I was tricked!

Getting into the situation of her own free will would suggest that she knew of BBL's intention prior to his actions. At the time of the action I am of the opinion that the OP was reacting more than participating. Originally Posted by markpillsbury
She went to the theater on her own free will, she was not forced, although when she got in the room then things began to change, and I think her "will to choose" was let's say, "tarnished" in some form, to where if she was sober with her head on straight, she would have at least tried to get out of there. One will never know anything beyond he said she said.
LazurusLong's Avatar
I'm sure many guys get more turned off than turned on when reading the repulsive things he has to say. Originally Posted by sweet.treat69
Care to place a wager on that?

Why don't you call her up and ask her how many additional calls she has gotten since the review was posted.

As for you, a competing provider, coming out and calling what happened "repulsive", you really might want to go do some research into the swinging and alternative lifestyle. Hell, Google gangbang or bukake and see how many results you find.

Lido has been around for a very long time and you may not realize it but there were numerous reviews and even ISO threads from Providers back on ASPD where the provider wanted to be taken to Lido for just such an adventure or more.

Why haven't you reacted to threads about gangbangs in a similar fashion?

Think about what you are doing with that comment. What you do might be repulsive to Joe Citizen and in fact what you do as a provider is illegal. If a newbie came on here calling providers repulsive or as happens all too often, saying that any provider who gives a blowjob without using a condom is repulsive, how would you feel?

just because this client dared to post another review of such an encounter doesn't make it repulsive.

Search this forum or the ISO forum of this site to see how many MFM threads and reviews (repulsive to much of society) there are and then search for the swinger threads looking to go to the 13th floor (repulsive to many just in this Metroplex) and understand that by saying repulsive you are potentially declaring that a good percentage of both men and women who are on this site partake in repulsive actions.

Gangbangs, MFM or even MFF or any other number of mixed numbers are not for me but there's a good chance that for more than you even considered, not so much for them.

There was a thread recently about setting up a TS/TG forum and I searched and found several reviews just here in Dallas. I'd bet there are more guys on here thinking that being with a chick with a dick is MUCH more repulsive than anything that happened in this review of a session that took place in a theater specifically operated for those encounters.

The moment you and others start throwing around the words and phrases like that, the less likely others will bother posting reviews.
StJames's Avatar
I have seen the vids, all of them, and she seemed to be into the activaties.
TexasDave555's Avatar
What a train wreck....

Train wrecks are interesting creatures, taking on a life of their own and sprouting secondary train wrecks before the first is even cold.

All I take out of this and the review....

WALDT - applies to so many things brought up....
People do odd and unusual things to each other....
People like odd and unusual things done to them...
Only the people involved know what happened all the opinion and judgement is just static in the ether...
Remorse only happens after bad choices are made...
There are a lot of glass houses with broken windows around Dallas the last few days...
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
This is all very very sad. I hope everything gets resolved. I can easily say that I would never book with BBL but that does not mean he does not have other handles to book us all with.
Originally Posted by Colby DFW - Words speak louder than actions....in open chat! Just sayin.....

I was not at Lido so I am not a 1st person eye witness and that goes for everyone else on this board except BBL, RCS & the trolls in the Lido Theatre, but I did see the pics minutes after the review was posted & the video. However, I agree with Colby DFW.

For 2 days after the review was posted, in chat, RCS spent most of the time saying multiple times thru the day that she had been drinking all day and was ready for action.

After reading the original review with pics, reading her response which appeared after her chat room antics, and watching her in chat (which many people who have posted in this thread had not been in chat watching her drunken fact or fiction talk spectacle) I say, both parties are guilty of stupid, unsafe activities and he said/she said behavior.

Many of us who were watching her speak in chat discussed the review in pm. Many providers were just as disgusted with the event as many hobbiests. Both provider and hobbiests have come to the defense and crucifiction of both parties.

So saying RCS must have been drugged or was forced to get drunk to me is just an excuse for the walk of shame many experience after waking up next to someone they would have never had sex with.

People need to take responsibility for their actions and move on. As I said, Both parties are at fault. And even though I have never spoken to or met BBL. "BB" handles are all I need to keep my distance.

