Look who's not above the law today....

There would be plenty to see.....
Namely some poopy pants.... Originally Posted by Flair4Drama
Poopy mouths trump poopy pants. Have you forgotten Steve Bannon's strategy to "let's flood the zone with shit?" Luckily, here on UPSTATE no one ever stirs shit.
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar
  • clmc
  • 06-26-2024, 02:23 PM
Another maga-nut conspiracy fluff theory bites the big one.
Talia Jane Wed, June 26, 2024
The Supreme Court issued a surprising decision on Wednesday, finding that complaints that the Biden administration had forced censorship on conservative social media users were unfounded. In its 6–3 decision, the Supreme Court laid a death blow in particular to the conspiracy theory that the FBI forced social media companies to suppress stories about Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Will be interesting if this comes up tomorrow in the Pres, Debate. That is if Coward Cadet Bone Spurs even shows up for it, or shows up and then storms off going AWOL, on some self concocted Feeble BS, droning away with his patented "stream of unconsciousness logic", his mindless love so!....LOL
Will be interesting if this comes up tomorrow in the Pres, Debate. That is if Coward Cadet Bone Spurs even shows up for it, or shows up and then storms off going AWOL, on some self concocted Feeble BS, droning away with his patented "stream of unconsciousness logic", his mindless love so!....LOL
Originally Posted by clmc
Safe to assume you’re referring to Joe Biden?

There is so much more to this ruling regarding the censorship that you’re acknowledging. Read the entire ruling…not just what Yahoo has to say, especially since Yahoo is a Liberal Media Organization. Although, I’d find it hard to believe that would change your opinion in any way.

And no need to take this personal, it’s just a suggestion to educate yourself on all aspects prior to forming such a strong hateful opinion with name calling.
  • clmc
  • 06-26-2024, 03:55 PM
Nope was referring to Don the Un-Artful Dodger.

Nice deflection through FBS....LOL
I’m curious. What was I deflecting from? Was simply responding to your post. There was no deflection needed.

If you’re referring to my comment that you were referring to Joe, that was a joke. No sense of humor left either I guess.

My point was to be sure to read both of the concurring and dissenting opinions fully. You’ll better understand the true nature of the ruling then…maybe.
Double post ugh
Next Best Thing's Avatar
90% of individuals who read that statement would reflexively assume it was referring to Dementia Joe
  • clmc
  • 06-26-2024, 04:05 PM
Calm down FBS, was referring to your joke.
Must have missed the... FBS....LOL....LOL
  • clmc
  • 06-26-2024, 04:07 PM
90% of individuals who read that statement would reflexively assume it was referring to Dementia Joe Originally Posted by Next Best Thing
Was referring to Dementia Don with his "Steam of unconsciousness logic" you all love so!....LOL
Next Best Thing's Avatar
Was referring to Dementia Don with his "Steam of unconsciousness logic" you all love so!....LOL Originally Posted by clmc
At best you're part of the oddball 10%
Calm down FBS, was referring to your joke.
Must have missed the... FBS....LOL....LOL Originally Posted by clmc
I’m completely calm. As you’ll notice, there were no exclamation points, bold font or all caps.

I’m completely calm
  • clmc
  • 06-26-2024, 04:11 PM

Glad to hear.
Flair4Drama's Avatar
The Supreme Court established 40 years ago that presidents are immune from civil prosecution.

Before today, it was never required for the Supreme Court to weigh in on criminal prosecution, because presidents never went after their predecessors in this manner.

Joe Biden changed that forever.

And the Supreme Court dealt a significant blow to his lawfare against President Trump.