Providers Getting Busted from IP address?

  • Luxie
  • 07-15-2017, 07:08 PM
Just use a VPN, that way you don't need to worry.
If he posted his phone number, it is more likely they traced him through that than through an IP address associated with the ad.

In the situation with escorts, I highly doubt BP or other major sites will just turn over IP addresses associated with their advertisers without some sort of legal action taking place. Originally Posted by Jannisary
If they get a warrant, i am hoping Eccie doesn't comply and turn over IP's..
pyramider's Avatar
Better start working on excuses for your SO.
I post ads all the time and have never had a problem
Just use a VPN, that way you don't need to worry. Originally Posted by Luxie
Yes...and not's that hard to get one or or set up these days. DO YOUR RESEARCH and make sure you get one that is end your friendly and not LEO friendly. For example you want one from a company that does NOT retain logs.
James1588's Avatar
MONEY for TIME is not illegal.


As said before, its about how you word it. Originally Posted by Grace Preston
That is exactly right.

We've all seen the legalistic don't-arrest-me disclaimer: "My hourly rate is for my time and presence only. Anything else that happens between consenting adults in private is purely their business." I take that seriously. That's what I do, every time ... I compensate a woman for her time and her presence with me. If I book two hours, that entitles me to spend two hours with her, subject to acceptable behavior on my part. I've never paid for a sex act; that would be illegal! As it happens, every time I've done this, wonderful and naughty things have happened. I attribute these solely to my well-known charm and interpersonal magnetism.

Things usually work out well in this world, if you just kind of stay out of the way and let 'em happen.
CurvyKatie's Avatar
So well said James
LE knows everything they want to know about you and all your clients. IP address, fact that women sell sex, phone nbets, client's names, what ever they desire. Warrant, that is laughable, they only need one when going to court, not to learn info. LE doctors warrant to look legal once they decide they want you. If LE wants you, you are screwed, stay where you are not a problem for them and you are fine. Become a problem and well you know.

Our cell phones are viewed, emails, etc. They know truth about everything about you. If they want you, you would be in jail. LE as clients is just dumb, clients are not your friends, so pig clients are even lower on scale. Too risky, they will turn on you when needed. No loyalty from LE if they were loyal they would not break laws they throw others in jail for. Does that not say enough about their character. They will throw me in jail for soliciting but he just was with a lady for cash. Nothing right abput that one.
If they get a warrant, i am hoping Eccie doesn't comply and turn over IP's.. Originally Posted by garhkal
Would be a little tough. Eccie is not hosted in the US
tandyscone's Avatar
If they get a warrant, i am hoping Eccie doesn't comply and turn over IP's.. Originally Posted by garhkal
Would be a little tough. Eccie is not hosted in the US Originally Posted by oldbutstillgoing
The servers that host the Eccie web site are in the Netherlands, I believe, but the company the provides the hosting service is based in New York, NY. So if LE gets a warrant, it won't be for Eccie directly, it will be for the hosting service. I'm not a lawyer, so I have no idea how it would pan out if that actually happened. As far as I know, however, no law prohibits the hosting provider from voluntarily giving LE any information they ask for. The contract between Eccie and the service provider may include some restrictions to require the service provider to protect the privacy of Eccie, but usually such restrictions have an exception if some type of unlawful activity is involved.

On the other hand, I think GentlemanToo has it backward. It is far too resource consuming for LE to gather all that information ahead of time. (CIA, NSA, etc, may have the resources, but they are unlikely to be using it to search for prostitution.) Once you have attracted the attention of LE, however, they can gather all the information he mentions.
The servers that host the Eccie web site are in the Netherlands, I believe, but the company the provides the hosting service is based in New York, NY. So if LE gets a warrant, it won't be for Eccie directly, it will be for the hosting service. Originally Posted by tandyscone
Exactly. Just like that one episode of Law and Order SVU, they wanted to go after the bank account info of a suspect, but he banked in Canada. However that bank had a small branch in downtown manhattan, that they served a warrant to and made threads to (bullying tactics) to get the info..
joesmo888's Avatar
I really wish what you were saying was really true but it isn't because I have been in property management for years and have dealt with a ton of BS plumbers, A/C guys, roofers, etc. in the end it isn't true at all.. in this case they busted the person because someone ratted them out as a non licensed business. that is how they find out, not via an IP address.

if your friend found out you were on here posting ads to get money for sex and they called up your city they would probably laugh at them and hang up. but if someone is trying to get work as a roofer or plumber (especially after a hurricane) and isn't licensed they take that very seriously in a state like FL

cool story though
SoSexyMsT's Avatar
I dont use my home computer for this. Im too paranoid at this point.