Naughty Nikki Special Not So Special

I would hope that McLucky would see, has evident by the charge of the light brigade to Nikki's defense (deservedly so), that he might have been out of line in his charges. Being out of line and being that he his a new user I would think that an apology for his blunder would go a long way to clear the air around here and earn him a fresh start.

IMHO, McLucky's heart was in the right place, he just was completely wrong in posting in alerts and was incorrect in thinking that he was wronged. Newbies make mistakes, the question is whether or not he can learn from it.

What say you McLucky?
I think it is quite apparent that a high end provider like Nikki would have some limitations with running a special like that. It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out what would spring that type of special. Originally Posted by Eemah68
1. It's not apparent. I had no clue when I saw the first similar ad in December.

2. While no rocket scientist, I'm not the dullest blade in the drawer.

3. Once my slow to gather mind got to congetating on the subject, I grew intrigued by the idea of Nikki running a "Vampire Special".

4. The more I thought about Nikki's "Vampire Special", the crazier I got.

5. By the time I really got my head around it, I was willing to buy a plastic tarp and lay it upon all the room.

6. From there I went to "crime story" scenery imagination where I imagined the need for plastic tarping all over the room to include the walls.

7. It was a short hop to asking Nikki to call me when the "Vampire Special" was likely to happen so that I could clear my schedule sufficiently to build so much man juice, that the crime scene splatter would ...

[Never mind, in the era of YouTube...a video is worth nine thousand words]


8. It was an even shorter stop to pleading with Nikki to call me....

9. In short, Nikki is so special that a Nikki special is special.

10. Shut up and see her.
jekemo48's Avatar
and thats that. and jymie, my recommendation to you is to start saving your money, and sooner than you know youll be able to buy a life.
Some Final random thoughts on this thread i started in alerts. Maybe it wasnt a serious enough transgression to merit posting an Alert; apparently you have to attempt to rob someone, or pose as someone else to qualify. However i made the post in a earnest attempt to warn my fellow hobbyists of something i didnt feel was ethical at the least. Instead , these hobbyists turned on me, some with unnecessary zeal.. I do appreciate Johnny Ringos comments and i too will go back to just lurking as i have for the better part of 10 years. Oh China Doll get off your throne ---according to your own reviews most of your clients arent paying you for engaging conversation..... lol
Some Final random thoughts on this thread i started in alerts. Maybe it wasnt a serious enough transgression to merit posting an Alert; apparently you have to attempt to rob someone, or pose as someone else to qualify. However i made the post in a earnest attempt to warn my fellow hobbyists of something i didnt feel was ethical at the least. Instead , these hobbyists turned on me, some with unnecessary zeal.. I do appreciate Johnny Ringos comments and i too will go back to just lurking as i have for the better part of 10 years. Oh China Doll get off your throne ---according to your own reviews most of your clients arent paying you for engaging conversation..... lol Originally Posted by McLucky
I never said they were, dear. Actually, it has happened....but that is not the point. I still think that bringing up the quotation "Who could ask for more?" in the midst of your complaining heavily implied that you thought she was saying, "Everything you could possibly want is included!" Boy oh boy, if everyone had that kind of attitude, I certainly wouldn't be comfortable in this business!

Now please do not lash out at me just because your pride is hurt. An apology would have gone a long way with me personally, but you're intent on digging yourself deeper. So be it.
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  • Doove
  • 06-22-2010, 08:46 PM
Oh China Doll get off your throne ---according to your own reviews most of your clients arent paying you for engaging conversation..... lol Originally Posted by McLucky

Look, i'm sure you're a nice enough guy. And believe me, i've learned over the last few days what it feels like when it seems everyone is ganging up on you. But with this comment, you just went from bad to worse.

I won't harp on the fact you posted this as an alert. Frankly, i don't care where it was posted. But the best way to have gone about it would to have simply pointed out "for those of you who don't know etc etc etc" that the special in question was not f/s. That would have qualified as a contribution. Instead you wanted to attack, and you want us all to follow your lead. Sorry, but it ain't gonna happen.

Now, good luck with your screening when it comes to the ladies around here.
China Doll why would i apologize to you ? You commented negatively on my post like i was silly to expect sex from a sex provider, or i shouldnt just assume that sex is going to be provided when some one sets up a sex encounter.. If you look closer yull note i said "most of your clients" i didnt say it could never happen ... My pride is just fine
Doove appreciate your response and essentially i could of accomplished the same objective in the manner you suggested but honestly my intent was meant to be a "warning" not a attack
China Doll why would i apologize to you ? You commented negatively on my post like i was silly to expect sex from a sex provider, or i shouldnt just assume that sex is going to be provided when some one sets up a sex encounter.. If you look closer yull note i said "most of your clients" i didnt say it could never happen ... My pride is just fine Originally Posted by McLucky
You weren't supposed to apologize to me personally. People in this forum asked for an apology from you so that you could redeem yourself.

Well, you're right about one did say "most" of my clients. Any intelligent human being could deduce that you were trying to insult me, though, and that is what I was addressing.

You are not silly to expect sex from a provider. Were you silly to post this alert? Yes. Were you silly to bring up the "What more could you ask for?"" in defense of your expectations? Yes. That was my point.

You are acting how you should have acted if you showed up and paid her while expecting FS. That's not what happened. She was upfront with you. What more could you ask for?

Now I really must get to bed. I think that this is my last post on this thread forever, because I predict that this thread will be not be open for much longer.

One last thing...McLucky, if your intent was to "warn" and not to "attack," then why didn't you just admit your mistake and apologize to Nikki so that we could all move on?
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  • Doove
  • 06-22-2010, 09:08 PM
China Doll why would i apologize to you ? Originally Posted by McLucky
Edited out:

Nevermind. China Doll said the same thing i said.
  • gushi
  • 06-22-2010, 09:20 PM
why is this thread still open? Jack..why have you forsaken us!?!?
Lets do a 180 on this thread:

Here are a few (sudo escort) jokes to take everyone's mind off of this thread.

Joke 1

One day an escort went to file her taxes, and for occupation she put prostitution.

The tax collector explained that prostitution was an illegal occupation.

She said she'd have to go home and think about it and that she'd call him back in a hour with her occupation.

An hour later she called him and said, "I've got it... I'm a chicken farmer."

He said, "How do you get chicken farmer out of prostitution."

She said, "I raised over a thousand cocks last year."

Joke 2

Two hookers were standing on a street corner ready for a night of business.

"It's gonna be a good night tonight, I can tell" says one of the girls.

"How can you tell?" says the other.

"I can smell cock in the air" replies the first hooker.

"Sorry", her friend replied, " I just burped!"

Joke 3

A young man and his date were parked on a back road some distance from town. They were about to have sex when the girl stopped.

"I really should have mentioned this earlier, but I'm actually a hooker and I charge $20 for sex." The man reluctantly paid her, and they did their thing.

After a cigarette, the man just sat in the driver's seat looking out the window. "Why aren't we going anywhere?" asked the girl.

"Well, I should have mentioned this before, but I'm actually a taxi driver, and the fare back to town is $25..."
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Enough has been said on this topic, this thread is now closed.