To quote Gomer Pyle "Shame, Shame, Shame..."

Excuses are only failures of ones' failed actions and actions speak loudly!.

Now go out there, Be Safe, Play Safe.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar

I was not at Lido so I am not a 1st person eye witness and that goes for everyone else on this board except BBL, RCS & the trolls in the Lido Theatre, but I did see the pics minutes after the review was posted & the video. However, I agree with Colby DFW.

For 2 days after the review was posted, in chat, RCS spent most of the time saying multiple times thru the day that she had been drinking all day and was ready for action.

After reading the original review with pics, reading her response which appeared after her chat room antics, and watching her in chat (which many people who have posted in this thread had not been in chat watching her drunken fact or fiction talk spectacle) I say, both parties are guilty of stupid, unsafe activities and he said/she said behavior.

Many of us who were watching her speak in chat discussed the review in pm. Many providers were just as disgusted with the event as many hobbiests. Both provider and hobbiests have come to the defense and crucifiction of both parties.

So saying RCS must have been drugged or was forced to get drunk to me is just an excuse for the walk of shame many experience after waking up next to someone they would have never had sex with.

People need to take responsibility for their actions and move on. As I said, Both parties are at fault. And even though I have never spoken to or met BBL. "BB" handles are all I need to keep my distance.

To quote Gomer Pyle "Shame, Shame, Shame..."

Now go out there, Be Safe, Play Safe. Originally Posted by Von Spieler
Interesting twist! I havent been keeping up with the latest chat drama
  • Sami
  • 02-03-2012, 07:34 PM
Yes seen that in chat to.. I left uggg
She obviously regrets her actions now and BBL know what the hell he was doing and what state she was in.

I think she has learned a boundary the hard way.

It is obvious BBL is no gentleman and delights in preying on and humiliating young women who are in a bad spot in life. He sickens me and if I had the power I would toss him off the board, particularly since he uses this board to look for the girls in their weakest moments.

LL, I am sure you are just posting about his philosophical right to do what he does, but I hope you do not admire his exploits and the reality of everything that happened to make that moment in time happen.
LazurusLong's Avatar
LL, I am sure you are just posting about his philosophical right to do what he does, but I hope you do not admire his exploits and the reality of everything that happened to make that moment in time happen. Originally Posted by J.G. Wentworth
Actually, I am posting not about his rights but about the utter fucking hypocrisy of the people on this thread who fail to see that the amount of details that are known about this Lido session from this thread and the review do not explain the entire story. There's a hell of a lot more to it.

No I don't admire his exploits nor do I condemn them.

I find it hilarious that you, a person who has openly stated on this board that he has met pimps and enjoys when they let him know about new talent, who claims that as long as pimps are not seen, that is fine comes in condemning whatever happened between 2 consenting adults.

And assuming you know just how he met her in the first place truly amazes me. Care to bet that he didn't pull a FWOG and troll the Welcome Wagon but met her someplace else? If you follow her posts and read his review closely you might find that if you bet I'd win that one. Note that she is also not some 18 year old fresh off the streets or strip clubs but is close to 30 and who knows how wild she has been prior to this hobby.

Did you miss the messages from her that he posted? I'll say it again that it was only after the shitstorm from his review has she now claimed he's a bad guy.

I'm guessing that if one of the top review posters had taken her to the Lido and done the exact same thing and then posted his own review in his own style, instead of condemning the guy most on here would be screaming out FUCK YA!!! Sluts united!! maybe he should have had t-shirts made up and handed them out?

I'm saying what has been said here and back on ASPD that the hobby is all about exploring things. Moving out of your comfort zone. BUT without knowing ahead of time just where RedCajun's boundaries or comfort zone is or was, making such blanket statements with accusations amazes me.

How many in this thread have spent time in the Other Realm forum? I'm not a visitor there but knowing a few who do partake in that world, who are you to pass judgement?

Here's a thread from December 2011 talking about a gang bang:
http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=326206 Doubt they'll go to the Lido but you never know.

Maybe some of you need to go expand your own horizons a bit and then ask yourself whether maybe, just maybe, such attitudes in this thread are wrong for this site.

