Lock him up right now. Trump foments future sedition at Conroe rally.

Just how stupid do people have to be to still give the orange clown an ounce of credibility??? Pretty fuckn clueless and really really stupid dah.

Yes I do say and know so
Why are people so afraid of Trump? He has not been in political office for over a year now. Do we not have issues to debate today instead of our past President? The only reason I can see threads get started such as this one is because Democrats are sooo afraid of Trump, afraid he will win again, I guess. Afraid he may accomplish more.

Let's see if life is better today for your average American than they were a year ago. Higher gas prices, record inflation growth, supply chain failures, our enemies poised to take lands, the world in chaos and turmoil, immigration issues out the ass, no border control, allowing pue enemies entry, etc.

I would say we are much worse off with Biden in office than Trump. I also know every American is worse off now than they were a year ago.

So, are Democrats afraid of success? Afraid of happiness, afraid of the good life? What is it that you guys are afraid of.

I will admit I am afraid. I am afraid inflation will continue to devalue my holdings, I am afraid we will never be energy I dependent again, I am afraid our enemies will take lands for the next 3 years causing another decades long cold war, i am afraid we will continue to concentrate on stupid ass issues like mask mandates instead of securing our borders for our safety. Ther i admitted my fears, so what scares you about a man that is not even a city councilman somewhere?
Why are people so afraid of Trump? He has not been in political office for over a year now. Do we not have issues to debate today instead of our past President? The only reason I can see threads get started such as this one is because Democrats are sooo afraid of Trump, afraid he will win again, I guess. Afraid he may accomplish more.

Let's see if life is better today for your average American than they were a year ago. Higher gas prices, record inflation growth, supply chain failures, our enemies poised to take lands, the world in chaos and turmoil, immigration issues out the ass, no border control, allowing pue enemies entry, etc.

I would say we are much worse off with Biden in office than Trump. I also know every American is worse off now than they were a year ago.

So, are Democrats afraid of success? Afraid of happiness, afraid of the good life? What is it that you guys are afraid of.

I will admit I am afraid. I am afraid inflation will continue to devalue my holdings, I am afraid we will never be energy I dependent again, I am afraid our enemies will take lands for the next 3 years causing another decades long cold war, i am afraid we will continue to concentrate on stupid ass issues like mask mandates instead of securing our borders for our safety. Ther i admitted my fears, so what scares you about a man that is not even a city councilman somewhere? Originally Posted by Computerwise
You definitely have some legitimate concerns. I am afraid of one thing in general that pretty much encompasses everything you stated and that is America is not as free a Country as we all think it is.
Computerwise, are taking the same Dumb pills the rest of the Trumpys on here take? No one is afraid he will become president because he was successful. We have proved over and again that the successes he did have were not fucking up the economy handed to him by the Obama administration. Then when he had an actual crisis (Covid) he fucked that up royally.

If there is anything to be concerned about if he were to somehow become president is that he will go full authoritarian, which the Trumpys are willing to destroy our democracy to see come to fruition. In case you dont recall, there were hundreds of Trumpys attacking the capitol in hopes of making Trump president after he lost by millions of votes and a veritable landslide in the electoral college.

Dont be a dummy, well, at least if you are, you are posting in the right place for it. Join Bambi and the other Trump following loons.
Trump grab some pussy and they are still sucking the orange mushroom. Hope they are still donating so trumpy can not pay his legal bills and declare more bankruptcy. Does trumpy even have a decent attorney now since the Rudy melted away? I'm sure that's another big no. Omg n lol. Conroe Texas in a cow pasture lol n 😲

Yes I do say so dah
Accusing me of being dumb, at least indirectly does not answer my questions. You deflect and never address the questions. Why does Trump scare you enough that you continue to attack him or anyone that agrees with anything he e er said? Is it that you are afraid he will go full authoritarian? Is it that he could win again and threaten democracy? Is that why you continue to attack him?

If you want him to not be re elected the best action one can take is stop talking about him, attacking him, act as if he were a man that no longer matters and his popularity will fade. But you keep stirring the pot, all it seems we as Americans are worried about is proving everything our side did, does and will do is right.

You know what? The truth is both side screw up, both sides make mistakes, and both sides have accomplishments and do good things.

