Obamacare sucks

  • 06-07-2013, 08:38 PM
your Dr. buddy doesn't like government stopping him from gouging the shit out of medicare, truth be known

hes taking a cut in pay because he cant cheat taxpayers like a motherfucker Originally Posted by CJ7
  • 06-07-2013, 08:57 PM
didja read hospitals charge medicare $ 12.00 for those little paper cups they administer pills to patients

shit like that wont float after 2014 Originally Posted by CJ7

Do you people travel or read? Every study rates the US system near the bottom of industrialized nations. Obama-care is a start, even with all the compromises to the corporate lobby it's better than nothing.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
What a resounding endorsement! "It's better than nothing"! Hey, everyone, jump on the Obamacare bandwagon! "It's better than nothing"!

Why didn't we try for something really good, instead of "It's better than nothing"! Maybe if those dipshit, brain dead Republicans had actually had some alternatives to debate, we may have been able to craft something less draconian and totalitarian. But no. we had to make sure Obama was a "one term" President. They could have done that if they had just got off their asses and proposed some market based reforms, and stood for freedom. Instead, they stonewall and look like jackasses.

Now here we are. "It's better than nothing"! Thanks, Republican assholes!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Thank YOU! For staying out of the process.

Thank you even more for your simpering Monday morning quarterbacking.

Pity the Libertarians don't matter. If they went away, then how would you apologize for your fellow Rs?
Anyone notice that before his re-election Obama started referring to his signature piece of legislation as the "Affordable Healthcare Act" instead of "Obamacare" but over the last few months he's gone back to referring to it as "Obamacare?"
flghtr65's Avatar
The US system with insurance companies as the middle man is an out-dated business
model. They do nothing for health other than adding administrative costs, which includes executive pay such as United Heathcare's CEO $50M million salary. A real universal health care system has to happen sooner or later. Originally Posted by Seeker
True statement. Bill and Hillary Clinton tried to get a Universal heath care system into law when B. Clinton was president. The only way a true Universal system will get put into law is you would have to have a Democratic president, and democrats controlling both houses of congress with numbers large enough to block a filibuster. That is very difficult to obtain. Getting past the filibuster is the key. It is not easy to do, that is why Bills that congress ends up passing have a lot of pork. (Will put this in if you vote for it). Obamacare is designed to insure the 30 million Americans who don't have insurance. If you work at Microsoft and get your insurance from them today, you will get it from them tomorrow. Only the people who are uninsured will be going to the government exchanges that are being set up as we speak. The only thing that is in enforce right now is that if you are 26 and younger you can get on your parents policy and remain there until you turn age 27. The CBO (congressional budget office) predicts that 30 million americans will be going to the government exchanges to obtain insurance. This will result in about 95% of the USA population being covered with health insurance. This means that uninsured people will not have to sneak into the emergency room to get treated and then the hospital passes those charges on to their paying customers.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
If you hate "Obamacare" you should move to Britain. Try the NHS for a while! Even with all the lines and waiting I still quite fancy our UK system vs. the "all-private" system the USA has. Sadly the NHS back home is going broke Originally Posted by BearJew1948
Yeah...about that. Lets bring the broke system here, thats a great idea.

didja read hospitals charge medicare $ 12.00 for those little paper cups they administer pills to patients.. youre in the wrong bidness, fuckr

shit like that wont float after 2014 Originally Posted by CJ7
It shouldn't be floating now.
Uncle Han's Avatar
Yeah...about that. Lets bring the broke system here, thats a great idea.

It shouldn't be floating now. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
Broke and immoral system.
Uncle Han's Avatar
Do you people travel or read? Every study rates the US system near the bottom of industrialized nations. Obama-care is a start, even with all the compromises to the corporate lobby it's better than nothing. Originally Posted by Seeker
The cocked sucker who doesn't read is preaching at us!!!! Milton Friedman got socialized medicine nailed for the immoral heaping pile of shit it is.
Wow, I never read so much crap in my life.

Fact, my insurance has doubled for the group plan from the university by which I am employed....because of Obamacare.

The CBO now says that ObamaCare will not insure the 30 million plus, that it was implemented to insure for the very reasons stated above. The cost of a family plan is too expensive now as it was before and there is a pittance as a penalty for not enrolling. When you get drastically sick, you will still be able to go to the ER and get FREE healthcare....and still be the deadbeat you are and not pay the bill.....in effect making it free for yourself.

Lots of name calling and very very slim on the facts.

If you wish to have a system that another country has....you have my permission to move your ass out of the country...
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Please produce some kind of evidence that your insurance premium has doubled BECAUSE OF OBAMACARE.

I think you're full of shit.

BTW -- what do you do at that University? same thing BSWine does at his high school?

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Anyone notice that before his re-election Obama started referring to his signature piece of legislation as the "Affordable Healthcare Act" instead of "Obamacare" but over the last few months he's gone back to referring to it as "Obamacare?" Originally Posted by gnadfly
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You and ASSUP must have gone to the same school as neither can read. I am not arguing that the POS known as Obamacare hasn't actually been implemented. BUT, the effects are already being felt. Originally Posted by satexasguy
In other words, your whining about the salami that hasn't arrived.

the only effect we are feeling is the effect of YOUR FUCKING CRYING!

Lying shitbird.
  • 06-08-2013, 10:19 PM
monoply price control