trained you all well. Next thing we know all of you will be hoping for a Trump Putin ticket and merging our two great nations. Evidently you all support a Russo-US alliance. Trump has fucked all of y’all up. Originally Posted by 1blackman1
These fucking Pro Putin lovers in this forum is shocking.

I knew they had their pro Nazi wing after Charlotte...I should not be not be suprised of the Pro Putin wing but I am.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Sounds more like you’re reading bullshit out loud so you believe it. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider

your capacity for DA NILE is really quite impressive. do you practice that in front of a mirror? it seems to be your one "talent" in this forum er .. in life.

the US did deny this for weeks now they admitted it. so how are ya gonna keep up the DA NILE now, sparky? still believe Fauci at NIH didn't fund gain of function research at a certain lab in Wuhan?

USA admits there are Biolabs in Ukraine, says if a biological attack happens ‘it is Russia’s fault’

Recently, the Russian Defence Ministry had stated that they had found evidence of US-funded Biolabs in Ukraine which had urgently destroyed samples of deadly pathogens when the 'military operation' started.

On Tuesday, the US government’s Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland testified before a Senate Foreign Relation Committee hearing on Ukraine in Washington, DC, and said that the United States was working with Ukraine to prevent invading Russian forces from seizing biological research material. The State Department also stated that it was concerned that Russian forces are trying to gain control of biological research facilities within Ukraine. The committee was set to examine Russia’s invasion of Ukraine and the worldwide response.

At the hearing, State Department official Victoria Nuland was asked whether Ukraine has bioweapons. “Ukraine has biological research facilities, which in fact we are now quite concerned Russian troops, Russian forces, may be seeking to gain control of”, she stated to the US lawmakers on March 8. “We are working with the Ukrainians on how they can prevent any of those research materials from falling into the hands of Russian forces should they approach”, she added.

Following the response, US Senator Marco Rubio quickly added that there were ‘Russian propaganda’ reports claiming the discovery of a plot by Ukrainians to release biological weapons, with coordination from NATO. He further asked that if a biological or chemical weapon attack were to occur inside Ukraine, whether Russians would be behind it, to which Nuland affirmed saying, “There is no doubt in my mind, Senator.” She said that it is the classic Russian technique to blame the other guy for what they are planning to do themselves.

US-funded Biolabs in Ukraine

However, by saying that Russia will be responsible for a ‘biological or chemical weapon attack’ taking place, the Nuland has in a way admitted what the Russian government has been saying all along, that US-funded Biolabs are working on developing bioweapons on Ukrainian soil.

The US government’s embassy in Ukraine had stated that they fund research programs in Ukraine that work on ‘world’s most dangerous pathogens’.

Recently, the Russian Defence Ministry had stated that they had found evidence of US-funded Biolabs in Ukraine which had urgently destroyed samples of deadly pathogens when the ‘military operation’ started.

This is two days after Russia claimed that Ukraine was close to building a plutonium-based dirty bomb nuclear weapon. On March 6, Moscow’s foreign ministry had tweeted that Russian forces found evidence that Kyiv was eradicating traces of the military-biological program in Ukraine, financed by the Pentagon.

The war between Russia and Ukraine broke out on February 24 when Russia began a full-scale invasion of Ukraine through neighboring countries. In a very recent update, Russia has opened humanitarian corridors for the Ukrainian civilians to leave the besieged areas. According to the United Nations, the number of people leaving Ukraine has reached 2 million, and this is the fastest exodus Europe has seen since World War II.

butt you go ahead and keep up the DA NILE, we've come to expect it from you ..

The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Most anything from Fox News should be in the fake news thread Originally Posted by matchingmole

if you say so

Nope. Just Propaganda from Russia. All of you Putinists should be proud. The RT has trained you all well. Next thing we know all of you will be hoping for a Trump Putin ticket and merging our two great nations. Evidently you all support a Russo-US alliance. Trump has fucked all of y’all up. Originally Posted by 1blackman1

if you say so

These fucking Pro Putin lovers in this forum is shocking.

I knew they had their pro Nazi wing after Charlotte...I should not be not be suprised of the Pro Putin wing but I am. Originally Posted by WTF

if you say so

bambino's Avatar
Russia: *directly accuses US of producing and stockpiling biological weapons, brings evidence and documentation*

US responds: “we aren’t going to address conspiracy theories”.

Notice how the US has no argument other than claiming Russia is lying. THATS IT! Instead of offering to prove beyond a reasonable doubt these accusations are false, they just deny it and label anything they don’t like as a conspiracy theory.

... The Biden Administration is a-stumblin' and a-fumblin'...

Surely becoming a disaster to watch...

#### Salty