The USA Could Fix The Illegal Immigration Problem With One Law

Yes, you can.

Many CEO's are compensated with salaries that are incomprehensible to most.

With that come the ultimate responsibility of obeying the law. Originally Posted by Jackie S
No, you can't.

At least, not if you still want to have rule of law in this country and not vigilante justice.

Revenant is absolutely correct here in the legal sense.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
The angst being vented in this discussion can be exemplified by the OP's ignorant use of the word "individule."

You're being replaced by immigrants of similar level of education and training because someone has told it's OK to be ignorant; that your laziness is acceptable.

Get your shit together and quit your whining.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-04-2017, 09:13 AM
Who would want to do that job at the current wages?

Raise the wages high enough, and every economist will tell you people will do the job. Originally Posted by DSK

So you arr for raising the minimum wage? Interesting. ..

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  • WTF
  • 04-04-2017, 09:16 AM

Any such rise in food costs will be off set by money not spent on perpetual unemployment for those forced out of the labor market by illegals who are depressing wages and money not spent on providing social services for illegals who now overburden the system.
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Nonunion jobs depress wages...are you now for unions?

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  • WTF
  • 04-04-2017, 09:23 AM
Yes, you can.

Many CEO's are compensated with salaries that are incomprehensible to most.

With that come the ultimate responsibility of obeying the law. Originally Posted by Jackie S
How does this work Jackie?

Do all Americans get computer chips to when looking for a job companies will know who is here legally and who is not?

Do you want a law where you can only buy American made other words should we throw in jail say the CEO who sells Trump ties? Because instead of hiring a legal America, he was hiring some Chinaman , putting out of work a worthy American!

Are we going to become our own eco system and quit trade with other countries?

  • DSK
  • 04-04-2017, 10:57 AM
So you arr for raising the minimum wage? Interesting. ..

. Originally Posted by WTF
I would raise it to 20 bucks per hour if it chased away all the illegals. I already pay 15 per hour anyway.
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  • WTF
  • 04-04-2017, 10:59 AM
. I already pay 15 per hour anyway. Originally Posted by DSK
Yea to illegal asian hookers!

Big spender you are...

  • DSK
  • 04-04-2017, 11:08 AM
At a February 2 summit hosted by Food Tank, a nonprofit think tank focused on food policy, researchers, chefs, and policy makers expressed concern over the effects Trump's potential immigration restrictions could have on American farms.

"If we were to engage in massive deportations, our agricultural system would collapse," said Bruce Goldstein, the president of Farmworker Justice, a nonprofit that aims to improve farmers' living and working conditions.

Of the 1.5 to 2 million people working in agriculture today, at least 50% to 70% of farm workers are undocumented immigrants, according to a recent report by the American Farm Bureau Federation (AFBF). If the US were to deport a significant portion of them, the move could result in labor and food production shortages, Goldstein said.

The Trump administration's draft plans follow up on his campaign promises to crack down on immigration as a way to protect and create jobs for American workers — Trump has suggested that low-skilled immigration has reduced wages and job availability for US citizens, and that current immigration policies to not sufficiently prioritize American jobs. (Studies have generally found that not to be true, however.)

The AFBF report suggests that agricultural laborers would be hard to replace because of how grueling the work is —12-hour shifts in 100-degree weather (without overtime pay) are common. And relying on automated systems over human workers would be expensive for farm owners, especially on smaller farms, Goldstein says.

A large-scale labor shortage could therefore lead to a 5% to 6% jump in food prices for consumers, the report says.

"The majority of farm workers in this country are undocumented. We need them, we should respect them, and we should grant them the chance to have an immigration status and a path to citizenship," Goldstein said. "If we don't figure that out, agriculture is in trouble." Originally Posted by BigLouie
Obviously Louie, you are smart enough to know this guy is a paid PR man promoting his profitable cause.

But I do agree with the food price increase of 5%, which would be more than paid for with the new jobs for Americans, which would get them off the government charity system and let them be respectable and self supporting.

Illegal aliens suppress wages merely by increasing the supply of labor, as we all know. The fact that illegal alien promoters say food prices will increase means they know it, also.
  • DSK
  • 04-04-2017, 11:09 AM
Yea to illegal asian hookers!

Big spender you are...

. Originally Posted by WTF
They make 140 per hour.
They make 140 per hour. Originally Posted by DSK
That must be why wtf sticks with trannies. $140 is too rich for a hovel builder like him !
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 04-04-2017, 12:11 PM
They make 140 per hour. Originally Posted by DSK
Really, is that wtf the make? And you know this how?

dilbert firestorm's Avatar
minimum wage law is a racist law.
How does this work Jackie?

Do all Americans get computer chips to when looking for a job companies will know who is here legally and who is not?

