"Give it to me good, Daddy"

yaddayadda's Avatar
I never associated "Fuck me daddy" with my kids....just didn't seem applicable...wrong context. I think the whole school girl (plaid skirt, white stockings...etc.) was kinda "Chester the Molester" territory......But to each their own....If it makes you uncomfortable....Let it Be.....
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 03-17-2010, 12:29 PM
Making an association with an adult woman calling her adult lover 'daddy' and incest or ch*ld molestation is laughable. I can't believe some of you guys.

I'm imagining some of the nasty things you do BCD and you think this
is creepy and inappropriate. Too fucking funny.

The usage of that term in that context... Originally Posted by monkish
If you can't believe it, Monkish, it's probably because you've never heard it in certain contexts. Or you lack that imagination you are talking about.

What if you knew enough about 20 yo young lady to, say, know that the slash scars on her wrists have been there since she was 15 and her uncles (and, for all I know, her ever-lovin' daddy) had sexually abused her since she was 12.

And you have her hair in your hand and her body pinned with your elbow and you're bangin' the hell out of her and with a tone in her voice you've never heard before she lets out with a hoarse, excited, "Oh yeah!! Force fuck me, Daddy!!!"

Think about it a second or two...any creepiness there for you?
ShysterJon's Avatar
If you can't believe it, Monkish, it's probably because you've never heard it in certain contexts. Or you lack that imagination you are talking about. Originally Posted by jfred
I'm with Monkish. Thank goodness I've never heard "daddy" used in that context. I'd never knowingly place myself in circumstances to hear it. I'm also glad I lack the imagination to form a mental image of myself in that situation. I'll have to leave it to those who have to describe it. I just hope they get some therapy -- both provider AND hobbyist.
monkish's Avatar
jfred. That drama belongs to you. Not me. I wasn't there. I don't know you. And I don't know her. Since my comments were not specifically directed at you, I don't have an answer for you. Let's call it a lack of imagination on my part. That works for me.
aRandyOne's Avatar
Don't call me Daddy. You can call me Sergeant (I know I've earned that title) or you can call me "Fat-Ass" or "Lard Butt". I have earned both of those as well.

All my kids call me Daddy and I too called my Father "Daddy" until he died at the age of 80. No one else has earned this right.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
jfred. That drama belongs to you. Not me. I wasn't there. I don't know you. And I don't know her. Since my comments were not specifically directed at you, I don't have an answer for you. Let's call it a lack of imagination on my part. That works for me. Originally Posted by monkish
[quote]Making an association with an adult woman calling her adult lover 'daddy' and incest or ch*ld molestation is laughable. I can't believe some of you guys.

I'm imagining some of the nasty things you do BCD and you think this
is creepy and inappropriate. Too fucking funny.

The usage of that term in that context is older than...well...most of the guys here.

And, it is way more innocent and playful than is being insinuated here.

Come on now! Let's get back to reality.[quote]
### (I still do not know how to place two quotes in the same response. Sorry!)

Although your comments weren't directed at one particular person, you made a sweeping generalization and it was addressed. No strike and no foul.

What makes this back and forth so interesting is the different strong feelings and the responses of others. When what happened this weekend, well happened, this topic was already out there and I was with a guy who is probably about 8 years younger then me but is just huge. Not fat. Giant. Calling me (yes, me) a little girl really wasn't that far off the mark.

And saying something along the lines of, "Do this for daddy" really didn't cause me to have that little throw up feeling in the back of my throat.

But it doesn't negate that just sometimes, the affectionate/naughty/nasty terms of "Boo" (laughed at that one), "ass", "knobby knees", "daddy" or anything else that might come up during sexual play, there is always going to be that dark corner somewhere ... a really dark corner ... that will have to be either dealt with or pushed under the carpet and left alone. To fester.

I don't believe that my question has a right or wrong answer. But accepting one's experience in the negative shouldn't be dismissed. Neither should the positive experience of having an exuberant sugar baby jump up and down, ask for another bauble (or whatever), and do it while saying with a smile, "Daddy"!, be cause for concern, which I don't believe has happened.

monkish's Avatar
Elizabeth - you brought up the subject - I offered my honest opinion.

I don't have any issues with the word 'daddy' used in an affectionate context. Some others do, some others don't. I find it incredible that people actually do have a problem with it. I made my feelings known about that.

In fact, I would venture so far to say that some equally sweeping generalizations are made by those who do have a problem with it. I happen to think the use is generally way more innocent than is being implied here (but then I already made my opinion clear on that, too), and I also believe much of the implied drama (or 'issues' or 'dark corners') is in the imagination of the imaginers.

There are other words/names etc. that I don't care for. For me daddy is not one.

