Different Breeds Of Hobbyists..😍🤗😘

Dorian Gray's Avatar
Beyond fucked up...did he really try to speak German in your presence. that must have been creepy and scary for you...There's always someone out there willing to give us a bad name for the sake of trying to act like they're part of the majority. and blend in with onboard clicks. I wish you ladies would or could do more to protect yourselves from these kinds of people. I always encourage ladies to carry a 37 special or 380 or something just in case. Keep it near by. Lots of wierdos and creeps out there.

Be careful. Originally Posted by Sistine Chapel
1. I can't speak German! I use Google Translate like it's going out of style
2. Bad name...? Part of the majority...? Pot meet kettle
3. I've already literally had my ass kicked for fucking w/ the wrong people. I know to keep a wide birth
Then why would a member here ( Dorian Gray) contact me from another board under a different handle requesting a visit then show up with a set attitude that was extremely negative during the visit and not to mention crazy smelly pubes and expect great service?
Knowing I'm a clean freak..I insist everyone shower first..and he did however after half an hour I insisted we cut the hour long visit short to hhour..and that is exactly the amount he brought hhrate..anyway for an hour.
Then after having 1 orgasm I insisted he leave it was unbearable staying sweet for that long..why would he want to see me after posting negative remarks towards my posts ?
Then come back and post in the mens licker room? Not so nice things..I had a regular mention it.
It has not hurt my business I do have regulars..but what about a hot pair of sweet balls and squeaky clean been that may have read that?!
After the session he starts walking out speaking in German to me and I'm like wyd?
Then private messages me from his Dorian Gray handle telling me he felt ripped off..
Wtf..he came once.and in all honesty It was pure hell..for me trying to put a happy face on such a strange character..i was uncomfortable before I knew that he had manipulated me in planning the visit.
Never would I have agreed to see Dorian Gray.
It's a shame he used Teddy25 on another board to schecule
Why would he want to do that to Me? It was like premeditated gross.
whatever I'm done with that and yes I posted in the ladies licker room so that you are not able to do that to another.
Man up..why schedule with a different handle than the one you use to post? Originally Posted by VENUSNOVA
No. Just no
No just no..or let's just forget about it right?

I Already did..however that was weird ..Dorian..teddy..��
I know your harmless but that was just weird .

Excuse me I need to go on to another thread and try and clear how utterly retarded I lol sound due to the flesh cravings & other things.
��..oh yes I have not gone to sleep yet.
Dorian Gray's Avatar
I find this all very fascinating. So I scheduled on another board as Teddy25, but when I arrived I was Dorian? Let me guess; I used separate phone numbers as well
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
3. I've already literally had my ass kicked for fucking w/ the wrong people Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Sounds like something you shoulda learned growing up. It's why SC doesn't bother people nor am I looking to make new friends. ..when I'm in the streets I'm also not the kinda negro one can just run up on. Not saying I couldnt get my ass kicked but unless they're prepared to kill me there wont be no walking away. I'm vengeful and I have connects. All that fighting and getting your ass kicked is some 1990's shit. Lol
Dorian Gray's Avatar
Sounds like tbonetas.....the threats and connected
USAsoldier's Avatar
I find this all very fascinating. So I scheduled on another board as Teddy25, but when I arrived I was Dorian? Let me guess; I used separate phone numbers as well Originally Posted by Dorian Gray
Not taking sides but what the heck is going on here exactly? Did this session between y'all even happen? Are you denying seeing her at all?

This is odd as hell.
VitaMan's Avatar
I see my response brought you out from under your rock vm
You wouldn't even be worth a fart Originally Posted by tbone2u

The gasbag that you are, there is no need to conserve.....fart away.
Just be sure there is enough ventilation in your little room...where you stay all day and type away your 9,000 useless posts.

You still have not learned to give up the insult posts....even though you have been given warnings by the mods....everyone wonders why you are not banned.

No member gets in so many bitching arguments with other members....even in other cities....does that give you a clue where the problem is ?
Sistine Chapel's Avatar
Lol...he's doing this in other cities as well? Why am I not surprised.
Damn....I didn't know I had my own little group of boys following me around. I'm flattered.
You boys need to practice what you preach.
Sc.....are you missing seedy?
VitaMan's Avatar
Keeping it real.
The fouled air in your little room clearly has affected you. Try saving up so you can get a vent.
Amnesia's Avatar
A ladies posting style is also a major factor in if I would want to see her. Whether it's to little or way to much and the incoherent crap that comes out of her mouth. Originally Posted by Bankshot
Fuck yeah.

A GENTLEMANS posting style is also a major factor in if I would want to see him. Whether it's to little or way to much and the incoherent crap that comes out of his mouth.... Originally Posted by VENUSNOVA
Fair enough

...It's sad to congregate just to brag about what you just paid for...Let them feel good though, this hobby is about Fantasy and IOP after all Originally Posted by Alyssa XOXO
I find the reviews and the review responses most amusing. The chest pounding and congratulatory conquer applauding. It's really just a testimony to the IOP with the person being reviewed. Certainly not the tard who coughed up the cash.

Not really sure what this entire thread was supposed to be about. Guess VN had a fucked up visit and needed to vent.

Party on fuckers.
Russ38's Avatar
Jesus H. Fucking Tebow.....I’m gone for a few days and look at this cluster......
Bankshot's Avatar
Jesus H. Fucking Tebow.....I’m gone for a few days and look at this cluster...... Originally Posted by Russ38
boardman's Avatar
Wann hat Dorian gelernt, Deutsch zu sprechen?

(When did Dorian learn to actually speak German?)

Photo translated into German