Encounter: Great time with Lisa

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Posting Edit The-Drinfo is never a good idea, Mr. Slee Originally Posted by PA1969
offshoredrilling's Avatar
LISA IS A FREAK A GOOD GIRL Edit The-Dr STANDS 4 "LOVING IS NATURAL " Originally Posted by Blakeslee
cover up a ops ????
Blakeslee's Avatar
cover up a ops ???? Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
ok, fine..It was a warm, sunny late-summer afternoon and I had just walked in my front door after a long, hard morning of digging the small patch of land that falls just behind the 30 acres of corn. A long walk sure, but it just gives you a sense of reconnecting with mother nature after walking that 30 acres TWICE. It gives you time to think about life and the decisions we make and the "what if". What if I had gone off to college instead of taking over the family farm? What if I had been paying attention tillin up the corn field instead of hitting that damn rock and screwin up the ole john deere? Lots of "what ifs" that could have made me money...lots of them that wouldnt have cost me money...oh well, I guess thats just life. So anyway, after tossin my shovel to the porch and walking in the door, I just about collapsed taking off my boots - but I knew the work for the day was done and the rest of the day/night was MINE. I dropped myself down at the raggedy kitchen table, the one ol Ms Crabtree down the way gave me about 5 years ago..you could still see the water stains on it from when I plowed the shit out of her right there infront of me...that 82 year old woman was just as flexible as a woman half her age. Still makes me shake my head to this day. Anyway, I finally removed my boots, walked over to the sink to wash my hands just in time to catch a glimpse of the widow across the street closing up her curtains so she could rub one off in the living room again. I should have never told her what I saw the other day..I offered my assistance but she declined - said she was ok for now, with the gangbang starting soon and all...ok ms Peach, I'm sure by the time I get to blast your brown eye it'll be looking like 10 pounds of chewed bubble gum. Well, that got me to thinkin...I wonder how many fake ads are on STG today, so I mosied on over to the laptop, fired her up and took a looksie. Yup, just as I thought, a bunch of sorry ass fakes, a couple of real ones that, in order to even text them, I'd have to already had consumed 5 gallons of vodka, a few Adderall and been 1 of the last 2 people left on earth, a couple of shriveled up flaps of skin that I guess were being passed off as peniss'? and 1 last post of a nice body, firm tits and a cute ass...I shot her a text, we agreed on a time and I jumped in the shower to scrub my balls. While in there, shampoo in my hair and eyes closed tightly a hand reaches past the shower curtain and grabs my cock. I gasped, thinking maybe that bitch across the street finally got tired of suckin off 12 bbcs every weekend and took me up on my offer. Then I thought no, she didnt have a key to my place. It could be Ms Crabtree but I dismissed that quickly because the grip on my cock was not that of a 82 year old bat...whoever it was started going to town, jerkin it and rubbing it with the extra shampoo running down my torso...shit this felt great. Just about the time I was ready to blast off I heard a loud knock at my front door..I opened my eyes, reached my hand back around the shower curtain, shut off the water and grabbed my towel. I quickly an to the door and there stood Lisa, just as pretty as I remember all thoses years ago. I invited her in, quickly ripped off her clothes, made it purr (get it?) and waited for about 30 minutes or so for her legs to stop shaking and the cum to quit pumping out of her like she was a freshly dug oil well. Once she rested I proceeded to relive my youth by slamming her around like the pinball game I owned back in '87 until the legs broke off, fell to the ground and smashed my toes into 7 different broken spots. After about 17 hours of that nonsense we found ourselves in a moment of awkward silence until she grabbed a cigarette and said "what did you do this morning?" referring to yesterday morning before she got there. "Oh, just burried some shit back behind the corn field" she replied "Oh, how long have you known LPC...I mean Blakeslee?" to which I said "long enough" Originally Posted by MAKEITPURR4
Damn dude...I don't know what to even say to that...that was like a friggin NOVEL!!! How do you come up with that stuff??? Do you write for a living??? You would be a great fictional writer...I think u missed your calling in life
I'm pretty sure that you missed the entire point of that post.Classic Purr ....lmao !!!
haha you're the 2nd person within the last 2 weeks that's mentioned that to me..and the other comment was on something completely different.
Is Lisa still around?
Watch for her on STG.
Is Lisa still around? Originally Posted by Sod Man

Her ad from 10/01
