A hypothetical: What would you do?

Horsemancummeth's Avatar
No, I dont say anything. It could be she was a provider in the past and is no longer in the business. Who am I to judge why she might of had to be a provider.
  • dgc92
  • 12-13-2018, 11:02 AM
The message you want to relay here is that if, on the off chance, you do ever meet outside the hobby, you'll act as if you were a perfect stranger. Originally Posted by grean
Ohhhhh. Damn, I feel stupid. I thought this thread was full of guys who don't understand friendship or loyalty. It didn't even occur to me that you're all just kissing ass so you can kiss the ass's neighbor. Guess that says something about my willingness to believe everyone around me is completely reprehensible. Because the asskissing seems obvious in retrospect.

Would it shock you to learn that I don't kiss ass and still have plenty of hot girls around here willing to fuck me?
Samhyde's Avatar
Get back to us after you save your friend from this wretched, awful, secretive whore. We will all be waiting.

He's truly lucky to have such an upstanding gentleman to be his best friend. Originally Posted by Kendall4U
Is this directed at me? Because the OP was a hypothetical that has no basis in reality.
Is this directed at me? Because the OP was a hypothetical that has no basis in reality. Originally Posted by Samhyde

Nope...it wasn't.
Not my business.
Why would you snitch?? No matter what everything any of us do with one another bcd is not meant to be discussed with regular people outside of the hobby. Obviously if you recognized her then she recognized you as well so maybe she will tell him herself or maybe they’ve already discussed it there are so many other things to worry about I’m sure, you should just be happy that his bedroom life will never be boring, maybe she decided to quit the hobby for him, maybe not but you outting her should never be an option how would you feel if she outted you to your wife (if you have one) because she knows her? Maybe she don’t know your wife what if it was your mother I’m just saying things always work out how they’re supposed to so let it be. 🙉🙈🙊
Okay, that's fucking crazy. Outing people is a shitty thing to do, but you know what's worse? Fucking over your best friend for a reason that basically amounts to "honor among thieves." A bad marriage will fuck your life sideways for YEARS, guaranteed. Possibly the rest of your life.

Again, outing anyone makes you pretty sleazy most of the time, because mostly it's an ex or a dissatisfied customer doing it. But in the case outlined here, you have to choose, loyalty to your friend or "Do NOT talk about Fight Club." Prioritize. Originally Posted by dgc92
This. I would tell my best friend 100% of the time. Hell, no one outside the hobby knows that I’m in the hobby, but having my best friend go into it with eyes wide open is worth outing myself too. My best friend is my brother, and being honest with him trumps almost anything. Not telling him would mean I’m a shitty best friend.
mmcqtx's Avatar
What would be the purpose of telling him? To let him know his blushing bride to be was no virgin? I'm sure he knows that. To let him know his desirable woman was desired by other men? I'm sure he knows that too. Maybe to let him know that many men have "walked that walk" well, that could be true no matter her occupation. Grow up, there was a time that she needed money and you needed company. The meet was prior to their engagement, all is kosher. No reason to bring up the past, love is hard enough to find in this world.
  • dgc92
  • 12-14-2018, 03:24 AM
I love how everyone just assumes the provider in this scenario is legit. We're talking here about a woman who pretends to like men to get their money. I realize they're mostly also human beings with feelings and stuff. But I've gotten close to a lot of providers over the years. Only one time was it not a mistake. And I've even got doubts about that one.

Even assuming she is legit, which is possible, I freely admit my experience isn't everyone's, but assuming she's not just digging for gold, what if she gets outed some other way years down the road, and then my friend flips his shit, the marriage turns bad, and they get divorced? Divorce is not a minor event, it's a catastrophe. Ask anyone who's been there.

I agree that in 99% of cases, you do NOT talk about Fight Club. But this case is pretty clearly of the 1%.

That's not to say I don't understand the perspective of the women in this thread. Their thought process is along the lines of "I'm only doing this for now. Soon I'll meet the love of my life, we'll get married, have babies, and retire to Florida." They're putting themselves in the provider's shoes when they hear this story. They see some old client ruining their happy ending.

