Providers who No Show

jbravo_123's Avatar
There are flaky people in general. Not just the hobby. I have never NCNS anyone in the hobby or real life. I am very organized and responsible to 'not show up' for no reason. That's just baddd!!! If I ever NCNS anyone, there is a good chance that I am probably really really sick, injured or … worst case scenario. :/ Originally Posted by samantha thom
^^^ This.

There are plenty of people in the civvie world that act unprofessionally. Just take a look around at your workplace and you'll see plenty of them.

I wouldn't expect the Hobby world to be particularly different (although possibly a slightly higher density of unprofessional attitudes on both sides due to generally large egos involved).

Likewise in the regular world, when you come across someone who does act professionally, that's a gem you should reward and cherish!
Randall Creed's Avatar
Ah yes...the better offer. I don't blame you girls for canceling my one hour at the last minute because a guy wants to see you for two hours. Don't blame you a bit.

Hello plan B. Originally Posted by Prolongus
I'm sorry, but that's a load of bull. By agreeing to meet at a certain time, we're making verbal/pm/email 'binding contract', and all other offers at this point should be off the table for this time slot.

If we're going to play that game, then a guy should be able to say, 'Well, your rate is $200 an hour, but Provider B will see me for $175, so I'm taking a detour to her incall. Sorry'.

In both cases, it's BS and shouldn't be practiced in the hobby. A deal's a deal.
I'm sorry, but that's a load of bull. By agreeing to meet at a certain time, we're making verbal/pm/email 'binding contract', and all other offers at this point should be off the table for this time slot.

If we're going to play that game, then a guy should be able to say, 'Well, your rate is $200 an hour, but Provider B will see me for $175, so I'm taking a detour to her incall. Sorry'.

In both cases, it's BS and shouldn't be practiced in the hobby. A deal's a deal. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
Totally agree, but in a perfect world.....
Randall Creed's Avatar
Random thoughts on how this type of thing shows in the real world (and it baffles me just as much as the NCNS in this world!)

These are just some random examples of how prevalent it is for people to think nothing of NCNS and not feel any sense of responsibility over it. Originally Posted by HoneyRose
I hear ya. I feel TERRIBLE when I can't show up for someone's event or when they're expecting me to be at a particular place for something. Unless there are physical barriers preventing me from actually going, I do everything I can to be there.
pyramider's Avatar
My goodness, I may find you obnoxious - but I'm glad you get this!

A happy wife is a happy life!

Make us happy. Let us watch our tv, say, "nice dress" once in a while.. Even if you mean it to the lady on the tv (just be sure we are wearing a dress) and buy us a pair of shoes once in a while. Simple. You get blowjobs.

Don't. Make. This. Complex.

Women love gifts and compliments, men love dinner and blow jobs. Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie

So you agree that Tamra is a silly bitch and Shannon has voices speaking to her in her head and you will post taint photos?
I agree Rambro...but, as Alyssa said...
And this place is far from perfect; unregulated and the Wild, Wild West of a sexual playground. No rules here, except to have fun!
daty/o's Avatar
I agree Rambro, but there's very little integrity on either side in the Hobby. I won't go so far as to say I don't blame them, but I do understand their thinking. Sucks for us. Luckily, there are sooo many to choose from in Dallas.
So you agree that Tamra is a silly bitch and Shannon has voices speaking to her in her head and you will post taint photos? Originally Posted by pyramider
Please, I don't watch that horsecrap and I actually pity any male who is forced to watch it.
Randall Creed's Avatar
I agree Rambro...but, as Alyssa said...
And this place is far from perfect; unregulated and the Wild, Wild West of a sexual playground. No rules here, except to have fun! Originally Posted by Prolongus
Completely agree.

It's funny to see some providers with a warning to the tune of, 'If you cancel our appointment, you must pay the entire donation.'

OK. The check's in the mail.
Completely agree.

It's funny to see some providers with a warning to the tune of, 'If you cancel our appointment, you must pay the entire donation.'

OK. The check's in the mail. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
I have a cancelation policy.
Do you want to know the reason behind it?
I was told by Gina that if I had one
1) she would back me with my cancelations
2) it will make them be significantly lower
Since I started it, I have had two last minute cancelations. That's it.
There is a huge difference between a bullshitter and a legit cancelation.
If someone cancels on me, I ask for partial payment. You better bet I will use that partial payment towards our next time together. Don't plan on trying to see me again and don't want to pay a cancelation fee? Easy, be serious about bookings.

When I cancel I offer a discount off of our time together or extra time. I have only had to cancel one time in the past three months. Lucky for me, he was running late without even telling me.. So, I didn't offer him anything.
I have a cancelation policy.
Do you want to know the reason behind it?
I was told by Gina that if I had one
1) she would back me with my cancelations
2) it will make them be significantly lower
Since I started it, I have had two last minute cancelations. That's it.
There is a huge difference between a bullshitter and a legit cancelation.
If someone cancels on me, I ask for partial payment. You better bet I will use that partial payment towards our next time together. Don't plan on trying to see me again and don't want to pay a cancelation fee? Easy, be serious about bookings.

When I cancel I offer a discount off of our time together or extra time. I have only had to cancel one time in the past three months. Lucky for me, he was running late without even telling me.. So, I didn't offer him anything. Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie would we pay you? PO Box?
I understand your reasoning...but some cancellations are unavoidable by both parties, Alyssa. BTW, cool of you to offer a discount if you cancel. A few Providers have done this. The time frame of cancellation is also a big factor. I'm assuming you're offering this discount if you cancel the day of.
I assume a lot here, lol.

To be honest, if you expect this partial payment, chances are the guy will never see you and not pay the cancellation fee. Seriously.
Randall Creed's Avatar
Last minute cancellations, yes. I would consider last minute being within an hour. Even then, a fender bender would be a last minute, but who's in the mood after a car accident.

A lack of a warning of any sort would be bad (i.e. no call or text, just leaving the other party hanging).

If the other party is notified, say, 4 hours beforehand, I see nothing wrong with that.

To get money for NOT working, just, doesn't compute in my mind. What if she fills that void with a last minute regular? Now she's getting paid double. Meanwhile, I'm stuck in a car accident or family emergency, with a huge buzzkill feeling. I'm just saying. Shit happening shouldn't be held against people.
Totally agree, but in a perfect world..... Originally Posted by Alyssa Marie
I don't mind if a lady has to cancel. But she should at least contact me and let me know. Don't leave me sitting around in a hotel parking lot wondering when you're going to call me back. That really sucks. I wish the guys could charge a fee when that happens.