A smart man could never honestly say our nation is in a better place today than we were when Trump was our leader. Not saying all democratic ideas are wrong or bad, just saying the guy we have in the oval office now, not a year ago, sucks. He has failed at almost everything. The nation and world are in a worse place than we were a year ago.
Trumpy won't even run in 2024 for all the really really stupid clueless orange mushroom worshiping wimpos. Maybe suk some Florida cock. At least he won't make taxpayers pay for his family'$ profit$...much!!! Or maybe Cancun clueless Cruz lol n omg. Gop lol n omg n wtf no chance in hello dumbasses
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Trumpy won't even run in 2024 for all the really really stupid clueless orange mushroom worshiping wimpos. Maybe suk some Florida cock. At least he won't make taxpayers pay for his family'$ profit$...much!!! Or maybe Cancun clueless Cruz lol n omg. Gop lol n omg n wtf no chance in hello dumbasses Originally Posted by Tsmokies

if you say so
winn dixie's Avatar
Accusing me of being dumb, at least indirectly does not answer my questions. You deflect and never address the questions. Why does Trump scare you enough that you continue to attack him or anyone that agrees with anything he e er said? Is it that you are afraid he will go full authoritarian? Is it that he could win again and threaten democracy? Is that why you continue to attack him?

If you want him to not be re elected the best action one can take is stop talking about him, attacking him, act as if he were a man that no longer matters and his popularity will fade. But you keep stirring the pot, all it seems we as Americans are worried about is proving everything our side did, does and will do is right.

You know what? The truth is both side screw up, both sides make mistakes, and both sides have accomplishments and do good things.

A smart man could never honestly say our nation is in a better place today than we were when Trump was our leader. Not saying all democratic ideas are wrong or bad, just saying the guy we have in the oval office now, not a year ago, sucks. He has failed at almost everything. The nation and world are in a worse place than we were a year ago. Originally Posted by Computerwise
They all deflect or cut n run. These libbys are loving their heroes trudux in hiding and joeys going to his basement ever weekend
Accusing me of being dumb, at least indirectly does not answer my questions. You deflect and never address the questions. Why does Trump scare you enough that you continue to attack him or anyone that agrees with anything he e er said? Is it that you are afraid he will go full authoritarian? Is it that he could win again and threaten democracy? Is that why you continue to attack him?

If you want him to not be re elected the best action one can take is stop talking about him, attacking him, act as if he were a man that no longer matters and his popularity will fade. But you keep stirring the pot, all it seems we as Americans are worried about is proving everything our side did, does and will do is right.

You know what? The truth is both side screw up, both sides make mistakes, and both sides have accomplishments and do good things.

A smart man could never honestly say our nation is in a better place today than we were when Trump was our leader. Not saying all democratic ideas are wrong or bad, just saying the guy we have in the oval office now, not a year ago, sucks. He has failed at almost everything. The nation and world are in a worse place than we were a year ago. Originally Posted by Computerwise
I swear you Trumpys are laughable. Because I think Trumpys are full retard doesnt mean that anyone fears Trump. If he decided to go away, no one would mention him. He is the one out everyday spreading lie after lie. And then we have the likes of Bambi here claiming Trump is still president and idiots like Salty, Cornboy and Dixie claiming that Trump did not really lose. Now we have you coming here claiming, what exactly, we should not attack Trump or his people. Sure, right, yeah, not gonna happen in this forum.

If you are a person that believes the "voter fraud" stupidity, You are a dummy. If you believe the whole, Trump really actually won and was robbed stupidity, you are a dummy. If you believe that Antifa were the people that attacked the capitol instead of Trumpys stupidity, you are a dummy. If you believe that somehow Trump is somehow still president stupidity, you are a dummy. If you believe any of the other crazy shit spouted by Bambino, Corndude, Winn Dixie our resident racist, Levi, Lexus our professional liar, dpOEBst , BB the dumbest of them all or any of the other of the Trump sycophants on here, you are a dummy. And if you believe any combination of the stupidity presented time and again by these dudes, you are an idiot.

Now, can you make an argument that some thing done by Trump was good, sure you can. Like I said, until Covid, he managed not to fuck up the economy that was given to him. That is commendable. When Covid came, he totally fucked it up. He did authorize project warp speed, commendable. But then he sabotaged that success by not giving full throat support to people to get vaccinated. Mainly because he was afraid that would benefit Biden.

Somethings have definitely improved since Trump left office. Here are a few.

Dow Dec 2020 - 30,000
Dow Dec 2021 - 36,000

Unemployment Dec 2020 6.7%
Unemployment Dec 2021 3.9%

Deficit 2020 3.1T
Deficit 2021 2.8T
  • Tiny
  • 01-31-2022, 07:05 PM
“How come the Democrats and … Republicans, like Wacky Susan Collins, are desperately trying to pass legislation that will not allow the vice-president to change the results of the election?

