Question Of Etiquette (and post #1000!)

ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 04-01-2010, 09:59 PM
Well, I am guessing tonight's show is coming to an end. Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
Damn! I was so hoping to get a chance at a t-shirt... I knew I should have called in earlier...

I was going to suggest supplementing the monetary donation with roses. Many ladies advertise roses, it seems reasonable!
ztonk since I happend to be cleaning up in the radio station I am sending you a shirt for calling in!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 04-02-2010, 12:35 AM
But here is a likely situation. A hobbyist has been wanting to see Provider X for some time. But their schedules have never meshed or for any other reason he has not had the opportunity to meet her. Her rate is say $240/hr. But he has to pay his water bill, and other life expenses and can only comfortably come up with $220. Would it be so wrong to offer $220 rather than short change the lady; or should he wait a week until he can afford the extra $20 but their schedules might not match? Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
Meeting his monthly obligations (utility bills, house payment or rent, etc.) must come first. If he does not have enough for the visit, he should wait until he does.

That is the way I have been doing it. I have avoided the dramatic slippery slopes that way and the ladies appreciate it. Now if they want to show that appreciation by discounting their rates on future visits, well that is their choice.

It never ceases to amaze me why this subject continues to periodically come up. I just do not get it.
LadiesFan's Avatar
self edit
Hello, hello! Devynn-from Austin! Thank you so much for taking my call! You know, I think you bring up a good question. I think it would very much depend on whether you were visiting with the lady for the first time, or if you are someone that sees her on a regular or semi-regular basis. I have lots of love for my regular gents and give them unadvertised rates and priority when scheduling. I have also met some really great guys that I don't see as often as others that are near and dear and understand that it's because of finances, but they are really great to me so they are grandfathered and etc like some of my "more regular" guys. I guess with that being said-I would not lower my rates for someone that I haven't seen yet or that wasn't one of my regulars or "favored" guys. If someone that I don't know or personally like asks me to lower my rates it's very off-putting. I have also noticed that my regulars, although they are grandfathered, usually tip extra and have certainly never asked for more discounts. I think that shows a lot about them and the respect they have for me and my time which only makes me appreciate them and want to do whatever I can to please them and keep them happy. So, if it were someone I really enjoy then I would discount the session THAT TIME.
I think asking for a lower rate from a provider you have no "relationship" or "connection" with or some sort of close rapport with is as unwelcoming as her saying to you, "Hey-is it ok if I'm a little less energetic and enthusiastic this time? Is it ok if my appearance is a little less in quality as it normally is?" I don't know-asking for a discount is kinda like going to see someone and them asking you if it's ok that their performance is just a little bit less as good as normal and that you can understand they just didn't get enough sleep or they're really stressed and they hope you understand. It's like trying to justify that you are "short on cash" is like them trying to justify their lack of quality to you. It would be shitty to hear that from someone.
I know you're a nice guy, sacker and I'm sure that you are well acquainted with some nice ladies that would be understanding if the situation was an isolated event and not an ongoing request to make her feel taken advantage of.
ThrillBill88's Avatar
Hey recaSxT. If you're ever $20 shy of seeing your dream girl, PM me and I'll give it to you. Hate to see a fellow hobbyist miss out that.
rekcaSxT's Avatar

This wasn't about me! I was posting a question because I was curious about the responses. If I have depleted my hobby funds for the month, I wait. I have never shorted anyone! I am not poor! I am also not rich, but you know how that goes.

Ther has been some good info here though. Thanks to all who have replied.

Maybe I should start another thread with a question, and let this one die.
gman44's Avatar
Personally I try to plan my sessions in advance most of the time and I save the all of the donation for the day
Fast Gunn's Avatar
That was a very diplomatically phrased question, rekcaSxT and you're right about times being difficult for most.

Usually you won't get a price break on the first session, but if you have developed a rapport, then after some time you may ask for one when in a pinch, but be prepared for a stern no.

Sometimes girls are willing to work with you, but sometimes they are so money-hungry (or just hard-up for cash), that they will fuss at you if you're even $10 short.

But then sometimes, other girls have told me "not to worry about the money part" and those are like magic words to hear!

Ok, I was thinking about this last night. We have all (hobbyists) been told it is impolite to "haggle" or negotiate prices with the ladies. And I have always adhered to that. I do take the specials when they are offered and any "Grandfathered" rates.

But here is a likely situation. A hobbyist has been wanting to see Provider X for some time. But their schedules have never meshed or for any other reason he has not had the opportunity to meet her. Her rate is say $240/hr. But he has to pay his water bill, and other life expenses and can only comfortably come up with $220. Would it be so wrong to offer $220 rather than short change the lady; or should he wait a week until he can afford the extra $20 but their schedules might not match?

There is an old saying "A bird in the hand is worth 2 in the bush".

When I worked in sales, I would often give a slight discount to "make the sale" that day, rather than wait. Because a lot of times "I will come back on payday, or not today" usually meant a lost sale. I do this in my current line of work sometimes too.

Having set this on the table I want to make something clear. I have never haggled, and I may never; but this is something that was interesting to me. I know a provider's rate is sometimes tied to their sense of self worth, and I by no means am trying to tell any woman she is "not worth" a certain amount, but times are tough as we ALL know.

As Old Sarge says:

"Respectfully Submitted". Originally Posted by rekcaSxT
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rekcaSxT's Avatar
Yes caller?
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Whispers's Avatar
Dammit.... Someone keeps hanging up on me!
rCoder's Avatar
We're sorry, but our automated voice routing system is unable to understand what you are saying. Please hold the phone closer to your lips and speak loudly and clearly. If you have already tried that, then please use a megaphone. Thank you for calling.
Whispers's Avatar
Ok.... Finally.....

So I wanted to comment on the Rating System in Reviews......

Oh... wait...That was yesterday's show and it got canceled and pulled from the lineup I see....

What's the topic here?

Oh yeah....


Nothing wrong with it in my book.....

It can be done in a manner though that does not offend and gets good results.....

Last night with a 21year old stripper from San Antonio on my lap after three songs.... the topic of extracurricular activities back at her hotel room came up.....

She wanted $$$$$$ and I chuckled and told her there were three other ladies n the shift that regularly played for half that...... I went on to say that if any of them found out one of their regulars paid six to a visiting gal that they would be pretty put out and I enjoy the place too much to upset that applecart.....

Was I offensive? Did she get upset?

Three Hours later and Three Benjamens less I left her hotel with a smile and she was happy as well.... It was a very slow Saturday Night at the club...

I hit some traveling gals with the proposition that should they want to take a night off, have a nice dinner, a few drinks and see a show or sixth street we can make an evening of it and I'll pay for a couple of hours of BCD time at the end of the evening... To put it bluntly I ignore their "Dinner and a Session" rate structure and throw out my own proposal......

Does that make me a haggling cheapskate?

I could care less... I have fun.... ad spend less than all you WKS that think it's insulting to ask....

I don't see a lot of reason to do it based on the hourly rate as I seldom see a gal for just an hour..... But I do it regularly for multiple hour "dates"

Anyway... Thanks for taking the call.... Can I get a copy of the show instead of a T-Shirt?......

Some of the best shows tend to just disappear....