Either re-focus on the topic or this one is done.
I also would not recommend posting the infamous "list".
Originally Posted by Spacemtn
why can't the infamous list be posted. The flood gates have been opened and you yourself said as long as it stays on topic it can't be sensored. Miss1402 opened the doors when she (he) ( I have new info gents pm if you want it) posted gents on the bb list. You said that her post with bb on it was ok in post because it met criteria so I would think that does as well in the tcb, risk category.
It can't really be put back on topic until someone post's another ncnc or bad tcb. It's midnight so I don't expect we'll get to many more of those until tomorrow. In between posts of ncns there is going to be discussions from ladies and gents and heated discussions but as long as no rules are broken and insults levied this is coed so unless the op is bothered by this, the thread should be allowed to grow as it does.
(this is not a challenge or open question of your power here so no need to break out your power hand just a question of the topic of the thread so no rules are broken)