What if you couldnt accept something, even if

Guest010619's Avatar
Read a book on sexual history and u will see there have been societies that "normal" ment a lot more than heterosexual love.
Ex. The Spartan warriors. Gay soldiers were the norm. And accepted widely. The wives would cut their hair and dress as boys when the soldiers were home. The woman knew they would appear more sexually attractive if they looked like young men and would have a better chance of mating.
Ex. Some societies had 3 or 4 gender classifications.

So what is "progress" in our current society according to you? Originally Posted by SweetDulce
Or you can watch the movie

pyramider's Avatar
Why is dak so overly sensitive?
SisterTwister's Avatar
The PC progressives could care less if high school girls feel uncomfortable sharing a locker room with someone who is anatomically male. It's all about catering to TG's. Originally Posted by cowboy8055
Yea all progressives believe exactly the same on all things...good call.
Why is dak so overly sensitive? Originally Posted by pyramider
I'm not overly sensitive about discussing this issue in a reasonable way. But when I first poked my head in this thread it seemed like it was being used as a "bash progressives" thread instead of opening up a dialogue, and I felt it was necessary to throw in my two cents.

But with posters like TheOtherMan contributing some thoughtful opinions, it's time to give the PC bashing a rest and maybe discuss this like adults. I'll give it a try. I hope others will too.
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 04-19-2016, 12:22 PM
But with posters like TheOtherMan contributing some thoughtful opinions, it's time to give the PC bashing a rest and maybe discuss this like adults. I'll give it a try. I hope others will too. Originally Posted by DakineOne777
I would agree... This topic generates strong opinions, but let's keep the conversations in Another Realm civil and leave the personal attacks and name-calling out of the discussion.

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