I'll go further and say that I'd bet a beer at a strip club that as her messages to BBL indicate, she did not have a problem with the Lido session until after everyone on this site started piling on and telling telling her she had a horrible time so her reaction to the shit being piled on was expected and predictable.

THAT'S what I'm saying.

Randy4Candy's Avatar
I guess my first thought is "Why is anyone surprised?"

And, followed by "Everyone must feel good because now they have been able to look down on someone" be it the OP, BBL, or those who expressed shock, disgust or whatever at the events at the Lido and/or the circumstances leading up to it. It doesn't sound to me that the OP was recruited from the doorstep of the convent and a casual glance at the documents BBL has strewn about might end the screening process for ladies who don't want to be in the same room as someone who does what he does. The two parties had some history prior to her "finding" ECCIE and this event but we can never discount what happens when someone is jockeying for position.

I agree with LL for the most part and while the upstanding citizens mill about looking for a rope, I'm encouraged to see that the lynch mob is disorganized.

This is a fu*king mess but it's just a crystal on the topmost tip of the iceberg of what goes on. What makes it interesting is that BBL and others go public with these little adventures.
I hate to admit it, but I agree with with most everything LL said.

I'm not a fan of BBL's exploits, and even less so the braggadocio that taints his reviews and posts. Two (or 4 or 5) consenting adults can enjoy whatever sexuality they want, and just because I'm not into degradation and humiliation doesn't make it wrong. However, I personally think it goes beyond sexuality with BBL, as he seems to enjoy tearing down a person in his reviews more than the experience himself. He knows exactly what his reviews will do to a girl, and that seems to be the biggest kick he gets our of the whole thing.

Now, that being said, casual insinuations or accusations of rape are completely irresponsible, and if anything should be dealt with swiftly and firmly by the mods, this is it. I fail to see how mentions of drugs, the other site, and even ugly but harmless insults get the red out treatment, yet somebody can accuse somebody of an unsubstantiated, life altering crime (especially people that weren't even there) and its allowed.
TexasDave555's Avatar
Now, that being said, casual insinuations or accusations of rape are completely irresponsible, and if anything should be dealt with swiftly and firmly by the mods, this is it. I fail to see how mentions of drugs, the other site, and even ugly but harmless insults get the red out treatment, yet somebody can accuse somebody of an unsubstantiated, life altering crime (especially people that weren't even there) and its allowed. Originally Posted by TheBizz
Not the first time, nor the last. The template for providers and clients seems who have things go bad seems to be...

He shorted me.
His ass smelled.
He raped me.
He is stalking me.
He tried to BB me.
I never saw him.
I don't do THAT with anyone.
He threatened to out me.
He threatened a bad review if I didn't do x.
He is gay (bisexual in this case).
He can't peform and has a small dick to boot.

She has a pimp.
She No Showed.
She took my money that I loaned to her.
She has a substance problem.
She is stalking me.
She threatened to out me.
She smells like Tuna.
She used to be a man (It was used once that I can recall).

All of the above are hot button items on this board and all have lost their impact as a result of overuse by the Chicken Little(Little-esses) but they all still do get a sympathetic and emotional response from posters. That is why people use em in such cases. Its a shame really because all that does is ruin it for those who do have viable and real experiences in those cases.

Staff is in a catch 22 position... seems they have made the decision to let things like that stand on their own merits and let people make their own choices instead of putting in the leg work to edit such things out until they are indeed founded by proof. They are not the hobby police so thats about all they can do unless they just across the board remove anything of that nature until they are satisfied its true. That would open them up to more drama on their end though... so their approach while it doesn't help stop it does keep them out of the fray. Can't fault them for that, who would want to get neck deep in all this kind of shit every day? It would drive them crazier than they already are.
Fort Worth Punk's Avatar
Damn, I have to join the chorus. I don't like just about everything I see from the guy, but there are an awful lot of posts in this thread that should have gotten some people some points, and a couple I think are worthy of a time out.

I'm kind of surprised certain posts haven't been retracted to eliminate some pretty serious accusations from people in no position to make them.
The issues with the two participants have been addressed by the Dallas MOD staff, we have no reason to believe that the session was anything but consensual. We are going to leave this thread open with a caveat - the next person who takes shots at another poster will not be real happy.