“Actually, what they are saying, is that Mike Pence did have the right to change the outcome, and they now want to take that right away. Unfortunately, he didn’t exercise that power. He could have overturned the election!” Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Wow. Just wow.

So if the Vice President's party's candidate loses, the Vice President should just overturn the election.

How much sense does that make? If the Republican candidate in 2024 wins by 74 electoral votes and 7 million popular votes, then Kamala should give the presidency to the Democrat? And since the next VP after Kamala will also be a Democrat, Democrats should control the presidency forever? Makes a lot of sense.
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Originally Posted by matchingmole
winn dixie's Avatar
I swear you Trumpys are laughable. Because I think Trumpys are full retard doesnt mean that anyone fears Trump. If he decided to go away, no one would mention him. He is the one out everyday spreading lie after lie. And then we have the likes of Bambi here claiming Trump is still president and idiots like Salty, Cornboy and Dixie claiming that Trump did not really lose. Now we have you coming here claiming, what exactly, we should not attack Trump or his people. Sure, right, yeah, not gonna happen in this forum.

If you are a person that believes the "voter fraud" stupidity, You are a dummy. If you believe the whole, Trump really actually won and was robbed stupidity, you are a dummy. If you believe that Antifa were the people that attacked the capitol instead of Trumpys stupidity, you are a dummy. If you believe that somehow Trump is somehow still president stupidity, you are a dummy. If you believe any of the other crazy shit spouted by Bambino, Corndude, Winn Dixie our resident racist, Levi, Lexus our professional liar, dpOEBst , BB the dumbest of them all or any of the other of the Trump sycophants on here, you are a dummy. And if you believe any combination of the stupidity presented time and again by these dudes, you are an idiot.

Now, can you make an argument that some thing done by Trump was good, sure you can. Like I said, until Covid, he managed not to fuck up the economy that was given to him. That is commendable. When Covid came, he totally fucked it up. He did authorize project warp speed, commendable. But then he sabotaged that success by not giving full throat support to people to get vaccinated. Mainly because he was afraid that would benefit Biden.

Somethings have definitely improved since Trump left office. Here are a few.

Dow Dec 2020 - 30,000
Dow Dec 2021 - 36,000

Unemployment Dec 2020 6.7%
Unemployment Dec 2021 3.9%

Deficit 2020 3.1T
Deficit 2021 2.8T Originally Posted by 1blackman1

Fairy tails.....Not too good of one but considering
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar

Originally Posted by TechPapi
  • Tiny
  • 01-31-2022, 07:48 PM
I swear you Trumpys are laughable. Because I think Trumpys are full retard doesnt mean that anyone fears Trump. If he decided to go away, no one would mention him. He is the one out everyday spreading lie after lie. And then we have the likes of Bambi here claiming Trump is still president and idiots like Salty, Cornboy and Dixie claiming that Trump did not really lose. Now we have you coming here claiming, what exactly, we should not attack Trump or his people. Sure, right, yeah, not gonna happen in this forum.

If you are a person that believes the "voter fraud" stupidity, You are a dummy. If you believe the whole, Trump really actually won and was robbed stupidity, you are a dummy. If you believe that Antifa were the people that attacked the capitol instead of Trumpys stupidity, you are a dummy. If you believe that somehow Trump is somehow still president stupidity, you are a dummy. If you believe any of the other crazy shit spouted by Bambino, Corndude, Winn Dixie our resident racist, Levi, Lexus our professional liar, dpOEBst , BB the dumbest of them all or any of the other of the Trump sycophants on here, you are a dummy. And if you believe any combination of the stupidity presented time and again by these dudes, you are an idiot.

Now, can you make an argument that some thing done by Trump was good, sure you can. Like I said, until Covid, he managed not to fuck up the economy that was given to him. That is commendable. When Covid came, he totally fucked it up. He did authorize project warp speed, commendable. But then he sabotaged that success by not giving full throat support to people to get vaccinated. Mainly because he was afraid that would benefit Biden.

Somethings have definitely improved since Trump left office. Here are a few.

Dow Dec 2020 - 30,000
Dow Dec 2021 - 36,000

Unemployment Dec 2020 6.7%
Unemployment Dec 2021 3.9%

Deficit 2020 3.1T
Deficit 2021 2.8T Originally Posted by 1blackman1
Yeah, if you cherry pick and ignore COVID and common sense you can make the Biden Administration's economic policies appear a great success.

Inflation is 7% and T-bills yield .05%. So investors are putting money in stocks, real estate, and so on, so they don't get wiped out by inflation. We're in bubble territory. Larry Summers, dean of Democratic Party economists, warned this would when Biden was promoting his $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan back in March of last year.

