The Republicans Will Not Take Back The Senate!

Grace Preston's Avatar
Honestly-- Republicans will take the House. I don't see any way around that. But they won't take the senate. I don't know why Trump is pushing these garbage candidates (have you SEEN some of the videos put out for Walker? They make him look even worse). Plus he's up against a person who-- while far more left than what you'd expect in Georgia-- has a good bit of support and by all accounts hasn't done a bad job overall. Plus-- can you imagine a debate between Walker and Warnock? It would be a slaughter....

Mehmet Oz is just carpetbagging his way onto the PA ticket-- he literally bought his in-laws house via "owner financing" in order to qualify for the ballot. Plus-- every move he makes lately is just worse and worse for optics.

Some of Trumps selections in recent past were decently strong candidates-- but this crop? What in the name of fuck.... is all I can say about it.
  • Tiny
  • 08-19-2022, 07:21 PM
Maintain???? Originally Posted by WTF
You're slipping. I also proposed running a dead Republican for the Senate in Arizona, and you said NOTHING.

And how about you just leave it at that, no more ripostes. You've already made fun of me for having a small penis. That's not cool. It's equally not cool making fun of people with early onset dementia.
  • Tiny
  • 08-19-2022, 07:21 PM
Honestly-- Republicans will take the House.... Originally Posted by Grace Preston
Excellent post
Redhot1960's Avatar
fuck you lindsey graham fans and mitch for horse whipping the mandingos.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-20-2022, 03:07 PM
You're slipping. I also proposed running a dead Republican for the Senate in Arizona, and you said NOTHING.

And how about you just leave it at that, no more ripostes. You've already made fun of me for having a small penis. That's not cool. It's equally not cool making fun of people with early onset dementia. Originally Posted by Tiny
I must of missed it...who'd you nominate....Goldwater?

I wasn't making fun of Ronnie's dementia, just his economic switch-a-roo of cutting taxes on the higher earners and increasing it on the lower and middle class!

I forgot about the Tiny penis apologies!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-20-2022, 03:08 PM
fuck you lindsey graham fans and mitch for horse whipping the mandingos. Originally Posted by Redhot1960
That will get you points....not sure you got the memo but slang derogatory terms are no longer welcome.
  • Tiny
  • 08-20-2022, 05:21 PM
I must of missed it...who'd you nominate....Goldwater?

I wasn't making fun of Ronnie's dementia, just his economic switch-a-roo of cutting taxes on the higher earners and increasing it on the lower and middle class!

I forgot about the Tiny penis apologies! Originally Posted by WTF
That was a joke WTF. I was referring to my dementia, not Reagan’s. You caught the part where I implied the Republicans still controlled the House but missed where I was proposing John McCain run for the Senate. That’s a classic sign of Alzheimer’s, thinking it’s still 2017. And I’m proud of my Tiny Penis, I thought what you wrote was funny. I appreciate you spreading that around. There are some providers who are concerned about size, and the more who know I’ve got a non-threatening penis, the better.

On topic McConnell’s in the news today telling Republicans regaining control of the Senate’s going to be a struggle. He’s right.
ICU 812's Avatar
All the polls were wrong in 2016. Could be wrong again for the midterms . . . .

Don't ask me about 2020, as my unsubstantiated opinion is off topic for this thread.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-21-2022, 08:43 AM
All the polls were wrong in 2016. Could be wrong again for the midterms . . . .

Don't ask me about 2020, as my unsubstantiated opinion is off topic for this thread. Originally Posted by ICU 812
Or the polls could be right.

I think it is always about the economy, stupid. Inflation is kinda, sorta baked in even though gas prices are coming down. So I think the Democrats are going to have a tougher time than what it seems keeping the Senate.

The Fed can influence the midterms at this point more than anything short of war.
HedonistForever's Avatar
If Republicans retake the House and win the Senate by one vote, nothing they can put together will get past a Biden veto, so if one is thinking "with the House and Senate, Republicans can get done what they want done", think again.

And I'll repeat my previous post, with the prospect of no Republican legislation being passed for two years even with the Senate, what better way to spend those two years then impeaching Biden, Garland and Wrey.

Tiny, you either see the reasons or you don't. If after all the evidence presented that the Biden family is corrupt to the core and the same applies to the FBI ( consider the prosecuted and those that were fired and those asked to resign ) then my breaking it all down would be a waste of my time since I've done it a half dozen times already but I'll leave you with this.

If Trump can be impeached for "going after a future political opponent, asking for further investigation of that opponent", then it works the opposite way as well. You may not agree with that analysis but I'll bet that 51% of a Republican House would and BRIBERY would most likely be central to the impeachment of Biden and the evidence would be provided by Hunter which makes it even more interesting. I guess you'll have to wait for the trial of Biden for it to be more "clear".
Or the polls could be right.

