How comfortable are you knowing that a forum on ECCIE has completely different rules?

LazurusLong's Avatar
He certainly is entertaining. The problem is his "contributions" become less relevant when he throw monkey shit on the wall and it doesn't stick. It just stincks. Originally Posted by Boltfan
Sorry Boltfan but given most Dallas members rarely bother to read the National Discussion forum and I am not the first person to bring a topic up from that forum into the Dallas Co-ed, you can call my posting of this issue monkey shit all you want but that other thread had 239 replies before it got closed with close to 6K views, to many on this board who are not just sitting in the Dallas area but pay attention to the site as a whole, it is much more than monkey shit.

BTW, how's your own private forum doing these days? Is it still active and alive? As a moderator/owner of that forum, did you adhere to the site rules or did you let invited clique members do as they please in there?
Duke of G's Avatar

Stop acting as if the private forums are somehow the wild west. They ALL must obey the cardinal ECCIE rules regarding drugs, minors, etc. The core rules are the same.

They just don't have to abide by the "play nice" rules that we have on the rest of the board. They can call each other names and generally behave how that particular sub-community wishes to have its members behave. You used "clique" as a pejorative. If you don't want to participate there, why do you care? Are you just generally offended that someone may have a private area that doesn't involve you? Why is that a negative thing?

There is no tinfoil hat brigade running around having secret ECCIE-rule-breaking meetings. I promise.

That being said: I watch members of the more "loose" areas come to this little corner of the board and try to shit on it or otherwise disparage the general populace. It tries my patience, but then I realize that giving a fuck what some private posttard thinks is really not worth my time.

Stop acting as if the private forums are somehow the wild west. They ALL must obey the cardinal ECCIE rules regarding drugs, minors, etc. The core rules are the same.

They just don't have to abide by the "play nice" rules that we have on the rest of the board. They can call each other names and generally behave how that particular sub-community wishes to have its members behave. You used "clique" as a pejorative. If you don't want to participate there, why do you care? Are you just generally offended that someone may have a private area that doesn't involve you? Why is that a negative thing?

There is no tinfoil hat brigade running around having secret ECCIE-rule-breaking meetings. I promise.

That being said: I watch members of the more "loose" areas come to this little corner of the board and try to shit on it or otherwise disparage the general populace. It tries my patience, but then I realize that giving a fuck what some private posttard thinks is really not worth my time. Originally Posted by Duke of G
He and the other people who object to the rules of this "secret" board probably object out of a sense of fair play. Be it logical or not, that's PROBABLY a large driver behind their complaints. Instead of brushing it off, the opposition should try to deal with it face to face. Transparency goes a LONG way to soothe people's sense of a lack of fair play. It's part of what Obama ran on (although I'm not quite sure he came anywhere near achieving a transparent administration...that is in fact open for discussion on ANOTHER thread).
dearhunter's Avatar
I am not clear on who you mean by "opposition". The "participants" of the Spider Hole are not responding to you in this threAD. Because, they are not allowed to to talk about what is posted in the Spider Hole (what happens in the Spider Hole stays in the Spider Hole).

It is not some grand secret conspiracy on their part to hide from you. There were repercussions to one or three of them for their comments in that national forum thread. They agreed to the rules when they were admitted into the private forum......they have to abide by them.

Everyone who is admitted gets a PM with the rules.....the rules of the general board are that you cannot disclose PM information....thus, they are blocked in giving you a full explanation.
One of the rules of the Spider Hole is "what happens in the spider hole stays in the spider hole"......again, they are blocked from giving you a full explanation.

It is not a paid forum. The forum was created by St.Christopher for his own reasons. If you have a problem with that, send him a PM on the matter.

If Laz wants to know the rules of the Spider Hole, I will tell him.......all he has to do is ask here in this open threAD and I will tell him here in this open, how about it you want to know the rules of the Spider Hole..........a "please" would be nice.......kind of like a cherry on top.
I am not clear on who you mean by "opposition". The "participants" of the Spider Hole are not responding to you in this threAD. Because, they are not allowed to to talk about what is posted in the Spider Hole (what happens in the Spider Hole stays in the Spider Hole).

It is not some grand secret conspiracy on their part to hide from you. There were repercussions to one or three of them for their comments in that national forum thread. They agreed to the rules when they were admitted into the private forum......they have to abide by them.

