pretty serious question

joe bloe's Avatar
And capitalism only works IF people are left to suffer for their own failures. You seem to have left that little part out, much as our most ardent capitalists did in October of 2008. Originally Posted by Submodo
I agree completely. We create moral hazards by bailing people out. It just insures continued failure and more bailouts. Big business needs to engage in fiscally prudent actions, knowing that if worse comes to worse, no one is going to bail them out.

I'm convinced the whole subprime disaster was driven by the private sector's belief that when the pyramid scheme finally failed the feds would bail them out.
But the private sector is the first one to cry socialism when things don't go their way. I've reached the conclusion that what we thought were geniuses and the smartest people in the room are nothing but con artists. I exclude the small business owner because they put all their blood, sweat, and tears into their business, where as large publicly traded corporations are playing with someone else's money, paying their executives first, and are mostly about making the quarter's numbers look good so I can have my cumfy life for another quarter and when the shit hits the fan, are the first ones with their hand out looking for tax payer money.