Terrorism Defined

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Right!!!! Pearl Harbor was staged.

Anytime a war starts there is always navel gazing about what could have been done different. Concord and Lexington, Impressing sailors, firing on Fort Sumter, sinking of the Maine, the Zimmerman telegram, Pearl Harbor, attack from North Korea, the Gulf of Tonkin resolution, the invasion of Kuwait, 9/11, and WMDS.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
You're a dumb-ass golem fuck trying to deflect from Slick Willie the Perjuring Sexual Predator's criminality, you hypocritical, lying, thread-hi-jacking dumb-fuck golem reprobate. Remediate your dumb-fuck golem ass, because you are again exhibiting your innate mental deficiency by not recognizing simple facts, you dumb-ass golem fuck.

Originally Posted by I B Hankering
How many of those words did you have to look up in your DICKtionary, Corpy?

You missed "hijacking." But maybe that's your definition of greeting someone while giving them an HJ.

You still won't separate Sanford from Clinton. Or your fingers from your own oozing rectus. You still don't get it, except under your fingernails!

That means you're still Chickenshit of the Year!

and a self-admitted. Hypocritical, shit swallowing swine.
I B Hankering's Avatar
How many of those words did you have to look up in your DICKtionary, Corpy?

You missed "hijacking." But maybe that's your definition of greeting someone while giving them an HJ.

You still won't separate Sanford from Clinton. Or your fingers from your own oozing rectus. You still don't get it, except under your fingernails!

That means you're still Chickenshit of the Year!

and a self-admitted. Hypocritical, shit swallowing swine. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Only a lying, hypocritical, dumb-ass golem fuck like you uses a "DICKtionary, you ignorant golem reprobate -- that's one of the reasons your dumb golem ass was elected:

BTW, you dumb golem fuck, you've never mastered the simple facts of Lewinskygate:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Post the link, Corpy!
I B Hankering's Avatar
Post the link, Corpy! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Here's the poll, you dumb-ass golem fuck. Your dumb-fuck golem ass was elected to be:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Post the link, Corpy. In fact, why don't you post the link to the graph you've been jerking off to for months now? I dare you!

Lying redneck toothless shit wallower.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Post the link, Corpy. In fact, why don't you post the link to the graph you've been jerking off to for months now? I dare you!

Lying redneck toothless shit wallower. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Your a lying, hypocritical, dumb golem fuck, you ignorant golem reprobate. That's one of the reasons your dumb-fuck golem ass was elected:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Post the link, Corpy.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Post the link, Corpy. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Here's the poll you lying, hypocritical, dumb-ass golem reprobate:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
Post the LINK, Corpy.
I B Hankering's Avatar
Post the LINK, Corpy. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Here's the poll, you dumb-ass golem fuck:

Yssup Rider's Avatar

You've already admitted that you're not using MY poll, but the one that DL posted in response. So that makes you a liar.


And remember,

I B Hankering's Avatar

You've already admitted that you're not using MY poll, but the one that DL posted in response. So that makes you a liar.


And remember,

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Go screw yourself, you equivocating, dumb-ass golem reprobate! Your dumb-fuck golem ass started the poll, and your dumb-fuck golem ass was overwhelmingly elected. Here's the poll:

Yssup Rider's Avatar
POst the LINK shithead. Post the LINK!

You're sinking deeper and deeper into the shitpile!

On that point, do you think our Leaders back 50 years ago believed the Domino Theory? Do you think our Leaders really believed communism was a red peril that was planning to destroy the world as we knew it?

If "yes" to either of these, do you think that played into the drive to start a war or to get America involved in a way in Indochina that had been going on for years?

I believe many in the defense industry thought we would totally over run and literally blow away the "little devils" and they would never know what hit them. we underestimated them much more than we did the Japanese 20+ years earlier.


Old Dingus Originally Posted by Old Dingus
As a Draftee, and a Vietnam Veteran, my only comments are that I am sorry I never got a chance to drag Lyndon Johnson and Robert McNamara into a dark alley and beat the living shit out of them.