One Asshole and One Review...

Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Gonzo has no dog in this cat fight, but it seems that the least of his problems was the cat. Doesn't mean he's right, or fair; just sayin'.... Me?--I would just pass on the review. Shyster is right. And of course, the lovely Elisabeth is right for agreeing with that point of view. But then, I'm redundant.
People it's almost Christmas. Ho, Ho, Ho and some more Ho's. Originally Posted by Tara Evans
But I do think the word Asshole was pretty mean.
you got to love it when they say "i am done with this thread" post #24
and then the very next post #25 she come back with more. wow, and typical.

and yes ms tara it is almost christmas, merry christ-mas to all. thanks for reminding us.