Just asking for a name should not be that hard.

petitefunlady's Avatar
This happens to me all.the.time.

It's like pulling teeth.
  • pxmcc
  • 07-08-2019, 12:40 PM
just to be clear, these guys refuse to reveal their first name, or their first and last name? (so do i on the latter.) if the former, just say, what should i call you? is bob okay tho..
I lay my ID out, especially for Asian providers, unless they are some sort of a savant they will not be able to remember anything.
Lets flip this... you are a Caucasian provide in China, maybe know 50 Chinese words... You ask for their ID and they lay it out, all in Chinese, .Could one even remember the name, much less than anything else?
I lay my ID out, especially for Asian providers, unless they are some sort of a savant they will not be able to remember anything.
Lets flip this... you are a Caucasian provide in China, maybe know 50 Chinese words... You ask for their ID and they lay it out, all in Chinese, .Could one even remember the name, much less than anything else?
Originally Posted by instfixer
It's not even about y'alls real name. Most of us could care less what your parents call u. Unless you have no handle on any site. But your name on Eccie or p411 is needed to verify y'all. When we contact another female or look y'all up we kinda need something to look up or ask about!
It's not even about y'alls real name. Most of us could care less what your parents call u. Unless you have no handle on any site. But your name on Eccie or p411 is needed to verify y'all. When we contact another female or look y'all up we kinda need something to look up or ask about! Originally Posted by ZantannaParella
This is basically what it comes down to!!!
I think you need to clarify name vs screen name.
Seriously? The original post is about guys just texting. No PMs. And her asking who is talking to. Logic would say tell her your screen name and what site you are from Would you just answer hobby related questions from a random number without any clue about the person you are texting is? Come on man! Lol
I think you need to clarify name vs screen name. Originally Posted by h0neymustard
Sweetie, I do clarify. Sometimes, even when I say: “ What’s your profile name/handle”, they still try to act like they didn’t hear me. They continue to ask questions & say: well I saw your ad on _____ .. ME: ok, baby- I still need your profile name.. THEM: f*** it! You’re asking too many questions. (all ask is for the pn).. My guess is that they are trying to avoid screening because a lot of them aren’t verified. SHOCKING! Lol. I’m not asking the questions to be nosy, I just want to be able to screen w/o issues, so we can get to the fun! Lol
Oh okay, yeah I have no problem giving out my screen name.
TryWeakly's Avatar
I like to switch it up a bit.

Sometimes I let them call me "You Rat Bastard" ...

So when I'm givin'em a good foooqin, thay scream out

"Fuck me harder, you rat bastard!"

or something like that...
Oh okay, yeah I have no problem giving out my screen name. Originally Posted by h0neymustard
And that’s all I need. For screening purposes. I can’t do anything with a real-world name, because y’all can make up any old name. Lol.. in comments 6, 12, 14 & 25 I kept saying just to give me your profile name. And I mean it’s just a safety thing. For the gentleman and myself. I understand some ladies like to gather as much rw info as possible. I screen twice as hard for meetings away from my location. I respect other peoples safety, just as much as I value mine.
I like to switch it up a bit.

Sometimes I let them call me "You Rat Bastard" ...

So when I'm givin'em a good foooqin, thay scream out

"Fuck me harder, you rat bastard!"

or something like that... Originally Posted by TryWeakly
Wait, what?!? Lol. That’s a new one on me. Rat Bastard, huh?!
TryWeakly's Avatar
I like it dirty sometimes....
I like it dirty sometimes.... Originally Posted by TryWeakly
That makes 2 of us. You rat bastard you! Lol
The1Slayer's Avatar
Hey girl...................... I saw your Ad.....?

You GFE.................???