What would you charge for a 10 min meet only?

Fancyinheels's Avatar
I refuse to see anyone UNLESS I've had a brief chat with them over the phone. There have been a few times where after speaking with someone, I just KNEW that meeting would be a nightmare for us.

It gives both parties a chance to decline. Speaking over the phone, which I thought most did but I guess not, and going to socials were two excellent pieces of advice. Originally Posted by ElisabethWhispers

I agree. I always try to chat over the phone first, and don't mind corresponding back and forth for a wee bit prior to meeting. Higher volume ladies are not going to allot time for that, another data byte to keep in mind.
How about taking her out for lunch or dinner? I love to go out to eat and it gets me out of my place and a great meal. A meal, flowers and case of water and great company is hard to beat..... I know alot of guys and girls go for business meetings all the time and it helps increase their business. A hr out of my life and I could get a meal and all and maybe a great client would be nice...
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
How about taking her out for lunch or dinner? I love to go out to eat and it gets me out of my place and a great meal. A meal, flowers and case of water and great company is hard to beat..... I know alot of guys and girls go for business meetings all the time and it helps increase their business. A hr out of my life and I could get a meal and all and maybe a great client would be nice... Originally Posted by Truly Passion
He doesn't want to spend that type of money. He doesn't wish to "woe" us. He wants to shop and then decide whether or not to spend money.

But for anyone reading this, I'm not much on just meeting for lunch. But I've often gone out with a friend afterwards for lunch, or dinner, off of the clock.

That's fun!
Why don't you offer a minimum rate and it will stop a lot of silly pms and emails for the tire kickers. My recommendation is 0 to 60 minutes $$$$ your normal hourly rate!

Guys miss 99% of the the fun with wanting to know everything, there is plenty about you out there in reviews, ads, showcases, chat, threads. Guys put your big boy pants on and jump into a great hobby. Quit dreaming up ways to waste providers time. If you think you can't afford a bad experience then reconsider what you are doing.

The fun is in the hunt for that perfect experience not in worrying you wasted a few benjs.
pyramider's Avatar
How about taking her out for lunch or dinner? I love to go out to eat and it gets me out of my place and a great meal. A meal, flowers and case of water and great company is hard to beat..... I know alot of guys and girls go for business meetings all the time and it helps increase their business. A hr out of my life and I could get a meal and all and maybe a great client would be nice... Originally Posted by Truly Passion

That can backfire ... Let's say we were just meeting for lunch. You had a delicious meal of whatever you like because you do not thinck there will be any BCD. Then we decided to extend the meeting since I am a wonderful conversationalist to allow for BCD activities. While in BCD you got gassy ... I thinck you can see the downside ...
giasanto38ddd's Avatar
10 minutes is so close to 15 Im with amber on her suggestion to just book a standard 15 minute appointment maybe schedule it as a fbsm that way you still get something for your$ ...plus you would have had a little interaction to see if there are any sparks....lots of times guys schedule half hours at first but also say " I might want the full hour" depending on how we get along". Just my 2 cents
How about you come with 5 bucks a minute for ten minutes.. that's 50.

That's about the same rate as a phone sex line. So, I think that's fair... lol. Since after all it isn't an interview for future SEX, right? So you say.
I would truly love to have a hobby experience like the one that plays out in my head on the way over. What would you ladies charge for a 10 min meet at your normal incall. No expectation or possibility of a session so we can both plan our day out. Originally Posted by ivangalt
If every lady did that, and the client changed his mind for whatever reason, she would not make any money. and they would all be labled a TIME WASTER. I understand what you are saying because of all the photoshopped and fake pics out there; you just want a PEEK at the real thing. IMHO, if you are going to be "session ready" and drive all the way over there, the least you can do is give her a 30-min session. UNLESS she is totally different from her pics, in which case, you will know that upon entering. I would just say: excuse me but you don't look nothing like your pics and walk out. why do you need 10-min. to see that? If you want anything more than that, you have to pay for her time. This is not a test drive kind of hobby.

threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Too much to risk for very little too gain for the ladies.

Just set up an appointment with a lady like everybody else. If you think you can nickel and dime your way into a guarenteed great session, it won't happen.

This ain't like chillis where you can get the appetizer sampler platter. Chances are if your that worried about spending a little bit of $ to find the right lady, this isn't the hobby for you. I understand hobbying on a budget, and I don't want to sound mean, but this isn't a poor mans game we play. Its like going to the casinos, if you can't risk loosing, don't play.
The world's oldest profession and people still try to game it. lol!
Perhaps, you should contact Michael J. Fox.... and see if he still has the Back To the Future car.... I'm pretty sure that in the lame third movie they created.... he visited the Wild West. Back then, they had saloons. Ladies lined up on the staircase and you got to pick one. Oh wait, they still have the AMP's and Studios that do that.

Get what you pay for. Try one of those.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
you can try webcaming with the girl before u come
I dont think I have ever loved ElisabethWhispers or Fancyinheels more than I do at this moment!!

Kind sir, let me say this as sweetly as I can, as I hear what you are saying and would HATE to step on your toes. I took a gander at the reviews that you left for ladies. I am quite sure that these ladies are great and maybe just not what you were looking for. I also see from the donations you listed for them that they are almost what most ladies charge for a 15 min appointement so I understand why you wouldn't want to conduct a M&G for that much.

Let me leave you with this: You can buy a pair a shoes at Payless for $10 or a pair of JImmy Choos for $2500. That is not to say that we ladies with a lower donation (mine is actually lower than the average) will be any less fun. But if you are willing to spend the 15 minute amount for trhe M&G, you may be happier in the long run.

PS.. Some of my Payless shoes are some of my favorites! Just saying!
[QUOTE]While in BCD you got gassy ... I thinck you can see the downside ... [QUOTE]

yes, possible BLOWOUT on the horizon...

Pyramider you are hysterical at all the right times.
ONEXKID's Avatar
I've actually done this before.
I screened him and also had him send me a cpl of pics first before I would even consider it.
He was HOT, and lived close to me so it wasn't much of an inconvenience to either of us.

I think he gave me a benjamin and we stood in my entry way for about 5mins of chit chat.
He came back 2wks later and scheduled a cpl hours together. Originally Posted by ItalianaPrincess
So if someone wanted to do the same it would be ok?