goodbye eccie!!!!! ill miss you

Smarty Marty's Avatar
Seems to me that there is a paradox here. Didn't Jesse leave and also come back when the name on her account was changed? Now we are awaiting the departure of Sasha and wouldn't a return under a third name be required to trigger the over/under date?
dearhunter's Avatar
If the former hooktard previously known as Jesse, here to fore called Sasha came back as a different hooktard before May 13, 2011.....I would lose the over/under......damn, they make this shit complicated......any takers?
proper's Avatar
odds too much in your favor. Not a fair bet.
I only bet on football. I can't wait 4 months til the next preseason game to get my gambling high. Make it 14 days with 2 to 1 odds (2 steak dinners when I win or 1 mcdonald kid's meal if you win - I'll include an ice cream cone).
junglemonkey's Avatar
If you think gambling on preseason football is bad, I bet on 2 players playing Madden 11.
junglemonkey's Avatar
If I base my opinion from some provider threADS, this ECCIE is the GOD DAMN DEVIL!!!!!! If I use logic and reason, ECCIE is pretty damn cool if one isnt so personal and dramatic.
Jack Flash's Avatar
proper's Avatar
I am glad I did not take DH on his offer of over under. Would have been the easiest steak dinner for him to win. Maybe I will buy him dinner anyways since his prediction was so close.

Also if we want to get very technical the over/under was for coming under a new handle not the same one.
junglemonkey's Avatar
What's the ruling on coming back with a new name but in a different city?

She picked a name that was already taken. Hooktards. Wanna place bids on how long until the next name change. I'll take the under at 7 days.

This shit is funny.
DarthMaul's Avatar
I have enjoyed you kiddo! You know how to PM me. Take care of yourself...REALLY...Take care of yourself.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Wanna place bids on how long until the next name change. I'll take the under at 7 days.
This shit is funny. Originally Posted by CamNewton
I will also take bets that this camnewton handle isn't your first. Of course I can't prove it, but let's call it a gut feeling.
dearhunter's Avatar
I have enjoyed you kiddo! You know how to PM me. Take care of yourself...REALLY...Take care of yourself. Originally Posted by DarthMaul
That is pretty good right there.
TexasGator's Avatar
I have enjoyed you kiddo! You know how to PM me. Take care of yourself...REALLY...Take care of yourself. Originally Posted by DarthMaul

WTF? carkido's leaving? At least give him his own exit thread.