The Debate Change any minds?

Biden won’t be replaced unless someone convinces him to step down from the democratic nomination. If that happens the democratic convention will have to come up with a new candidate. If not then the only way Biden can be replaced is if the delegates decide to vote against the results of their state primary election. Originally Posted by txdot-guy
Yep. A brokered convention is extremely unlikely.
adav8s28's Avatar

I can't vote for Trump and never will. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX


I agree with you Speedracer! What did Sen Marco Rubio call Trump back in 2016? A con artist. Can't vote for a con artist for president.
Levianon17's Avatar

I agree with you Speedracer! What did Sen Marco Rubio call Trump back in 2016? A con artist. Can't vote for a con artist for president. Originally Posted by adav8s28
You may not vote for Trump but you will vote for a Con Artist whether you realize it or not.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...As discussed many times, the downside in the economy which most focus on is due to the high inflation which Biden is not responsible for any more than Trump was responsible for the 15% unemployment rate or the worst GDP in at least 60 years. But perception is everything. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
All good topics and all are false and misleading and entirely besides the point of whether the debate changed any minds.

But as to what FJB thought of the debate himself...
Joe Biden Admits Donald Trump ‘Knocked Him down’ in Debate
130 days to the DNC convention. Lots of soul searching and seances to be had by then. Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
It's in August. But I suppose math is different in never-never land.
Precious_b's Avatar
Liar vs dementia Originally Posted by FocusedGamer
Don't know why you are laughing about it. If anything, this is a glowing spotlight on what donny is becoming. What his followers say has crippled joey has been plainly in view every time I see him at a rally. And it only is getting worse.

.Biden told plenty of whoppers Originally Posted by farmstud60
Got the stats yet on the percentages of lies each guy spouted?

What I witnessed last night = Dumb and Dumber! Originally Posted by tttalinky
I laughed when I heard someone compare it to two pidgeons playing chess.

... And reckon it changed me-own mind - on whether CNN can host
a FAIR and honest debate... And turns out THEY CAN! ...

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
But you bad mouth their fact checking? Don't blame you. Even if they are better than foxy at it.

Myself, there are a couple more tete a tete between these two. Do not include me in the one-n-done club.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
It's in August. But I suppose math is different in never-never land. Originally Posted by Diligaf
LoL. My bad totally. That was for election day. RNC convention is in a fuzz over 2 weeks. I wonder who the nominee will be...

The DNC firey but mostly peaceful demonstrations convention is a mere 50 days away tomorrow. Given BI-DONE's recent debate performance, I wonder who the nominee will be... Don't you?
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
All good topics and all are false and misleading and entirely besides the point of whether the debate changed any minds.

But as to what FJB thought of the debate himself...
Joe Biden Admits Donald Trump ‘Knocked Him down’ in Debate Originally Posted by Why_Yes_I_Do
Polls show that 60-70% believe Trump "won" the debate, but most also believe Trump did not do well, just that Biden did horribly.

The debate did change my mind. Biden is not the same person mentally that he was 4 years ago when polls showed he won both debates against Trump.

But I still cannot vote for a person who continually lies to the people of this country and actually expects people will believe him.
Iceman's Avatar
Then I guess you won't be voting for anybody.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Then I guess you won't be voting for anybody. Originally Posted by Iceman
The lesser of 2 evils. Just like 2016.
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...The debate did change my mind. Biden is not the same person mentally that he was 4 years ago when polls showed he won both debates against Trump... Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
You're getting closer to your home (I'm your Captain).
Ya know what you need?

Levianon17's Avatar
Polls show that 60-70% believe Trump "won" the debate, but most also believe Trump did not do well, just that Biden did horribly.

The debate did change my mind. Biden is not the same person mentally that he was 4 years ago when polls showed he won both debates against Trump.

But I still cannot vote for a person who continually lies to the people of this country and actually expects people will believe him. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Now if Joe Biden wins in November just think about his mental capacity in 2026 and then in 2028. Joe Biden is not only demented he's also a prolific liar. You want to talk about the lesser of two evils well Biden is it.
ICU 812's Avatar
I doubt that the debate will change many minds. I couldn't watch Biden as he got so mixed up at times it was hard to understand what topic he was even talking about. Not surprising though. Originally Posted by farmstud60

The debate has shone that one mind has changed . . .and it was President Biden's.

Did CNN Deep-Fake that?
texassapper's Avatar
The debate did change my mind. Biden is not the same person mentally that he was 4 years ago Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
So you're admitting that the White House and their media propaganda publishers had you fooled for the last 18 months or so? You TOTALLY thought Beijing Joey had his shit together until the debate?

LOL.... That's what I love about Liberals. They aren't mad that Joey is a near vegetable, they just hated that America got to see it for themselves.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
So you're admitting that the White House and their media propaganda publishers had you fooled for the last 18 months or so? You TOTALLY thought Beijing Joey had his shit together until the debate?

LOL.... That's what I love about Liberals. They aren't mad that Joey is a near vegetable, they just hated that America got to see it for themselves. Originally Posted by texassapper
There may have been decisions coming out of the WH in the last "18 months or so" that either you or I disagreed with but it would be impossible to say that those decisions were incorrect due to his mental acuity.