Everyone who is admitted gets a PM with the rules.....the rules of the general board are that you cannot disclose PM information....thus, they are blocked in giving you a full explanation.
One of the rules of the Spider Hole is "what happens in the spider hole stays in the spider hole"......again, they are blocked from giving you a full explanation.

It is not a paid forum. The forum was created by St.Christopher for his own reasons. If you have a problem with that, send him a PM on the matter.

If Laz wants to know the rules of the Spider Hole, I will tell him.......all he has to do is ask here in this open threAD and I will tell him here in this open, how about it you want to know the rules of the Spider Hole..........a "please" would be nice.......kind of like a cherry on top. Originally Posted by dearhunter what happens in ROS stays in ROS unless it is revealed in Spider Hole in which case it then has to stay in Spider Hole. Since the first rule concerning ROS content was broken, what makes the owner think his new rule about Spider Hole content will be honored? I mean, he can do whatever the heck he wants to do with HIS website(s) and I'm not complaining but I am pointing out a HUGE concern of a significant segment of his clientele as evidenced by the aversion to leaks in general. Refusing to deal with those concerns COULD create significant losses of revenue in the future and set the stage for competition to rise and provide a similar product/service less the controversial aspects of his product/service.

AGAIN if you do not understand that I am ONLY speaking matter of factly and evaluating business decisions in a hypothetical scenario, then you really should read THIS sentence out loud twice before quoting me and replying.

"He's not attacking me or my values."
dearhunter's Avatar
jlc, St.C could ban both of us (you and I) today....just because he wants to.....and tomorrow the rest of these fucktards would go on their merry way without a second look back.

I could print all of the ROSs from this board and paste them on the walls of my house......and it would be none of your business.......what happens or does not happen in the Spider Hole is none of your business.

I know that is not the answer you want....but, it is the answer you are stuck want to know the funny part......I could give "johnnylongcaulking" access to the Spider Hole (at his request) and you would stymed in your participation in this threAD.

You would have knowledge that you are not allowed to is part of the price of admission.
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
Did someone not get picked/chosen for dodge ball team in grade school???
LazurusLong's Avatar
He and the other people who object to the rules of this "secret" board probably object out of a sense of fair play. Be it logical or not, that's PROBABLY a large driver behind their complaints. Instead of brushing it off, the opposition should try to deal with it face to face. Transparency goes a LONG way to soothe people's sense of a lack of fair play. It's part of what Obama ran on (although I'm not quite sure he came anywhere near achieving a transparent administration...that is in fact open for discussion on ANOTHER thread). Originally Posted by johnnylongcaulking
It's not the need for transparency at all.

Back on ASPD, the assclowns who lived to insult and attacks others had their own little world and website. No holds barred insults galore and attacks were the norm and encouraged.

And it bled over quickly to ASPD and that is why to this day Houston has so many ass clowns who think nothing of openly attacking others, especially the lifeblood of this and other boards, the "newbies".

If UserX is so used to be able to attack on a private board or now in a private forum, they will think nothing of doing so in other areas and have done so.

Before ASPD crashed and ECCIE was new without the mass exodus, ECCIE was a much more kind and nicer board.

Hell, anyone who was on AHC back in the day when it started knows exactly what I am talking about. For the most part, AHC either didn't allow those people who seemed to live to attack or if they were allowed on the site they were kept on a very short leash.

Sure AHC imploded for other reasons not the least of which were horrible staff choices.

Before January 2010, ECCIE was very laid back and growing without the attacks and bullshit that was destroying ASPD and causing the creation of other sites such as AHC or even the ill fated attempts by Summer XTC. Politeness ruled the day.

Helping newbies was the norm, not attacking them. From what I could see from April 1, 2009 until the end of ASPD, ECCIE was like a new fresh start where all the nastiness and rotten corpse was left behind.

Having a private forum or forums on this board where there are no requirements for civility or worse, where just the opposite is sought out and encouraged, can and has only made this place become more and more coarse and nasty.

ECCIE started as an "Information Exchange" and turned more into an online "Fight Club" without any benefits from hosting or encouraging those individuals from abusing this place.

Is the money paid by those who run such a sub-forum worth the current decay and ruination of civility that was fostered and encouraged when ECCIE started?

ECCIE had lofty goals (besides profit of course) but the unexpected damage and consequences, including what appears to be that other site by 1 or more pissed off members/former members, has not just been chipping away at those goals of a better community, but blew them up and is currently crushing them into dust.