Perhaps we should give up calling our lovers 'baby' as well because of the negative associations.
Gonzo DFW's Avatar
Negative?! Maybe so, maybe no. But I figure if we're fucking the way Gonzo likes the fucking to go, she could call me the devil, or the Bride of Frankenstein, or Barack Obama, I wouldn't really give a shit. But I take your point.
elpocitopolloloco's Avatar
Don't call me Daddy. But I love it when you call me Big Poppa or Aye Papi!
Calling someone daddy really has nothing at all to do with a daughter/father relationship its more to do with the fact that it turns on someone or maybe even yourself.. Some women like to let a man know hes the one in control of the situation or they just dont look at their man as a baby. I mean honestly for all you men when you look at yourself in the mirror would you call yourself baby??? doesnt that make you feel more like a baby.. I think the word baby is over rated.. and everyone has their own pet names. which are in no way ment to mean nothing more than what they want to call their SO to let them know they are special.
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 03-18-2010, 06:34 AM
I'm with Monkish. Thank goodness I've never heard "daddy" used in that context. I'd never knowingly place myself in circumstances to hear it. I'm also glad I lack the imagination to form a mental image of myself in that situation. I'll have to leave it to those who have to describe it. I just hope they get some therapy -- both provider AND hobbyist. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
Jon, you're a riot sometimes. I know some of your former sugarbabies, remember?

jfred. That drama belongs to you. Not me. I wasn't there. I don't know you. And I don't know her. Since my comments were not specifically directed at you, I don't have an answer for you. Let's call it a lack of imagination on my part. That works for me. Originally Posted by monkish
monkish, I like your terse, staccato style there. My comments were directed toward your sense that it was laughable and your disbelief that "some of you guys" might find daddy a problem. It seems to me that, even with limited imagination, my tale might have made it easier to understand. And yeah, it was pretty dramatic.

Should I have mentioned that I can conceive of a lot of situations in which "daddy" might not be a problem at all? I can. I'm sure you are among those. No offense meant.
ShysterJon's Avatar
Jon, you're a riot sometimes. I know some of your former sugarbabies, remember? Originally Posted by jfred
Well, you know one. She wasn't a victim of sexual abuse, according to her. None of my other 5 SBs told me they were, either.

The point I was trying to make is, if a provider tells a hobbyist she was sexually abused by her father when she was young, or a hobbyist comes to learn this in another way, it may be time for the hobbyist to put the brakes on his libido and think about what he's about to do. It shouldn't be that the hobbyist has to wait for the provider to call him "daddy" before he thinks something may be wrong. I'm not saying I've always followed my own advice, although I've tried to.
LatexLover's Avatar
What the hell does "Gaining Momentum" mean and how can I get out from my avatar?

I think it means that you post a great deal but don't have premium access. You can gain that by paying or contributing atleast 3 reviews.

Hope that helps.
The term encourages a form of sexuality that creeps me out. Not for me. That said ladies, hang on to your little school girl outfits, just don't call me "daddy".
jfred's Avatar
  • jfred
  • 03-18-2010, 09:01 PM
Well, you know one. She wasn't a victim of sexual abuse, according to her. None of my other 5 SBs told me they were, either.

The point I was trying to make is, if a provider tells a hobbyist she was sexually abused by her father when she was young, or a hobbyist comes to learn this in another way, it may be time for the hobbyist to put the brakes on his libido and think about what he's about to do. It shouldn't be that the hobbyist has to wait for the provider to call him "daddy" before he thinks something may be wrong. I'm not saying I've always followed my own advice, although I've tried to. Originally Posted by ShysterJon
I think it's 2, actually, counsellor, and, no, I know nothing of their early sexual experiences, either. I just couldn't help but chuckle at the idea of you suggesting that I get therapy.

But I appreciate your thoughtful and more level-headed response here.

Obviously I didn't find out about his gal's past until I'd come to know her fairly well and grown fond of her as a person, and she'd come to trust me. She was sweet, kind, thoughtful and gave one hell of a BBBJ. And on her belly she was marvelous.

As far as "what I was about to do" -- what I was about to do was pay her $200 for an hour of her time and attention. Pays her bills and entertains me. Is there a problem with that?

In our several conversations (over coffee) about her unfortunate past she never gave the slightest indication that she maintained any erotic associations with her childhood abuse. At the first and single indication that she did I managed to achieve orgasm and ended our association. How might I have handled that differently to your satisfaction?

And it was her uncles, not her father, that she told me about.

What the hell does "Gaining Momentum" mean and how can I get out from my avatar?

I think it means that you post a great deal but don't have premium access. You can gain that by paying or contributing atleast 3 reviews.

Hope that helps. Originally Posted by LatexLover
Okay, so that's how it works? I have to describe and rate my sexual experiences with prostitutes, or pay money, to get this access you're talking about? But what does that have to do with my momentum, exactly? That's what I was wondering, 'cause it seems to me that I'm actually slowing down. Any thoughts on that?

And what do you mean I "post a great deal"?