So now, while we may have record stock market highs and 3.9% unemployment, American workers are losing ground, as their wages were up only about 5% in 2021 compared to the 7% increase in CPI. Meanwhile the labor force participation rate is running 61.9%. Excepting the last couple of years, it hasn't been that low since 1977. After falling from 65.8% to 62.8% during the Obama administration, labor force participation had rebounded to 63.4% during the Trump administration before COVID hit. So yeah, while unemployment rates are low, labor participation hasn't rebounded. Apparently there are a lot of people sitting on their asses right now while employers are begging for workers.

By the side of the 2% drop in real (inflation adjusted) wages under Biden, the Trump years, helped along by a corporate tax cut and deregulation, looked absolutely rosy. Until COVID hit. Ever since the Clinton administration, the American working man had been losing ground to the upper middle class and wealthy. That turned around and there was a record high increase in median household income in 2019.

As to the deficits during 2020 and 2021, they were insane. If you're right in your numbers above, close to 15% of GDP for both years! The politicians had an excuse in 2020, COVID, although by the end of that year Trump and the Democrats were way overspending. McConnell and Republican Senators were trying to hold the line. The American Rescue plan didn't get one Republican vote. the COVID relief and stimulus bills passed in 2020 were bipartisan. The Democrats undoubtedly would have spent more and run up a bigger deficit in 2020 if they controlled Senate, House and the presidency, like they do now.

If Biden had done nothing, figuratively speaking, in 2021, we would have been much better off. That is, if he hadn't passed his two big bills, the American Rescue Plan and the infrastructure bill, we'd be in better shape fiscally and inflation wouldn't be as severe. There was a great WSJ editorial on exactly that about a week ago that I'll try to dig up.

And in the meantime, here's an excerpt, below, by Jason Riley. The following was adapted from a book he's been researching, "The Black Boom." However the article is actually relevant to the working man in general, not specifically to the black working man.

The Trump Boom Lifted Black Americans
Before the pandemic, the economy grew in ways that mostly benefited low-income and middle-class households.

Joe Biden began his presidency with a promise to advance equity, which means favoring some races and ethnicities over others to shrink outcome disparities. Like many of his fellow liberal Democrats, Mr. Biden is tethered to the belief that black upward mobility won’t happen without coddling and special treatment from the government. Donald Trump’s record complicates such claims.

One of the most underreported stories of the Trump presidency is the extent to which black economic fortunes improved. The mainstream media presented Mr. Trump daily as a bigot whose policies would harm the interests of racial and ethnic minorities. Meantime, black economic advancement occurred to an extent unseen not only under Barack Obama but going back several generations—until the pandemic shutdowns brought progress to a halt.

Over the first three years of Mr. Trump’s presidency, blacks (and Hispanics) experienced record-low rates of unemployment and poverty, while wages for workers at the bottom of the income scale rose faster than they did for management. Whether that was the goal of the Trump administration or an unintended consequence is a debate I’ll leave to others. But there is no doubting that the financial situation of millions of working-class black Americans improved significantly under Mr. Trump’s policies.

Well into the Trump presidency, Mr. Obama continued to take credit for the strengthening economy. “By the time I left office, wages were rising, uninsurance rate was falling, poverty was falling, and that’s what I handed off to the next guy,” he told an audience in the fall of 2018. “So, when you hear all this talk about economic miracles right now, remember who started it.”

Throughout his presidential campaign, Mr. Biden likewise claimed credit for robust economic growth. “Trump inherited the longest economic expansion in history from the Obama-Biden administration,” Mr. Biden told Bloomberg News in June 2020, then added that Mr. Trump had “turned his back on the middle class” by focusing on tax cuts for corporations and the wealthy.

Mr. Obama’s and Mr. Biden’s arguments are obviously self-serving. But does the evidence back them up? It’s true that the unemployment rate fell 5.2 percentage points, from 9.9% to 4.7%, between the end of 2009 and the end of 2016. It’s also true that, over the same period, real median household income (expressed in 2020 dollars) grew by some $3,500, to $63,683 from $60,200. These trends continued between 2017 and 2019. Yet simply noting that unemployment already was falling, and incomes already rising, when Mr. Trump took office obscures the significance of what happened over the next three years. These trends not only continued but accelerated, and they did so contrary to widespread expectations at the time.

By the end of 2016, the consensus among officials at the Treasury, the Federal Reserve and the Congressional Budget Office was that the economy essentially had reached full employment and couldn’t grow faster. During Mr. Obama’s final year in office, 2016, economic growth slipped to 1.6% from 3.1% in 2015. The rate at which the economy was expanding declined by almost half over a single year.