THAT is why I find such forums distasteful.

(full disclosure. I was once invited/allowed to join another site where attacks were the norm. I did so and engaged in a "war" between myself and a former ASPD staff member for a very short time. BUT I found out quickly that there was no value or merit in doing so and so stopped, called the guy and we talked and got shit settled and I never again posted on that site.

I wish I had never joined that site and will never join any private forum where that is the goal or purpose. Life's WAY too short for that sort of shit.)

Did someone not get picked/chosen for dodge ball team in grade school??? Originally Posted by EmilyEzzell

Apparently, with this post, in my opinion, it appears you must be one of those sort of assclowns who find it fun to sit behind the keyboard and slam and attacks others and that tells me that your personality is one that I'm betting men who have a mature mindset and intelligence above a grade school playground bullying level would not chose to "play with".

The premier providers back on ASPD such as Ashley Ash or Savanna of DFW exuded class and were able to achieve their success and following not because they'd sit in a private forum attacking others but because they make a habit of encouraging others and especially the men they visited.
dearhunter's Avatar what happens in ROS stays in ROS unless it is revealed in Spider Hole in which case it then has to stay in Spider Hole. Since the first rule concerning ROS content was broken, what makes the owner think his new rule about Spider Hole content will be honored? I mean, he can do whatever the heck he wants to do with HIS website(s) and I'm not complaining but I am pointing out a HUGE concern of a significant segment of his clientele as evidenced by the aversion to leaks in general. Refusing to deal with those concerns COULD create significant losses of revenue in the future and set the stage for competition to rise and provide a similar product/service less the controversial aspects of his product/service.

AGAIN if you do not understand that I am ONLY speaking matter of factly and evaluating business decisions in a hypothetical scenario, then you really should read THIS sentence out loud twice before quoting me and replying.

"He's not attacking me or my values." Originally Posted by johnnylongcaulking
Anyone is welcome to join hr007xx and find out.....and a significant segment of his (the owner) clientele are in the Spider Hole......ijs.
Boltfan's Avatar

BTW, how's your own private forum doing these days? Is it still active and alive? As a moderator/owner of that forum, did you adhere to the site rules or did you let invited clique members do as they please in there? Originally Posted by LazurusLong

It really pains you that you were not invited, doesn't it?

Did someone not get picked/chosen for dodge ball team in grade school??? Originally Posted by EmilyEzzell

That's what this is about, someone smarting from always being the last one picked is my guess.

Man, Laz, I tried, I really tried. I don't care what is rambling around in your little head, how much good information you post, if you go around acting like an asshat as well, you negate the rest. You are completely clueless on this matter and so rampant speculation is what you resort to next.

The best part, YOU CAN READ what you so strongly want. You know where it is, go read it. But no, you don't do that because, *GASP* you would be educating yourself and would have no reason to post such nonsense here. You would have no reason to post a "look at me" thread because you would already have the answers.
dearhunter's Avatar

I can put Laz's mind at ease........the Spider Hole is one of the most active forums on this board.......and not a single threAD is about him......ijs.
EmilyEzzell's Avatar
Laz, But I'm a NEWBIE and your beating me up?

Apparently, with this post, in my opinion, it appears you must be one of those sort of assclowns who find it fun to sit behind the keyboard and slam and attacks others and that tells me that your personality is one that I'm betting men who have a mature mindset and intelligence above a grade school playground bullying level would not chose to "play with".

The premier providers back on ASPD such as Ashley Ash or Savanna of DFW exuded class and were able to achieve their success and following not because they'd sit in a private forum attacking others but because they make a habit of encouraging others and especially the men they visited. Originally Posted by LazurusLong
Lazarus you are pretty wound up huh. If it bothers you so much how this site is ran start your own site. No need to start slamming on the ladies. Sit back, relax and breath, it will be ok.

I have not met Emily, but from reviews and talk through chat and pms Emily seems all class, aside from some.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
Did someone not get picked/chosen for dodge ball team in grade school??? Originally Posted by EmilyEzzell
Laz, But I'm a NEWBIE and your beating me up? Originally Posted by EmilyEzzell
I like this chick
dearhunter's Avatar
Laz, But I'm a NEWBIE and your beating me up? Originally Posted by EmilyEzzell
That's don't agree with him.