Orgasms: Question for the guys and the gals

GIG EM AGGIES!!!! Originally Posted by i_love_blonde_girls
& Hook 'em horns

Just teasing

I've had very few who couldn't get me off. I generally can get myself off if a guy just lays there and lets me do my thing. He can just be my prop
(i like smilies WAY too much)

Believe it or not, I've had a few guys in my life (an hour at a time) that I just couldn't for the life of me get to cum.
One was a combination of cough syrup and a couple of beers before play time.
One I swear I fucked for hours and he just couldn't cum Really. HOURS.
But it's only been a few over the last 4 years, so I don't let it bother me much. We always had LOTS of fun trying!!
Thank you SofaKingFun. I am retired now, and for the record I have not practiced in Texas. People are free to discuss any prolific sexual acts they want concerning consenting adults. All I did was, give some friendly advice to be careful about openly discussing exchanging money for sex. I believe consenting adults have the right to do as they please in their private lives when it comes to sex, why else would I be here?! Originally Posted by something99
In light of Aunt ELLE's recent upsurge in interest in our hobby, I think the counselor's words might be accepted as words to the wise.

A little indiscretion of word or deed can lead to a long night or day trying to sort things out as the guest of the State. You can beat the rap, but you can't always beat the ride. I have not had either, and with some luck and discretion won't face that.

Thanks for reminding us.


Ladies, how much does it really matter to you if your clients are able to provide you with an orgasm during a session?

Gents, does it matter to you if you are able to provide an orgasm to your provider? Does it even cross your mind or are you so focused on your own pleasure that you don't care? Originally Posted by iomega
Some ladies it takes a while for her to allow herself to relax and enjoy and let go. I will do all that I can to help her make that journey to the place called 'surrender'. Does it matter to me? BIG TIME.

I like to focus the pleasuring on her, tune in to HER, find what strums the strings of her opus eroticus -- Then play that tune to her delight, and often for as long as she wishes. (Ask Olivia or Dylan or Lily or Janet to name a few.)

I have found that a lady with a happy p**** is most apt to make rr happy as well. That is the essence of the hobby to me: shared intimate pleasures.

So YES IT MATTERS TO ME. But if she is not in the mood or something, she can still do me and I will enjoy it, just not as much as if she could enjoy it too.


When you buy a new car do you try to make sure that the salesman is happy with the deal? I do as a man some times try to make the lady enjoy her session, but lets not forget that this is a business transaction for the lady. When we read reviews we are all trying to find that perfect lady for our experience. This experience, at least I am sure for most of us, is all about us physically. The lady is providing the service and we are providing the money. In a personal situation I absolutely care about her experience. In this case not as much.
dick gizinia's Avatar
Turns me on when she O's, but I'm always skeptical of the acting that might be involved. No matter how much a man claims he knows, he doesn't.
oldbreed's Avatar
HOO RAH Originally Posted by i_love_blonde_girls
Obviously this person has never spent a day in uniform, another wannbe. Dude, if you are going to try and be cool and spout off with a military phrase used by those that haved served, at least get it right.

usarmy: Hoo Ahh

Lower case when referring to a branch not quite up to USMC standards on purpose.

Carry on
Toreador_one's Avatar
I had a meeting with a lady Today, seen her a few times, she knows what I am all about, it is all about her at first and then it is about me, she got to working and positioning me to do the things she likes how I do, she then wanted me in her from behind, but I wanted her MISH, as I knew her bell was close. the expression on her face during and after the bell is priceless to me, real or not I enjoy the hell out of that, gave her a couple of minutes and then it was about me, my kind of session!!!
1- usarmy: Hoo Ahh

2-Lower case when referring to a branch not quite up to USMC standards on purpose.

Carry on Originally Posted by oldbreed
I dunno, we pronounce it with more emphasis on the first syllable.
more like HOOah.
And yes, my ex told me this fantastic (ha ha) joke when I went off..

Know what ooh-rah sounds like with a cock in your mouth? Hoo-uh.

Geez, why did I leave that guy? ~smirk~

but I have love for my Marine buddies down in Herat and Kandahar while I'm headed to the big easy (relatively speaking) Bagram

yes, orgasms.. um.. good. see? still on topic
something99's Avatar
Back to the original topic at hand. I always enjoyed when my provider sincerely got off, it makes me feel more like a man to know I pleasured her. But let us face the hard or possibly soft facts; I am old and ugly, and without the help of my little blue friend, not even I am getting off!
my preference is for FBSM, preferably by an LMT.

part of the adventure is to lie on the table and see if she'll "go there" with no prompting
(my experience is 2/3rds of the time they do )

i like to sneak a caress and see how she responds, leading to mutual massage, then to NE, then to SE, then to Digits and/or DATY, etc. seeing how far i can get. Sometimes going a little further each time. Sometimes getting as far as DATY & BBBJ on the first visit.

one masseuse i visited was rather stand offish and didn't like me talking so much and point blank refused to take off her top when I asked. So I just shut up during our sessions and let my hands explore. When she was in reach I would touch her ass and then have my hand come up from behind and rubbing her clitty through her jeans. When she began to respond I would touch her breasts & neck etc.

The last time I saw her was rubbing her in this manner and I managed to lift her shirt & bra up without either of us saying a word. Kept rubbing. began to get tired as it was an awkward position with me lying on the table. I tried rubbing her from the front. AND SHE STARTED SLAPPING MY HAND!!! OK so go back to up and under. She not only arches her back and raises her head...she starts banging her fist on the table!

when were both done she cleaned up i got dressed and when she met me at the door she gave me this naughty smile that said "I had fun too" I touched on her cheek and smiled back.

i love the sight & sound of a woman in the throes of orgasm. hips rocking like a bucking bronco, legs involuntarily jerking and banging the headboard, i've seen a provider whose eyes rolled up in their head, i've had a provider p**** clamp down on my fingers so hard it felt like it would break my knuckles, and yes, rr to the contrary, i've even had a provider who squirted...consistently.

i'm not saying it happens all the time. i'm not saying i always try to get a provider off particularly during the first session. and i'm not saying i'm so smooth. on the contrary, most providers are a LOT more comfortable with her sexuality and many are multi-orgasmic; so it doesn't necessarily have to do anything with me

but it happens often enough to keep life interesting