Mr. Trump inherited a U.S. economy that was slowing down, and there was widespread concern about another recession. Lawrence Summers, who served as Treasury secretary under President Clinton and director of the National Economic Council under Mr. Obama, said that there was a 60% chance that the economy would dip into recession within a year. For 2017, 2018 and 2019, the Fed had projected that unemployment would hover between 4.4% and 4.9% and wouldn’t fall below 4.1%, and that economic growth would remain between 1.7% and 2.2%.

Instead job growth accelerated, unemployment kept falling, and economic growth improved. In early 2017, the new president set about implementing what he had promised during the campaign: lower taxes and lighter regulation. He nominated Kevin Hassett, who had published research showing how corporate taxes depress wages for manufacturing workers, to lead the Council of Economic Advisers. He urged Congress to reduce the tax rate on corporate profits, which at 35% was one of the highest in the developed world.

Along with the push for tax reform, the administration reduced regulations that it argued were weighing on economic growth. A Cato Institute analysis of regulatory activity in the first two years of the Obama and Trump administrations counted a total of 6,793 new rulemakings for Mr. Obama and 4,310, or 36% fewer, for Mr. Trump. More significantly, among major regulations that impose a cost of $100 million or more on the private sector, the tally was 176 for Mr. Obama and only 90, just over half as many, for Mr. Trump.

Congress passed the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in December 2017. The top corporate rate fell to 21% from 35%, and companies were given an opportunity to repatriate cash held overseas at a tax rate of 15.5%. Taxes on wages and investment also fell. It was the most significant tax-code reform in 30 years, and the dividends were almost immediate. By the end of January 2018, more than 260 businesses—including major employers such as Walmart, FedEx, and 3M—had announced wage and salary increases, bonuses, and 401(k) match increases going to at least three million workers because of the new law.

Gross domestic product, which had grown only 1.6% in 2016, climbed 2.2% in 2017 and 2.9% in 2018. As remarkable was the change in gross private domestic investment, which is a measure of how much money businesses invest within their own country. It had declined by 1.3% in 2016, but grew by 4.8% in 2017 and 6% in 2018. Lower taxes and lighter regulations were intended to spur economic growth, and business responded accordingly.

Part of what made the Trump boom unique, however, is who benefited the most. The economy grew in ways that mostly benefited low-income and middle-class households, categories that cover a disproportionate number of blacks. In 2016 the percentage of blacks who hadn’t completed high school was nearly double that of whites—15% vs. 8%—and the percentage of adults with a bachelor’s degree was 35% for whites and only 21% for blacks.

These education gaps are reflected in work patterns. Blacks are overrepresented in the retail, healthcare and transportation industries, which provide tens of millions of working- and middle-class jobs. In 2019, 54% of black households earned less than $50,000 a year, versus 33% of white households. At the other end of the income distribution, slightly more than half of all white households (50.7%) earned at least $75,000, compared with less than a third (29.4%) of black households. What this means is that reductions in income inequality can translate into reductions in racial inequality, which is what the country experienced in the pre-pandemic Trump economy.

Between 2017 and 2019, median household incomes grew by 15.4% among blacks and only 11.5% among whites. The investment bank Goldman Sachs released a paper in March 2019 that showed pay for those at the lower end of the wage distribution rising at nearly double the rate of pay for those at the upper end. Average hourly earnings were growing at rates that hadn’t been seen in almost a decade, but what “has set this rise apart is that it’s the first time during the economic recovery that began in mid-2009 that the bottom half of earners are benefiting more than the top half—in fact, about twice as much,” CNBC reported.

Citing a graph included in Goldman’s analysis, CNBC added that the “trend began in 2018”—the first year that the corporate tax cuts were in effect—“and has continued into this year and could be signaling a stronger economy than many experts think.”

Most other media outlets ignored the Goldman findings, but a Journal editorial cited Bureau of Labor Statistics figures and reported that during the first 11 quarters of the Trump presidency, wages for workers at the bottom rose more than twice as fast as during Mr. Obama’s second term. Over the same period, less-educated workers, such as those with just a high-school diploma or only some college, saw their wages rise at triple the rate of during Mr. Obama’s second term.

Giving Mr. Obama most of the credit for the better economic outcomes that occurred after he left office is a stretch. It’s also somewhat disingenuous. Mr. Trump’s critics are presenting a kind of heads-I-win-tails-you-lose analysis. They are eager to credit Mr. Obama for the economy’s pre-Covid performance under Mr. Trump, but who believes they would have blamed Mr. Obama if things had gone sideways as they predicted?