Do you want a law where you can only buy American made other words should we throw in jail say the CEO who sells Trump ties? Because instead of hiring a legal America, he was hiring some Chinaman , putting out of work a worthy American!

Are we going to become our own eco system and quit trade with other countries?

. Originally Posted by WTF
Many of the post in this thread show that very few are willing to do anything of importance when it come to illegal immigration.

Illegals come here for jobs. As long as there are companies willing to look the other way and hire them, with the excuse......"it's not my responsibility", then 30 years from now the same problem will be here.

For too long, we have given Business a pass by saying they can't be responsible for the people hired down the line. Well, who says?. Make yhem responsible.

Sure, some details would have to be worked out. But, first, get a Law on the books. Have a built in grace period. Use some common sense.

But, in the end, make it plain to all Corporate and Private Business that The Buck Stops At The Top.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Many of the post in this thread show that very few are willing to do anything of importance when it come to illegal immigration.

Illegals come here for jobs. As long as there are companies willing to look the other way and hire them, with the excuse......"it's not my responsibility", then 30 years from now the same problem will be here.

For too long, we have given Business a pass by saying they can't be responsible for the people hired down the line. Well, who says?. Make yhem responsible.

Sure, some details would have to be worked out. But, first, get a Law on the books. Have a built in grace period. Use some common sense.

But, in the end, make it plain to all Corporate and Private Business that The Buck Stops At The Top. Originally Posted by Jackie S
yes make them care!!!!

however, we do have a number of laws on the books that pertain to businesses that are loosely or rarely enforced.

this was more due to administrative prerogative and lobby pressure on not enforcing some of these laws.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Nonunion jobs depress wages...are you now for unions?

. Originally Posted by WTF
Unions have their place in society, and over these many years I've quoted Samuel Gompers' position on the detrimental effects of following an uncontrolled, open-door immigration policy many times.

"You ask for information on the immigration question. The American Federation of Labor made an earnest effort to have immigration restricted for at least two years. It also urged that an immigration law be enacted containing the provision that after that period of two years an order can be issued absolutely prohibiting immigration during times of unemployment.

"Congress, however, passed a bill providing that only three percent of any one nationality, based on the foreign population of 1910, could enter the United States. This was not signed by the President. At the next session of Congress the American Federation of Labor will continue to urge the passage of legislation restricting immigration for two years or more.

"Every citizen of the United States should make protest against the influx of people from other countries. It is estimated that there are 5,000,000 unemployed in the country at the present time with the number increasing rapidly. In October 101,000 immigrants arrived in this country; in November, 103,000. According to steamship men 10,000,000 people could be brought into this country in the next ten months if ships were available. This estimate is based on applications for passage already received. So many have moved from Belgium and Germany to Holland that tens of thousands of Hollanders have been forced to leave their country for the United States. When peace is declared between the United States and Austria, floods of residents of these countries will come to America. You can then very well understand that the United States is deeply interested in immigration.

"So many immigrants coming into this country will break down the standard of living of our people. In 1905 when efforts were made in Congress to open the doors to Oriental immigration the American Federation of Labor declared

"'We make no pretense that the exclusion of Chinese can be defended upon a high ideal, ethical ground, but we insist that it is our essential duty to maintain and preserve our physical condition and standard of life and civilization, and thus to assure us the opportunity for the development of our intellectual and moral character. Self-preservation has always been regarded as the first law of nature. It is a principle and a necessity from which we ought not and must not depart.'

"Shutting out from our shores the poor of other nations and races is caused by the law of necessity and self-protection consequent upon our industrial system. Labor does not desire to erect a wall around our country and prevent the poor of other nations from entering. It does declare that America is for Americans alone, but it does insist that there should be and must be some restriction of immigration that will prevent disintegration of American economic standards.

"Those who favor unrestricted immigration care nothing for the people. They are simply desirous of flooding the country with unskilled as well as skilled labor of other lands for the purpose of breaking down American standards. You must not forget that if low wages, long hours of employment and unbearable working conditions are signs of prosperity China and India would be the greatest commercial and industrial countries in the world. They have no strikes in China. It is the Utopia of the “open Shop.“ America, however, where men are free to voice their desires for greater and still greater advancement in economic conditions, is the greatest country on earth. Its people live better than anywhere else, and the trade unions are responsible for maintaining those standards. Those who believe in unrestricted immigration want this country Chinaized. But I firmly believe there are too many right-thinking people in our country to permit such an evil."

Very truly yours,
(s) Samuel Gompers
American Federation of Labor

[This is the text of a letter from Samuel Gompers, president of the Executive Council of the American Federation of Labor, dated April 28, 1921, and addressed to J. H. Reiter at Havorford College, about Congressional legislation to restrict immigration. The correspondence is from the archives of H. Keith Thompson for the Thompson Collection in the Hoover Institution.]