Poor Quality of Reviews????

What are the chances , that someone might catch a hint, here? Initial response says SLIM!

PSI haven't written a review in over two years, due to agreements made in my personal world. Taking all the crashes into account... I probably had over 100 on ASPD! Whenever I did review in the past.... I made sure to give a very clear "vision" of time spent with my chosen playmate. I tried to be as descriptive as possible... including as many of the five senses as my writing ability could offer. I would encourage all to be as creative as possible.... a fine playmate deserves it! So does a crappy one! Originally Posted by MrGiz
I believe your first comment refers to what human resource departments refer to as a "sense of awareness". You either have it or don't. You're correct. . . . they don't.

as for your PS. . . very well stated as to what should be in the "rest of the story" comments when a review is done. Everyone has their reasons for reviews or no reviews and certainly that is one's perogative.

And by the way, Sadie, do I get the idea you got close to the end of the bottle? Have corkscrew and a stocked wine cellar.
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HINT............i GOT IT......