I think it is always about the economy, stupid. Inflation is kinda, sorta baked in even though gas prices are coming down. So I think the Democrats are going to have a tougher time than what it seems keeping the Senate.

The Fed can influence the midterms at this point more than anything short of war. Originally Posted by WTF
... I think Dr. OZ and Hershel Walker and the others
are Good candidates because they ARE "outsiders"...

The last thing that I want to see is "establishment choice"
candidates on either side.

... Maybe the Dems DO have the edge in the Senates.
We'll see.

#### Salty
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-21-2022, 01:17 PM
... I think Dr. OZ and Hershel Walker and the others
are Good candidates because they ARE "outsiders"...

The last thing that I want to see is "establishment choice"
candidates on either side.

... Maybe the Dems DO have the edge in the Senates.
We'll see.

#### Salty Originally Posted by Salty Again
What you need in certain states are centrist.

Those two are idiots.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, Herschel Walker speaks for you … you just can’t figure out what he’s saying.
  • Tiny
  • 08-21-2022, 02:13 PM
If Republicans retake the House and win the Senate by one vote, nothing they can put together will get past a Biden veto, so if one is thinking "with the House and Senate, Republicans can get done what they want done", think again.

And I'll repeat my previous post, with the prospect of no Republican legislation being passed for two years even with the Senate, what better way to spend those two years then impeaching Biden, Garland and Wrey.

Tiny, you either see the reasons or you don't. If after all the evidence presented that the Biden family is corrupt to the core and the same applies to the FBI ( consider the prosecuted and those that were fired and those asked to resign ) then my breaking it all down would be a waste of my time since I've done it a half dozen times already but I'll leave you with this.

If Trump can be impeached for "going after a future political opponent, asking for further investigation of that opponent", then it works the opposite way as well. You may not agree with that analysis but I'll bet that 51% of a Republican House would and BRIBERY would most likely be central to the impeachment of Biden and the evidence would be provided by Hunter which makes it even more interesting. I guess you'll have to wait for the trial of Biden for it to be more "clear". Originally Posted by HedonistForever
I've seen your breakdown Hedonist and it's not convincing. Not because you didn't argue your case well, but because you don't have the facts on your side.

There's the "10% for the Big Guy" allegation. Hunter Biden said that. Would you believe anything Hunter Biden said, when he's trying to extract more money for himself in a "business" deal? The incident occurred in 2017 when Joe Biden was a private citizen. IF Joe were going to get 10% on some deal (and I don't think he was), so what. He didn't hold political office. The Trump Organization on the other hand received $5.4 million from a Chinese state owned enterprise, WHILE TRUMP WAS IN OFFICE.

Biden hasn't exactly been handing out favors to the Chinese as payback. The Trump tariffs on toys and textiles and the like are still in place, and the USA is as hostile to China as it's been since the Korean War.

And then there's the Burisma affair. The State Department and the White House told Joe Biden to strong arm the Ukrainian government to fire its prosecutor general, which the USA and Western European governments believed was corrupt. Biden was following orders. He was doing his job. The whole Burisma "scandal" did indeed point out how Biden's worthless son profited greatly from his name. However, the "scandal" was a fantasy cooked up by Lev Parnas, Igor Fruman, and their attorney, Rudy Giuliani, and abetted by the Ukrainian prosecutor Viktor Shokin, to try to create political payback for a shady business deal they were attempting to pull off with Naftogaz, the Ukrainian national gas company.

The one thing that has merit is Biden hauling his son along on an official state visit to China, while he pursued his "business" deals, i.e. trading the Biden name for cash.

As to Garland and Wray, maybe I haven't been reading what you've been posting on them. I have no great love for the FBI or Justice Department prosecutors. They've screwed over a lot of people. But that's been going on for many years, long before Garland and Wray got their current jobs. You think they should be prosecuted for removing classified info from Mar A Lago? Why?

Republicans are making a mistake by focusing on the allegedly rigged 2020 election and Biden's corruption. It's backfiring. They should be campaigning on inflation, turbocharged by the Democrats' American Rescue Plan, and how the middle class is slipping behind.

What's going to be the effect of the raid at Mar A Lago? I'd argue it's going to make many Republicans mad as hell, and they're going to be more likely to turn out to vote. This partly makes up for the poor timing of the Supreme Court's abortion decision. Republicans shouldn't make the same mistake Democrats did, by coming off like they're persecuting Biden, Garland and Wray.

And besides, we're the United States of America. We're not a banana Republic. We don't put the ex-president in jail or make him go into exile every time there's an election.
Yeah, Herschel Walker speaks for you … you just can’t figure out what he’s saying. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
He sounds just like Eric Adams, so what’s your point?