Loyalty to friends is one of very few Big Deals in life. But maybe you don't have to throw her totally under the bus. When the opportunity crops up, give her "you tell him or I will" as her options. Let her present the information as she sees fit.

Also, and this final point is real quick. You guys who are worried about your friend dumping you are cowards. You have an obligation to have his back. It's not optional. Grow some balls.
That has absolutely nothing to do with my point of view on the question. Predictably and understandably, your point of view is about looking out for the woman and her "privacy" a.k.a. her ability to manipulate the situation to her liking. Also, no surprise that every provider has basically responded the same way. My point of view is about being open and honest with my best friend and giving him a warning that a huge train wreck could possibly be coming his way. Her privacy and well-being would be none of my concern. She is not my friend. He is. I would act on what I think would best protect my friend and make sure he is not in the dark on very pertinent information that is not trivial in the least.

Anyone claiming to be a true friend of mine who would sit back and say nothing if I was in that situation is someone I would never trust again, and I would probably distance myself from that person. With all that said, I'm not surprised at some of these answers b/c most people have no idea what being a true friend is, and real, true friends are very hard to come by. Originally Posted by TheOracle
Lmao ..thanks for the laugh this morning

I can’t with you guys that think we’re sorta kinda people with feelings
TheOracle's Avatar
This thread definitely reminded me how fortunate I have been to meet a couple of true friends in this lifetime who I can count on to be loyal and look out for me.

Yikes! With friends like these...
Chung Tran's Avatar
I'm with the 3 guys who would tell the friend.

your BEST friend.. what if you keep quiet, and she tells him you fucked her a few times, when she escorted? y'all are assuming she will keep some code of silence. then he hates you for keeping silent, AND fucking his wife!

he may already know she was a Whore.. if you tell him, he's pleased you were trying to watch his back. he may already know you fucked her, and is holding his cards to see if you will admit it.
Tell me how he is your supposed best friend and you have not ever seen them together, whether it be in a photo on social media or them in person, to know that his now fiance was an escort? My besties know the men I date. Most couples are together for a hot minute before getting engaged. If you found out from their first meeting, sure tell him he isn't vested yet. If you aren't meeting her till after they are obviously "in love" why mess up their happiness? Life is short. Finding love and happiness is hard enough in the best of circumstances. Perhaps he knows, maybe that is how they met? Does your BEST friend know you hobby now? I mean, he is someone you trust. If not, why not?
It's not about outting her that concerns me it's about deliberately hurting someone. I am a great person and have my reasons to hobby. It does not make me shady, trashy or a gold digger. You guys are extremely one sided about this. Do you want a friend to tell your wife what you do with your spare time and funds? No. Why hurt her because you like strange?

How is that difficult to comprehend?
what if you keep quiet, and she tells him you fucked her a few times, when she escorted? y'all are assuming she will keep some code of silence. then he hates you for keeping silent, AND fucking his wife! Originally Posted by Chung Tran
As has been said under other circumstances, DENY DENY DENY.

"I don't know what she's trying to pull bro, but I never met her until you introduced us."

If she can somehow prove it, then just say you don't remember and that you're glad she's more memorable for your friend.
TheOracle's Avatar
If my friend already knows and I tell him, then no harm no foul. He's going to know I was just trying to make sure he wasn't in the dark. He's going to say, "Yeah, I know man, but good looking out anyway!". We shake hands and keep it moving like men. Business as usual. He's not going to act like a bitch and say, "Why are you trying to hurt me bro? How could you?" and shed a tear. LMAO.

If he doesn't know, he's definitely going to want to know and would want me to tell him. At least the guys I know would. Again, she is not my concern. My loyalty is to my best friend. Not a girl that I barely know. Because if shit hits the fan and I have to call someone for help, it will be him that will have my back, not her.

Since this situation is completely hypothetical, the real way this would most likely play out is that the chances of it getting as far as engagement w/o the truth coming out is very slim. And once my friend finds out that she is a woman that I've slept with (provider or not) the chances of an engagement are pretty much out the door. Most dudes are not going to want to marry a chick that his BEST friend knows intimately.